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The study was aimed at determined the prevalence of entamoeba histolytica infection among patients in Government Science Secondary School Nassarawa Eggon (Boarding). Amoebiasis is a condition due to the infection by the protozon parasite Entamoeba histolytica. The disease is still considered a major public health problem in developed and underdeveloped country of the world. Stool sample were collected from children within the age group of 1- 16 years.
The sample were examined for Entamoeba Histolytica cysts and/or trophozoites. The direct wet preparation and Formal Ether concentration techniques were employed Forty three (12%) of the sample were found to be positive for the parasite. Children within the age of category of 7-11 years has the highest rate of the infection. Males (13.3%) were more infected than females (9.9%) proportionately. The prevalence rates of intestinal amoebiasis among this patients were 12% Improved sanitation, personal hygiene and deliberate policy by government for rural community health concern will indeed prevent fecal contamination of food and water source in the school. The overall prevalence of the infection using microscopy method was 24.4%. Males recorded a higher prevalence 64 (30.5%) than females 24 (16.0%) was showed in those aged less than 6 years. There was significant difference in the infection rate among the sex of the children. Social-economic status, types of toilet, source of drinking water and finger sucking habit showed no significant association with amoebiasis.
Amoebiasis is an infection caused by a protozoan parasite called Entamoebahistolytica (WHO, 1997). Entamoeba histolytica is the responsible parasite of Amoebiasisand remains one of the top three parasitic causes of mortality worldwide. With increased travel and emigration to developed countries, infection is becoming more common in non-endemic area. Although the majority of individuals infected with histolytica remain asymptomatic, some present with amoetic colitis and disseminated disease. As more is learned about its pathogenesis and the host’s immune response, the potential for developing a vaccine holds promise. The narrative review outlines the current knowledge regarding Entamoebahistolytica and Entamoeba (WHO, 1997) and insight in the development of the vaccine. (Micaella Kantor, Anarella Abrantes and Christopher Ochner).
Amoebiasis, or amoebic dysentery is a term used to describe an infection caused by the protozoan Entamoebahistolytica. Most infection are asymptomatic, but invasive intestinal disease may occur manifesting with several weeks of cramping abdominal pain, watery or bloody diarrhea, and even cerebral amoebiasis has been described worldwide (WHO,1999). It has been estimated that up to 450 million people are affected by Entamoeb histolytica, primary in developing countries, and it is responsible for over 100,000 death a year (Ravdin, Petri, 1995). Transmission generally occurs by the ingestion of infected water or food due to fecal excretion of cysts, and even fecal-oral transmission within household and during male homosexual activities. (Ravdin, Petri, 1995).
The prevalence of amoebiasis varies with the population of individual affected, differing between countries and between areas with different socioeconomic condition. Amoebiasis occur worldwide, but it is most common in tropical area with crowded living conditions and poor sanitation. Africa, Mexico, part of South America and India has significant health problem associated with this diseases.(Ravdin, Petri, 1995).
Amoebiasis is classified into intestinal and extra-intestinal types, and the intestinal amoebiasis is further subdivided and non-dysenteric amoebic colitis. The extra-intestinal amoebiasis is the type that involves the liver, brain, spleen aswell as other organs of the human body. Clinical presentation of the intestinal infection may include abdominal discomfort, weakness, malaise, constipation that may alternate the diarrhea, dysentery with the Passage of exudates, blood and mucus as well as colicky abdominal pain. Systematic sign of infection include fever, rigors and polymorphonuclear leukocytes while liver abscess result from infection via the intra-hepatic portal vessel (Harold 1975, Haque 1995, Huston, Haque Williams, Peter, 1999). The diagnosis of amoebiasis. Amoebiasis had been described as a third world disease due to its high rate of prevalence in the poor country of the tropics and subtropical zones of the world. The low socio-economic class shows a large prevalence probably due to malnutrition, inadequate disposal of feces and the use of feces as a fertilizer in farming as all these lead to contamination of food and water. This is the portrait of the Dagema Local Government Area of River State where study was conducted. (J. Appl. Sci.Environ. Manage. September 2008 Vol. 12(3)83).
In Nigeria, Amoebasis is prevalent and widespread Ajero et al 2008. There have been several report from various part of Nigeria (Adeyeba and Akinlabi, 2002) which recognizes them as important health problems especially among young children. Several epidemiological studies have indicated a high prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection among Nigeria children (Agbolade et al; 2004). Amoebasis is contagious wherever the living condition is unsanitary and when the hygiene is poor. The chance are higher than the infection will pass from one person to other. When infected stool contaminates food or water supplies, it spread too many at once (Hague et al; 1995). The incidence gradually increase during childhood and usually reaches its highest incidence in young adulthood (Azikiwe, 2006). The high prevalence of Entamoebahistolytica infection is closely linked with poverty, poor personal hygiene, poor environment hygiene and health service provider having an inadequate supply of drug and like of adequate and proper awareness of the transmission mechanism and life cycle patterns of these parasite (Adeyebe and Akinlabi, 2002, Mbanugu and Onyebuchi 2002).
1.2 Statement of the problem
Amoebasis is one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality word wide, in developing countries because of lack of safe water and low level of hygiene due to high level of poverty.Most circumstance of imperfect test for laboratory diagnosis of Amoebasis is approximately 4%however, certain group are predisposed to amoebic colitis including very patience, pregnant women recipient of corticosteroids, and malnourished individual in 1998 a total of 2970 cases of Amoebasis were reported to the center for disease control and 17% in immigrant from Asia or the pacific island. Travelers to endemic areas are prone to the infection 10% of individuals returning with diarrhea were found to have Amoebasis (Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology 2015).
1.3 Justification and significance of the study
The challenges faced by families affected by infection with intestinal protozoans especially Entamoeba histolytica can be related to the important aspects: sanitation problems and the diagnostic method. Informal settlement are area disadvantaged by broad social and health problems to children and their family due to the extreme poverty and poor sanitary condition, and the prevalence, severity and risk factors associated with Entamoeba histolytica infection are highly associated with the level of sanitation. Entamoeba histolytica, the causative agent of amoebiasis is estimated to infect people, annually cause death. Thus, making amoebiasis a global health problem and the public health situation of Government Science Secondary School Nassarawa Eggon is not yet up to standard, so there is need to carry out research to know the prevalence of E.histolytica among the students.
1.4 Aim and Objective
1. To establish the prevalence of Entamoeba histolytica among students in Government Science Secondary School Nassarawa Eggon using wet microscopy method.
2. To identify the parasite using Direct Wet Preparation, Iodine and Sedimentation method.
3. To create awareness among students on method of prevention and maintaining good hygiene.
4. To determine the risk factors associated with Etamoeba histolytica infection in Government Science Secondary School Nassarawa Eggon, Nasarawa State.
1.5 purpose of the study
The purpose of the study was to carry out the incidence of Entamoeba histolytica infection among students of Government Science Secondary School Nassarawa Eggon. Children are asymptomatic to the infection, therefore serve as a big source of transmission of the organism to new ones
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