Currency is a public support tool for exchange of commodity and services. It is prevalent practice for acquiring bread to broast and bath to bed as connected all being together irrespective of race and occupation. Currency notes along with their denomination values carry pathogens if contaminated and will act as an agent for infection transference. Therefore the object of this cross-sectional study was to evaluate the antimicrobial resistance of bacteria and fungi isolated from Nigeria Currency notes. Currency notes under study were assessed through microbiological culture, microscopic and biochemical visualization techniques. The results from this cross-sectional study suggested that, the Nigeria higher currency note which include N100, N200, N500 and N1000 harbors the higher micro organisms which is as a result of the texture. While the lower denomination which include N5, N10, N20 and N50 made of polymer has the lower contamination. Among the bacteria isolated, Staphylococcus aureus, and Escherichia coli were found to be the most prevalent followed by Bacillus cerus and Salmonella typhi. Aspergillus niger and Rhizopus spp were found to be the most prevalent among the fungi isolated followed by Mushroom razmorous and Trichophyton. The outcomes of this study revealed that, currency notes can be a source of microbe transmission causing infectious diseases represent public health hazards to the community and industrial.
1.0 Introduction
- Background of the Study
Paper currency is widely utilized as a medium of exchange all through the world for trading (Sadawarte et al., 2014) In regular transaction, paper currency is being bandied by different categories of individual with the unhygienic condition and in this way, polluted with different kinds of pathogenic microorganisms (Borah et al., 2012). The Nigerian paper currency (naira note) whose denomination includes N5, N10, N20, N50, N100, N200,N500, and N1000 is used aslegal tender for various purposes, depending on the handler of the note(s).
The crude materials that are utilized for making paper currency assume a huge role in harboring microorganisms. The blend of cotton and linen used for making paper currency offers surface area for microorganism to grow. Previous study demonstrated that lower denomination notes get higher microbial contamination since they stay longer in circulation and exchanged more frequently (Khalil et al., 2014).
Paper currencies are normally defiled byvarious ways like sneezing, coughing, contacting with tainted hands ormaterials and placement on grimy place like pockets, socks, shoes and under floor covering (Moosavy, et al., 2013). In some fish, poultry and vegetable markets, the salesperson handle cash and their particular sales item simultaneously evading hand washing between their works. This practice enhances the danger of cross-contamination of microorganisms between vendors and purchasers (Michaels, et al., 2012). Studies have shown that money serves as a formite for transferring various types of pathogenic microorganisms such as Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas, Aerobacter, and streptococcus faecalis among others pathogenic microorganisms. Some of these pathogens are known to be important reservoirs for multidrug resistance gene, hence transferring them to otherpathogens.
Microorganisms are frequently transmitted through water, air, food and fomites (Borah, et al., 2011). Paper currency contaminated by organisms might act as fomites, play’s a significant role in the transmission of microorganisms and are therefore responsible for spreading communicable diseases (Borah et al., 2011). Paper currency notes thus presents specific hazard to public health as contagious diseases can spread through this paper currency (Borah et al., 2011).
Most of the paper currency are imbued with disinfectants to restrain the growth of microorganisms: yet, just a few pathogens are isolated from paper currency notes as it persists in circulation for a long time (Hanash et al., 2015). Different pathogenic microorganisms that harbor in paper currency which are related to gastroenteritis, throatdisease,pneumonia, urino-genital tract contamination, peptic ulcers and lung abscess have been accounted from various laces of the world (Hanash et al., 2015).
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is now considered as one of the most serious global threats to human health as evidenced by the WHO’s report on antimicrobial resistance (WHO, 2018). Recently, multidrug resistance capabilities of microorganisms have turned out to be a major worry to public wellbeing and numerous infections have become harder to treat (Hanash et al., 2015). According to previous studies (Akond et al., 2015: Mukharjee et al., 20 17) various microorganisms isolated from paper money showed drug resistance to normally used antibiotics. Firoozeh et al. (2017) found high resistance rates of Staphylococcus spp, and Enterococci spp. against tetracycline, ampicillin and erythromycin isolated from paper currency. All class of individuals, including children habitually handles paper currencies and therefore the contaminated notes play a significant role in spreading of diseases.
Most of the people in rural and urban region take food without washing their hands after handling money and saliva is used to count the money increasing the chance of getting infection (Hosen et al., 2006). In Nigeria, majority of people do not appropriately wash hand and are ignorant of various transmissible diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms in currency handling (Umeh et al., 2017). Just as there are a few reports on the microbial contamination of paper currency in the world, reports on Nigeria are also scanty (Hosen et al., 2006: Ahmed et al., 2010), Considering the above stated facts, this study was conducted to evaluate the antibiotics resistance of bacterial isolated from currency note.
- Statement of the Problems
Money is not usually suitable for tile survival of microorganisms except for some that are resistant to external conditions and non-resistant forms of spores. In addition, the general hygiene levels of a community or society contribute to the amount of microbes found on the Naira notes and thus the chance of transmission during handling of money. Contamination of Naira notes by pathogenic microorganisms is of public health concern as contaminated Naira notes could be a source of transmitting microbial pathogens. Movement of Naira notes from hand to hand makes it more prone to contamination by pathogenic organisms. Polymer currency therefore, poses a serious threat to public health since communicable diseases could also be contracted through formites.
Currency is handled by all categories of people and may be contaminated during coughing, sneezing, touching with hands and placement on dirty surfaces. Many people tongue-wet their fingers when counting money and contaminate their fingers as well as currency notes. So, it is obvious that gets on hands may be transferred to money and vice-versa. Paper banknotes have a large surface area for bacterial attachment and would be a vector for transmission of potentially pathogenic microorganisms between populations (Umeh et al., 2017). The risk of microbial transfer by paper currency is influenced by factors such as paper value and duration of usage. Various pathogens which may cause throat infection, pneumonia, peptic ulcers, tonsillitis, urino-genital tract infections, gastro enteritis and lung abscess had been reported (Firoozeh et al. 2017). It is against these problems that this study seek to evaluate the antibiotics resistance of bacteria isolated from currency notes.
- Aims of the Study
The aim of this study is to evaluate the antimicrobial resistance of bacteria and fungi isolated from Nigeria Currency notes.
- Objectives of the Study
The specific objectives of this study include the following:
- To isolate the bacteria and fungi from Nigeria currency notes
- To enumerate the bacteria and fungi isolated from Nigeria currency notes.
- To determine the antimicrobial susceptibility of the bacteria isolated from the currency note.
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