Communication as known is a dynamic instrument for change. Communication is an important aspect in organizing, directing and controlling. Over the years many managers have either neglected the important area or paid little or no attention to the importance of communication and this has made many good organization faced with the problem of disseminating information.
Communication creates that consensus and understanding among individual that make up a social group. Etymologically, to communicate comes from a certain word of communication which means the same thing as to pass on to.
Today communication has been seen as a vital tool for management in any organization be it private or public. Most organization today find it extremely difficult to understand why the performance and their organization are not progressing they way they should. This is due to so many of the factors, this research is interested in one of the factor.
One reason why an employee is not fully involved in an organization is lack of effective communication, good understanding of the efficient type of communication technique will go along way in making the organization achieve its set objectives.
Communication is an act of importing and transporting knowledge. Every form of society has a life history as well as tradition. It is by the means of communication that the history and tradition are socially transmitted, in this way institution are maintained from day to day and generation to generation. Therefore, communication function is to maintain the unity and integrity of the social group through space and time.
Communication is very important because of the fundamental role, it play in any given society in the world. Without effective communication the human mind does not develop.
communication is a process of transforming ideas from one person to another and it is only effective if the ideas transmitted are well understood by the receiver. Communication is both interpersonal and organization based. Communication is very important for the advertisement of organizational goal and objectives
Nestle food Nigeria plc is an international organization owned by a SWISS company. It was introduced in Nigeria on May 25th 1967, with the headquarter in Lagos, the company started operating that same year, and came in full operation with introduction of baby food, before introducing the rest of the product. Thus the company is known for the manufacturing of foods, drinks and seasoning products, as at now and also involves household users internationally. This products are normally produced in two categories which are earlier stated above, and produce in different size and quantities so as to meet the need of every average individual. Nestle food Nig Plc started with the most popular baby food which is the cerelac, and after that they introduced the new cone which is the baby nutrient. Nestle food plc also commence on the production of other products like the golden, coffee drink beverage etc and also produce magi chicken and magi crayfish (seasoning) today Nestle food plc has a wide market share world wide because it produce most of the baby food and seasoning product in the market, and with a very high rate of quality compare to other competitors.
All the above manufactured products are produced by Nestle Food Plc in Agbara, Lagos in Nigeria. The head office, which is situated at Ilupeju and also has its distribution center in KM 7 Dikoro road and also in Sango Otta Ogun state. The branch office are spread wide in various part of the country and also has the branch office in block 16 Imani Estate Maitama Abuja, and their product is being distributed is being distributed nation wide.
It production line is so, that it will meet the needs of its customers.
The company also have if farm in Kaduna state, this farm are only for the production of the raw materials used in production of their product. The farm is responding in an improving way because with the raw material from the farm, the company has been able to store it raw materials for a period of long time production on (Season). The farm is producing soya beans, maize which are mainly use by the company production.
The vision of Nestle Food Nigeria Plc is to be first in marketing food product with new innovation and maximize dividend or share price for stake holders and good corporate citizenship and social responsibility to mention but few.
It has its distribution warehouse in some states nationwide that make it very easy for customers to get the product at a very shorter period and in affordable price.
Nestle Food Nig Plc are now in a higher speed of baby food production in the nation, this is because it is the company that produces the most acceptable baby food.
The general problems of communication in an organization can be viewed as follows:
Communication in most organization turn out to be ineffective because of lack of proper choice of channel or medium.
Ambiguity and technical languages is a major departmental corporation.
Time has also be observed as a problem because human being are good at procrastinating.
Sometimes dispatch of message are not often done properly, thereby not allowing for feedback to make some communication parties understand each other.
The study seeks to determine aid for the state various problems militating against effective communication at the direct level of management in an organization.
i. The study also seek to recommend possible strategies for effective communication base on the research findings.
ii. To proffer ways of eradicating the problem earlier mentioned in the project work.
iii. To critically evaluate the effectiveness of communication in an organization and to determines the need for effective communication in an organization.
This research work is expected to be of immersed importance to the following group, it will help in determining effectiveness of good communication in the decision making process and it importance on the achievement of organization goal for the top level management. It will also be useful to futher research who may write on similar or recreated topic. This project will give them a worthy concerning what they may wish to written on.
1) Can manufacturing organization exist without the use of communication.
2) Communication is the strength of every organization success and key to the attainment of goal and objective?
3) Does communication play any role in the growth of the company?
4) Are your customer satisfied?
5) What impact does it have on the economic development of Nigeria?
6) What are the factors inhibiting the effective implementation of marketing communication?
7) Are there other factors that prevent the achievement of the company’s stated goals.
8) Which channel of communication does your company operate?
The scope of this study or research work is to determine the effectiveness of communication as it is applied in a typical organization given the Nestle Food Nig Plc Abuja.
Also the service rendered by Nestle, all trade to it area of effective operation. The research will however, try to cover and shed various light to these are via organizational milestone or success.
The following hypothesis are formulated for the study.
H1: The success of any organization depends on effective communication.
H0: The success of any organization does not depend on effective communication.
There are some problems that tend to limit the scope of this research work.
This include the following
1. Financial constraint
2. Attitude of Respondent
3. Time constraint
Financial constraint: In the course of this research work, various financial difficulties were faced by the researcher. These difficulties lead to the use of few questionnaires in the study. It also lead to reduction of calls the researcher intends making and thus reduce the intensity of the research.
Respondent Attitude: – Most respondents were uncompromising with the research as they are of the erroneous view that it bring no benefit to them due to their previous experiences.
Time constraint: Time was another constraint that affects the research work because of conflict of time between when the respondents are free to attend to the researcher and when the researcher is ready, and also because of the specific period of time the research work is expected to be completed.
Marketing: According to Philip K and Kelvin K (2009) Marketing encompasses the entire business. It is the whole business seen from the point of its final result that is from the customer point of view.
Product: Philip K. and Armstrong G. (2010) Define product as anything that can be offered to a market for attention acquisition use or consumption that might satisfy a want or need.
Hypothesis: According to Oxford Dictionary 7th Edition It is a proposed explanation based on limited evidence used as a basis for further investigation.
Communication: Paul Poter’s Longman Dictionary of contemporary English defines communication as the exchange of international news, ideas, or opinion.
Channel: This is the means by which the message travels from the sender to receiver.
Management: According to Peter Ferdinand Druncker (2005) defines management as a multi purpose organ that manage a business and manages managers and manages workers and work.
Message: This is the content of the communication that is the idea to be pass on.
Etymologically: According to Oxford Advanced Directionary is a derivative adjective from the word etymology which means an account of a word’s origins and development.
Procrastinating: This simply means a postponed action.
Philip Kotler and Armstrong G. (2010) Principles of Marketing 13th Edition Pearson Prentice Hall new York.
Philip K. & Kelvin K. (2009): Marketing management. 13th Edition Pearson Prentice Hall New York.
Nestle Food Nigeria Plc Abuja, Block 16 Imani Estate Maitama Abuja.
Oxford Advance Learners Dictionary 7th Edition page 736
Paul Poter’s Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 6th edition.
Peter Ferdinand Druncker (2005) Basic Principle of Management 10th edition Mc Graw Hill.
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