• Mon. Mar 10th, 2025


 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
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: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284



Congestion continues to be a recurring problem in custodial centres which intensifies other problems resulting in escapes, riots, outbreaks of diseases and sometimes-even death. This study examined the Effects of congestion on inmates in Medium Security Custodial Centre, Keffi. Four (4) objectives were formulated to guide the study. The study adopted a descriptive survey methodology using a survey questionnaire. The data were analyzed using simple percentages to answer the research questions. 4 research questions were formulated to guide the study. The findings reveal that delay in trial is the major cause of congestion and Malaria/Typhoid is the major health problem suffered by the inmates and also it reveals that there are poor caring procedures available for the inmates. Based on the findings of the study, the study recommends that there should be adequate funding to build more custodial centres, quick justice administration and also there should be intermittent visitation by Chief Judge of the state in order to help de-congest the custodial centres.



1.1.      Background to the Study

Correctional congestion refers to the overcrowding in correctional centre which means a jail institution accommodates more prisoners than its ideal capacity. Due to the delays in the resolution of prisoners pending cases and also the inaccurate manual and timely monitoring of qualified prisoners, jail congestion is now becoming a national issue. Hence, their continuous confinement not only adds burden to the expenses of government but also affect the well-being of the inmates (Bautista, 2014). Despite attempts by the government to improve existing conditions of custodial centres, still, the conditions of most contemporary correctional centres in the country are miserable. Today, correctional congestion is cited as the major area of concern. Congestion continues to be a recurring problem in the city, district and municipal correctional centres which intensifies other problems resulting in escapes riots, gang wars, outbreaks of diseases and sometimes-even death (Taeza, 2000).

Tartaro (2002) has traditionally defined correctional overcrowding according to density (i.e., the proportion of inmates to the rated capacity of an institution; the ratio of single cells to multiple-person cells). Hence, overcrowding is a psychological condition based on a perception of limited space by an incarcerated individual while density is a physical condition, such as the ratio of inmates to available space in an institution. Collins (2010) observes that some of the overcrowding effects are degrading such as sharing toilets, having no chair to sit on while eating, beds are not sufficient for rest and sleep and others. The conditions are coupled with a restrain for individual inmates’ resources such as facilities of providing training, educational and other positive transformational activities. The employees in the correctional centres, which include the officers and correctional wardens, are over stretched making it possible to address all the needs of the inmates in leading them towards the reforming process. The rehabilitation and reformation of offenders and convicted offenders and humane treatment of prisoners are the tasks of the correction pillars, however, jail congestion hinders and prevents the jail authorities in these core function. For a decade now, the correctional institution and facilities aggravated the miserable and inhuman conditions of inmates in the country (Bautista,2014).Prison congestion is a phenomenon that occurs when the demand for space in prisons in a jurisdiction exceeds the capacity for prisoners. It arises where the number of inmates at a given period of time exceeds the actual capacity originally meant for that prison. Prison congestion or over-crowding is caused by a variety of factors such as increasing crime rates, harsher penalties for criminal activities, high recidivism, needed improvements to the penal system, backlogs and undue delays in the trials of criminal cases and unresolved civil disputes remain key problems in the justice sector and is one of the main causes of the very high number of awaiting trial detainees and invariably prison overcrowding in most prisons across the globe.

Then there is also the non-duplication of case files by investigating Police Officers (IPOs) and cases of police not bringing of suspects regularly for prosecutions or court trials are among these factors. According to the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), as of February 2017, 72 per cent of inmates in Nigeria prison formations were awaiting trial persons. The menace of congestion in various prisons across the country has become worrisome and if not promptly looked into, it is capable of defeating the very purpose of establishing prisons in any society, principal among which is to serve as a reformative, rehabilitating, correctional and re-integration facility for the betterment of the inmates, the country and society at large and which can never be achieved under the present condition of our prisons across the country. The prolonged trials and overuse of imprisonment for minor offences have done more damage than good to all; they constitute a major threat to the welfare of the inmates and on the individual. Most minor offenders during the years or periods of awaiting trials and even after being tried and sentenced are locked up with hardened criminals who in turn influence them, making them become hardened thereby becoming terrors to the society at large after being released from prison.Also, the attitude of the society and the stigma attached to a person who has committed a minor offence and has served a jail term could make him or her feel unwanted in the society leading to his desire to deliberately commit grievous offences that could send him or her back to prison. In order to reduce the rates at which most of our prisons are being congested and to achieve the primary purpose for which most of these corrective facilities were established for, I think it’s high time non – custodial measures such as adopting the “Community Servicing” as alternative to imprisonment for minor offences was adopted into the justice system as it has being in practice in developed countries of the world. Neither the Criminal Code Act nor the Penal Code Act of Nigeria makes provision for community service as a form of punishment for minor offences and misdemeanor. But the spate at which our prisons are being congested with awaiting trial inmates makes the inclusion of community service in the laws governing crimes imperative. There are many instances whereby community service would be apt as an alternative to prison or jail term. This study intends to determine the effects of correctional congestion on inmates in Keffi Medium Security Custodial Centre.

1.2.      Statement of the Problem

Correctional Congestion is a recurring problem for many correctional centres including the Keffi Medium Security Custodial Centre. The modern correctional system which was established in 1872 and correctional congestion was first noticed in 1952 (Musa, 1990) in a ten year review period (1974-1983), the inmates population increased from 28,845 to 43,708 representing 51.53% but this increase did not adversely affect the inmates and the operation of the correctional system because of efficient correctional and health care services and provision of basic facilities like water, bed spaces and bedding (Oloyede, 1998).

Unfortunately, from 1984, pressure on correctional system became manifesto with a dramatic increase in the number of inmates in a single year from 43,708 in 1983 to 53, 785 in 1984 and by 1985, the total number of inmates in correctional centres as 56,346. This abrupt increase of more than 12,638 inmates in just a two year period from between 1983-1985, no doubt brought about a tremendous pressure in all aspects of correctional management.

Little emphasis has been put on investigating the effects on the inmates. However, few of the previous studies have specifically examined correctional congestion on inmates in Keffi Medium Security Custodial Centre. This study hopes to fill the gap, hence the need for the study. The aim of this study therefore, is to examine the effects congestion has on inmates in Keffi Medium Security Custodial Centre.

1.3.      Objectives of the Study

The main objective of the study is to examine the effect of correctional congestion on inmate: a study of Medium Security Custodial Centre Keffi, Nasarawa State. The specific objectives of the study includes;

  1. To examine the state of congestion in the Medium Security Custodian Centre Keffi.
  2. To ascertain the factors responsible for congestion in Medium Security Custodian Centre Keffi.
  3. To ascertain the types of health problem suffered by the inmates in Medium Security Custodian Centre Keffi.
  4. To ascertain the caring procedures available for inmates in Medium Security Custodian Centre Keffi.

1.4       Research Questions

Deriving from the statements of problems; the following research questions will guide this study:

  1. What is the state of congestion in the Medium Security Custodian Centre Keffi?
  2. What are the factors responsible for congestion in Medium Security Custodian Centre Keffi?
  3. What are the types of health problem suffered by the inmates Medium Security Custodian Centre Keffi?
  4. What are the caring procedures available for inmates in Medium Security Custodian Centre Keffi?

1.5.      Significance of the Study

The study has both theoretical and practical significance. Theoretically, the study will add to the existing body of knowledge on the challenges of the Nigerian prisons as a corrective institution through the outcome of this work. The study will also help review existing correction and treatment theories on inmates and how best to solve the problem of congestion in Medium Security Custodial Centre Keffi. It will further spur studies from scholars and budding researchers on the factors affecting Nigerian prisons as a correctional institution focusing on Medium Security Custodial Centre Keffi in Nasarawa State.

Practically, the study will help the public (the people of Keffi and Nasarawa state at large) understand the effects of congestion on inmates in correctional institution. Several studies have been conducted on this topic, but available literature shows that none has been done on the variables the researcher is studying in Medium Security Custodial Centre, Keffi. This will enable them appreciate the challenges of both the prison staff and the inmates in their reformation and rehabilitation process. It will further make the government to give them all the requirements needed to function more effectively. Non-governmental organizations will also benefit from this study. It will enable them see avenues to showcase their humanitarian services by rendering all necessary support to the prison inmates such as providing legal services to the inmates especially those awaiting trial so as to reduce congestion in the correctional centres. Policy makers will also benefit from this study. It will provide them with adequate material to formulate policies on how best to tackle the challenges of congestion in correctional centres. The international community’s/partners will benefit from this study as well. This work will enable them understand the challenges facing the Nigeria correctional institutions. It can also influence their pattern(s) of intervention.

1.6       Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study will be limited to Medium Security Custodial Centre Keffi and to assess and ascertain the effects of correctional congestion on inmates. In Medium Security Custodian Centre Keffi, where the official capacity is supposed to be housing three hundred and forty (340) which is the standard capacity for such a correctional centre, is today locking eight hundred (800), the prison is divided into four (4) blocks, namely;

Block   –           A

Block   –           B

Block   –           C

Block   –           D

Keffi Medium Security Custodial Centre is located at Keffi Town which is located at kilometer 3, Keffi-Akwanga Road and about 50 kilometres away from Abuja the Capital Territory of Nigeria. The study will target all the male inmates.

1.7       Operational Definition Of Terms

An operational definition of terms is crucial to ensure clear and precise communication in research studies. Here are some suggested operational definitions for terms related to the topic “Effect of Correctional Congestion on Inmates in Medium Security Custodial Centre Keffi, Nasarawa State”:

  1. Correctional Congestion: Operational Definition: Correctional congestion refers to the condition in which the number of inmates housed in the Medium Security Custodial Centre in Keffi, Nasarawa State, exceeds its intended capacity, resulting in limited living space, overcrowding of cells, and strain on facilities and resources.
  2. Inmates: Operational Definition: Inmates are individuals who have been legally convicted of a crime and are currently serving their sentences within the Medium Security Custodial Centre in Keffi, Nasarawa State.
  3. Medium Security Custodial Centre: Operational Definition: The Medium Security Custodial Centre in Keffi, Nasarawa State, is a correctional facility designed to house convicted individuals serving medium-level sentences, typically characterized by more controlled conditions than minimum security prisons but less restrictive than maximum security prisons.
  4. Effect: Operational Definition: The effect refers to the measurable impact or consequences experienced by inmates within the Medium Security Custodial Centre as a result of the correctional congestion. This can include physical, psychological, social, and behavioral changes or outcomes.
  5. Living Space Per Inmate: Operational Definition: Living space per inmate is a quantitative measure calculated by dividing the total available living area (e.g., total cell space and common areas) within the Medium Security Custodial Centre by the number of inmates present at a given time.
  6. Psychological Well-being: Operational Definition: Psychological well-being is a subjective assessment of an inmate’s mental state, encompassing aspects such as emotional stability, coping mechanisms, feelings of safety, and overall mental health.
  7. Social Interaction: Operational Definition: Social interaction refers to the frequency and quality of interpersonal connections and communication between inmates in the Medium Security Custodial Centre, which can be affected by the level of correctional congestion.
  8. Recidivism: Operational Definition: Recidivism refers to the relapse or re-offending behavior displayed by former inmates who have been released and subsequently commit another crime that leads to their re-incarceration within a specific period.

These operational definitions will help provide clarity and consistency in the research study and ensure that the terms used are well-defined and understood in the context of the investigation.

 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284

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 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284