• Mon. Mar 10th, 2025


 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
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This research exercise is on “the influence of violent programme on social behaviour of Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa students” The research objectives are; to ascertain the effect of televised violence on social adjustment of FPN students, to examine the influence of televised-violence on emotional adjustment of FPN students, to determine the effect of televised-violence on the academic performance of FPN students and to ascertain the extent of violent television programme to increase of crime rate in Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa campus. The research study adopted the cultivation theory as the theoretical framework for this study. The researcher made use of both primary and secondary means of data collection. The data collected was analyzed using simple percentage method. The research work made some of the following findings; that there is significant effect of televised violence on social adjustment of FPN students, the influence of televised violence on the academic and socio – emotional adjustment is significant, that there is influence of televised-violence on emotional adjustment of FPN students, that violence television programme increase crime rate in FPN campus and that students who are heavy viewers spend their study time on television viewing and thus perform badly academically. Television violence therefore has negative influence on the youths who are heavily exposed. It was recommended that; television programme producers should consider the use of quarreling (vulgar abuse and harmless physical contact) as a better way of expressing anger, or setting disputes in their television productions, the use of guns and live ammunition on television programmes should be discouraged by producers, regular enlightenment pogrammes and seminars should be organized by authorities of tertiary institutions to educate and enlighten these youths on the dangers f exposure to television violence, lecturers should try to reduce the viewing time of the students by mapping out and giving them assignments regularly and the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) should set up guidelines that will limit the amount of television violence aired to the audience, which the youths constitute a great number.



1.1       Background to the Study

Ever since television came into existence, it has remained the most influential medium among the mass media. It can be considered  a credible source of information. The reasons being the full colour,  action packed, audio and visual strength, combination of  actors/actresses as well as presenters. This makes television a realism medium to the audience. It carries the audiences along through  drama, film, documentaries and other beautiful presentation and  shows thereby entertaining, educating, and informing them (Oberiri,  2016).  

Generally, electronic media is playing a strong role in construction, reconstruction of ideas, opinion and reframing the various understandings of every individual throughout life (Muhammad and Bushra, 2015). Every passing day the world is socially revolutionized. Individuals have great influences from different  sources of communication, performing a very strong role not only in  the development of mature persons’ thinking but also in youngsters. A majority of people watch TV, use internet, and listen to radio and get  exposure. The same case is with youth/youngsters, who accept more influence – negative or positive. However, there exist a considerable number of young people who draw inspiration from the contents of television programmes (Curtis, 2017).  

Television according to Onwuegbu (2011) is an electronic cum audio-visual device through which viewers watch recorded and live  programmes on air. The influence of television on the lives of people stems not only from the three roles it plays – as a medium of information, education and entertainment. Also many groups have taken solace in television and its programmes as means of relaxation, recreation, withdrawal, goal setting and socialization. Therefore, the propagation of television and its attendant’s consequence on social behavior of youths has called for a great concern in recent times. The value of television as a medium of mass communication is esteemed all over the world. Television portray message that have influence on the viewers, mostly on their behavioural pattern (Baran, 2019).  

Studies show that television contributes to the socialization and the transmission of culture. According to Zins, Weissberg, Wang, and Walberg (2020), teaching and learning in schools have strong social, emotional, and academic components. They observed that students typically do not learn alone but rather in collaboration with their  teachers, in the company of their peers, and with the encouragement of their families using several gadgets and television in particular.  Sometimes, violent programmes are shown on the television. 

Violence on society has been widely studied and vigorously debated. Based on the cumulative evidence of studies conducted over several decades, the scientific and public health communities overwhelmingly conclude that viewing violence poses a harmful risk to children (Onyekosor and Nwankpa, 2021). Critics of the research challenge this conclusion and dispute claims that exposure to TV violence leads to real-life aggression (Okpala, Awujo, and Okpala, 2022). As we move into the digital era with enhanced images and sound, media violence will undoubtedly continue to be a focus of public concern and scientific research.  

In recent times, it appears the rate at which violence is aired on television is increasing. Osuji (2019) defined violence as an act accompanied by attack or force inflicting injury or pains on another person. Enyi (2016) has also defined violence as the act of showing in motion pictures and movies the acts accompanied with attacks and injuries. Moreso, violence on the streets as well as the tendency of youths (including students) to act violently, after viewing violence has become an increasingly disturbing issue among many concerned groups.  

The combination of sound and vision has made television exert tremendous influence in shaping the lives of students in tertiary  institutions. It is informing, educating, entertaining and persuasive. As a result of this, it is a powerful force in determining the socio emotional and academic adjustments of students. Despite the importance of television, its harmful effects cannot be overemphasized as it shapes the students’ socio-economic and academic aspects of life.  Students watch violent movies/films on television screen without considering if its advantages out weight the harmful effects on their lives and the society at large (Bushman & Cantor, 2018). Muhammad and Bushra (2015) noted that different television stations show violent and horror movies that students often like to copy and form attitude  about life without weighing the hazardous effects of such violent movies on one’s behaviour. In this case, television is easily manipulated by movie makers to show movies that dominate the realm  of students’ reasoning thus consciously or unconsciously impacting on  their socio-emotion and academic adjustments.  

In stressing the influence of television programme on youth  behaviour, Oberiri (2016) noted that the popular “Big Brother  Nigerian” programme is affecting the social behaviours of most girls,  especially on their dressing. While Onyekosor and Nwankpa (2014)  were of the opinion that televised violence programmes are one of the  reasons there are increase cultism activities in most institution of  learning. They noted further that when a student is confronted, he or she goes back to what they have learned from watching television. In some cases, student using what they learned from the television can be very violent, but due to the fact that we learn from doing something over and over, it is the same for watching violent situations over and over. Students learn them and react in a violent manner. Therefore, the focus of this study is on the influence of violent programme on social behaviour of Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa students. 

1.2       Statement of the Problem

A key challenge for 21st Century schools involves serving culturally diverse students with varied abilities and motivations for learning unfortunately, many students lack social-emotional adjustment after viewing violent programmes on television. As a result, they become less connected to school as they progress from elementary through secondary to tertiary institution, and this lack  of connection negatively affects their academic performance, social behaviour  and health. Negative effect of televised violence on students’ academic performance as observed by Muhammad and Bushra (2015) may be as a result of students’ inability to adjust academically after viewing violent programmes on television.  

Violence is one of the dominating messages disseminated through the sensation of television, which plays an active role in  entertaining and impacting the lives of today‘s youth behaviour. The influence of televised violence on socio-emotional and academic adjustment of children has been largely associated with imbibing new  ways of life and has not been properly addressed by different  researchers. These ways include social, emotional and mental behaviours. Gender is also an important consideration in the degree of influence of televised violence as women appear to react differently to televised violence. Because of its prevalence, violence on TV has grown to be a controversial issue on which several studies have been conducted since the 1950s. This project explores the influence of violent programme on social behaviour of Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa student.

1.3       Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this study remains on the influence of violent programme on social behaviour of Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa students, while the specific objectives include: 

  1. To ascertain the effect of televised violence on social adjustment of the students.  
  2.  To examine the influence of televised-violence on emotional adjustment of the students.  
  3.  To determine the effect of televised-violence on the academic performance of the students. 
  4. To ascertain the extent of violent television programme to increase of crime rate in Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa campus.

1.4       Research Questions

  1. What is the effect of televised violence on social adjustment of the students?
  2. What is the influence of televised-violence on emotional adjustment of the students? 
  3. What is the effect of televised-violence on the academic performance of the students?
  4. What is the extent to which violent television programme increase crime rate in Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa campus?

1.5       Significance of the Study

The findings of this study will be found useful to the teachers,  parents, educational psychologist, school administrators, policy makers and students.  

The findings of this study will be theoretically significant as the  data provided will hopefully help the educational psychologists in  refining all the theories with regards to the influence of televised  violence on student’s socio-emotional and academic adjustments. 

The teachers / lecturers will benefit from this study as they become aware of the influence of televised-violence on the behaviour and academic performance of their children, considering their developmental stages. It will help them make use of appropriate technique in teaching the children.  

The findings of the study will be of immense help to educational  psychologists and policy-makers and assist them in their different duties towards the students and their overall performance. For the  students, this study will go a long way in assisting them in creating a  balance on the rate at which they are exposed to televised-violence. 

Parents too, will find this work valuable as it will assist them in  knowing what exposure to televised violence can cause their children  in school. This will help them to check against such violence-portrayed movies capable of influencing attitudes negatively.  

Lastly, this work would be beneficial to future researchers who  can now readily lay their hands on the result of this work by making  use of the research report. 

1.6       Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This work will concentrate on the entire activities of violent television programme in Nasarawa state and its environs, and the focused of the study will be on the Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa, Nasarawa state. 

1.7       Operational Definition of Key Terms

Youth: Youth is the time of life when one is young, but often  means the time between childhood and adulthood (maturity).  Youth could be described operationally as students in various Universities in Nigeria and who fall between the ages of 15 -30. 

Influence: The capacity or power of persons or things to be a  compelling force on or produce effects on the actions, behaviour,  opinions of others.  

Negativity: Negativity is a tendency to be downbeat,  disagreeable, and skeptical. It’s a pessimistic attitude that  always expects the worst.  

Behaviour: Behaviour is the range of actions and mannerisms  made by individuals, organisms, systems, or artificial entities in  conjunction with themselves or their environment, which  includes the other systems or organisms around as well as the  (inanimate) physical environment. It is the response of the  system or organism to various stimuli or inputs, whether  internal or external, conscious or subconscious, overt or covert,  and voluntary or involuntary.  

 Television: It is an electronic device that exudes both visual and  audio clips and sounds respectively.  

Television Programmes: They are packaged acts that could be  educating, entertaining or informative, transmitted for view  through the television.  

Values: They are what people desire as worthy or not worthy;  desirable or undesirable; acceptable or unacceptable 

Violence: it can be defined as the use of physical or psychological force, applying pressure consciously or unconsciously on an individual or group. It can be a severe physical aggression. 

 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284

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 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284