• Mon. Mar 10th, 2025


 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
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The study investigates the role of vigilante in crime control and management in Nigeria: a study of Nasarawa local government area. Specifically, the study sought to examine the nature of crime trends in Nasarawa L.G.A; investigate the effects of crime on the people, investigate the extent to which Vigilante groups have help in controlling crime in Nasarawa and examine the effectiveness of Vigilante groups in curtailing criminal activities in Nasarawa Local Government Area of Nasarawa State. The researcher adopted the survey design which is a quantitative research method that deals with the assigning of numeric values to data for the purpose of easy analysis. The data to be collected for this study was analyzed statistically by the use of frequency tables and simple percentage statistical tool. The descriptive method of data analysis will be used to discuss the data. The findings revealed that vigilante groups exist in various localities in Nasarawa and that the rate of crime was high before the formation of vigilante groups in its current form and that members of community see vigilante group members on daily and that the vigilante groups were perceived to be effective in controlling crime. Based on the findings of the study, it is recommended that state government should encourage vigilante activities. Incentives and adequate logistics should be made available to vigilante groups. This is to ensure effectiveness in their operation and to enhance the relationship between the police and vigilante groups, there should be adequate legislative frame work for the operation of vigilante groups.



1.1       Background to the Study

Crime and insecurity have become common problems that continue to threaten the socioeconomic progress of majority of Nigerians, residing both in the rural and urban areas. This trend of insecurity and its negative impacts can be traced back to the 1990s when a new dimension of crime linked to robbery with violence especially in urban areas such as in Nasarawa  local government area became prevalent. By and large, criminal acts impair the overall development of a nation, undermining its material wellbeing and compromises human development. Fear and a sense of helplessness among citizens, is the result and this negative development affects individual safety including the wearing away the quality of life (Francis  et al, 2015).

The ever increasing crime rate has most often been attributed to low police to citizen ratio, inadequate resources for crime detection and prevention and poor public to police relationship (Masese, and Mwenzwa, 2012). Accordingly, the communities have devised self protection mechanisms. This self protection mechanism mainly involves the formation of vigilante groups within the communities affected by crimes. Vigilante groups are groups of people who take up armaments to protect themselves and their community when they feel that the government has failed to do so. In urban centres these groups are not eternal but slum youths mobilised within a short time and transformed into perilous group associated with a given ethic group or political alignment(HRW, 2012). The agenda of this groups is to deter the ever increasing crime cases in their surrounding and also to protect political class from likely enemies.

Vigilantism is not a recent development. Before 1900, many vigilant groups were formed in frontier areas of the United States. In 1851 and 1856, concerned citizens in San Francisco organized vigilante committees that forcibly restored peace and order. (World book encyclopedia, u-v20:318, Encyclopedia Americana, vol.24:2014). In South Africa, vigilante activity is frequently justified as ‘filling a policing gap’ due to police inefficiency, corruption and conspiracy with criminals, practical failing in the criminal justice system. In Sierra- Leone, vigilante activities have been explained in terms of police ineffectiveness in combating crimes (Brownyn, 2021).

In Nigeria, vigilantism existed in the pre-colonial era. Human Right Watch and Center for law enforcement and education report, (2012) noted that “vigilante and other self – defense groups currently operating in Nigeria have roots that reach deep into the country’s history. In the colonial era, some though not all independent local communities, especially in the South east maintained their own standing Army to defend their territory against the threat of invasion from neighbouring communities. Although there was no equivalent modern-day structure at that time, some parallels can be drawn between these groups which were created by local communities for their own protection, and the more recently formed self –defense groups”. This is also true in Nasarawa  Local Government Area of Nasarawa State where vigilantism was used as a means of both social and crime control before the advent of colonial rule. The proliferation of vigilante groups in contemporary Nigeria particularly in Nasarawa  Local Government area of Nasarawa State is a response to crimes and criminality that have not only increased in degree, scope and volume but also have witnessed an unprecedented change in techniques, mode of operation and sophistication between 1998 and 1999 (wake of fourth republic) and the apparent failure of the Nigeria police to rise up to the occasion. Igbo (2021:219) has stated that “the apparent failure of Nigeria police to control the increasing wave of crime has led to unilateral public action against crime and criminals in some major cities of Nigeria particularly in the South east of the country”.

1.2       Statement of the Problem

In recent years, many communities in Nigeria have witnessed crimes of various descriptions. Nasarawa  Local Government Area of Nasarawa State is not an exception. Thus, crime is becoming a serious problem in contemporary Nigeria. The police who are the primary agent in the fight against crime are ineffective. Their ineffectiveness may be as a result of the fact that they are under-staffed, under-equipped, and corrupt and lacked public cooperation. These have created problem of under policing in Nigeria including Nasarawa  Local Government Area of Nasarawa State. Thus, violent and property crimes are committed on daily basis without detection and prosecution. Many people are being dispossessed of their valuable property and others are killed or maimed for life by armed bandits. Many people hardly sleep in their houses at night for fear of criminal victimization. Those who sleep in their houses at Night do so at their own peril. Consequently, Nasarawa  Local Government Area has of recent been gripped by insecurity and lawlessness as armed robbery and other violent crimes reached unprecedented levels. Hence, vigilantism seems to be gaining more prominence as agent of crime control in Nasarawa  Local Government Area. Several vigilante groups now operate in both rural and urban areas in Nigeria. Residents see vigilante groups as an outfit they can always rely on in terms of security. Put differently, the public is skeptical about the ability of Nigeria Police to provide adequate security services alone without the involvement of the community security initiatives like Vigilante groups and other Corporate Security Guards. Generally speaking, when one listen to or watch the news nowadays, read the newspapers or discuss with other persons, most stories up for discursions ranges from one form of ill treatment or the other. From killing, to steeling and armed robbery, human trafficking down to the corruption found in almost all system of government with all their agencies, the stones are all the same. Negatively some of these illegalities don’t even have to be or sound negative. They can first be against morality like prostitution, illegal gambling, illegal doing things, or even racism. However, vigilante groups are important in every human societies, numerous studies have been conducted, but they did not provide explanations to the impact of vigilante groups on crime control. It is for this reason that this study is conducted to fill the gap. Thus, this study, therefore, aimed at investigation Role of vigilante in crime control and managment in Nigeria , a study of Nasarawa  Local Government Area of Nasarawa state.

1.3       Objectives of the Study

The major objective of this study is investigate the role of vigilante in crime control and management in Nigeria , a study of Nasarawa  Local Government Area of Nasarawa state.

The specific objectives sought to;

  1. Examine the nature of crime trends in Nasarawa L.G.A.
  2. Investigate the effects of crime on the people in Nasarawa L.G.A.
  3. Investigate the extent to which Vigilante groups have help in controlling crime in Nasarawa L.G.A.
  4. Examine the effectiveness of Vigilante groups in curtailing criminal activities in Nasarawa  L.G.A.

1.4       Research Questions

     The following research questions will guide the study.

  1. What is the nature of crime trends in Nasarawa  L.G.A presently?
  2. To what extent does crime affect people in Nasarawa  L.G.A?
  3. To what extent has Vigilante groups helped in controlling crime in Nasarawa  L.G.A?
  4. Have the activities of Vigilante helped in curtailing crimes in Nasarawa ?

1.5       Significance of the Study

The findings of this study augment the already existing literature on vigilantism and crime management. It expose the predicament of the citizen on the hands of these vigilante groups and this could be important to policy makers especially those entangled with the security and social wellbeing of the citizens in a given political sphere. Bearing in mind that it is the responsibility of the state to collect taxes from the citizens, hire and own instruments of violence and utilize them to protect its people.

This study has both theoretical and practical significance. From the theoretical point of view, this study will add to the existing literature on vigilantism. It will also build up a data upon which future research can be based or serve as a point of reference for similar studies.

From the practical point of view, this study will show the security gap created in both rural and urban communities and how vigilante groups have tended to make up for this vacuum. To this end, this may stimulate the interest of the government in providing adequate police services in both rural and urban communities or modify and assist vigilante groups to complement security efforts of the police.

In another development, this study will be of great benefit to law enforcement agencies and other stake holders in their quest for police reform. In general, it will stimulate further research in vigilantism and policing.

1.6.      Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study is centered on the impact of vigilante groups on crime control in Nasarawa  L.G.A. of Nasarawa state. The population of the study will consist of both males and females, young and old, resident in Nasarawa  Local Government Area. The researcher delineated the study to Nasarawa  town in Nasarawa  Local government area.

1.7       Operational Definition of Key Terms

Vigilante Group: According to Chambers 20th century dictionary, vigilantism is an authorized body which in the absence or inefficiency of regular government exercises power of arrest, punishment etc.

Crime: According to Criminologist Paul Tappan defines crime as “an intentional act or omission in violation of criminal law, committed without defence or justification, and sanctioned by the state as a felony or misdemeanor.

Crime Control: Crime control or crime prevention refers to the recognition, anticipation, and appraisal of a crime risk, and the initiation of action to remove or reduce it.

Vigilantism: The word vigilantism is of Spanish origin and means: “watchman” or “guard” but its Latin root is vigil, which means “awake” or “observe” (Johnston, 1996).

 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284

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 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284