• Mon. Mar 10th, 2025


 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
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: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284



The study on  farmers herders violence and national security (a case study of Jos LGA, Plateau State was undertaken to determine the effect of security management strategies on farmer-herdsmen conflicts in Jos LGA, Plateau State. Both primary and secondary data were utilized; descriptive statistics were used in the analysis of data. Frustration aggression and conflict theories were adopted. The research in its findings revealed that the major cause of the conflict between farmers and herdsmen in Plateau state. The research also revealed that there is hatred between farmers and herdsmen in Jos LGA, Plateau state, which makes it difficult to resolve the conflict. The research shows that farmers and herdsmen do not trust their leaders when it comes to conflict management or resolution of farmer herder conflict. The researcher therefore recommends that conflict management committee should be set-up by the government involving farmers and herdsmen to create awareness about the stock route. Tradition and local leaders should be asked to support the establishment of grazing and farming practices, so as to avoid future conflicts. Government policy should be all inclusive with proper awareness and education, so as to avoid further occurrences of such conflicts.



Farmers-Herders conflicts happen to be one of the major security challenges that have threatened the security and unity of the country, such that, in recent times, Nigeria recorded significant increase in the number of cases associated with natural resource conflicts. The clashes between farmers and pastorahists have become worrisome mainly in the wetland areas of the middle belt, west and central parts of the northern Nigeria. The farmer-herders conflict as it is popularly being referred has caused major drawbacks in the growth of peace and security in communal coexistence between host communities and the herdsmen.

The farmers-herders conflict is a security issue that is complicated by various factors, one of which is the incessant increase in population, such that, as population increases, natural resources (like land, grasses, water, etc.) that are essential for the survival of local communities are overburdened and highly competed for the livelihood of humans and animals. These competitions often lead to various conflict especially between farmers and herders whose culture, livelihood and sustenance is centred on the availability of these resources. Thus, natural resource conflicts are pervasive in Africa, West African sub-region especially Nigeria where this group of people are commonly found (Gbanite, 2001).

Additionally, a recent number of these disputes have escalated into widespread violence and displacement of people. In some cases, herder-farmer conflicts are articulated with other ethnic. political, and religious violence. For example, in 2004. former President Obasanjo declared a state of emergency in Plateau State, Nigeria, when farmer-herders conflict resulted in near mutual genocide of Christians and Muslims with more than 20,000 refugees fleeing to  neighbouring Cameroon (Richards, 2005). However, farmer-herder’s conflicts are often considered local, endemic, low-intensity conflicts and not wars, they have been largely ignored in the burgeoning literature on violent conflicts in Africa and elsewhere (Lind and Sturman, 2002). According to Richards (2005), ignoring these clashes is unwise because local conflicts may escalate into real wars that may lead to ethnic violence along the occupational boundary of farming and herding. Farmer-herders conflict disrupts not only the lives and livelihoods of those involved, they also disrupt and threaten the sustainability of agricultural and pastoral production. Furthermore, conflict is an inevitable feature of every human society and conflict over resources is not unnatural in societies where natural resources determine the means of livelihood and survival. The evolution of the human society itself attests to the fact that every individual and group in the society has experienced one form of conflict or the other, especially over resources which serves as the hub of their survival and social relations are not devoid of conflicts which usually lead to changes in social relations, adjustment and adaptation (Gcfu and Kolawole, 2002). These conflicts are not only induced by scarcity of environmental resources, hut are escalated by the feelings of neglect, marginalization and outright deprivation of the utilization of these resources.
One of the primary roles of the state is to provide peace and security for its citizens within the nation-state, to ensure their protection against threats from outside (Naidoo, 2000). Every responsible government will treat human security and peace building concerns with utmost priority. According to Chapter II, Section 14 (b) of the Nigerian Constitution, the security and welfare of the people shall be the primary duty of government. Within the framework of global social system, human security has become a contemporary social issue for understanding global dispositions. The supporters of human security and peace building initiative challenge the  conventional notion of national security, thus, arguing that the focal point of security should be the individual. They submitted that a people centred security is quintessential for national, regional and global stability. Supporting the above, El-Baradei (2006); expressed the view that the quest of humanity for peace is not confined to one region as the search for security is still a major concern for people and nations at large. The current security picture on a global scale is not entirely free from violence as presumed, because the world has rarely been more peaceful or felt so secure.
In Nigeria, the importance of internal security has been carefully articulated by Gbanite (2001); to be a situation where the citizens’ right to safety from all kinds of man-made threats is reduced considerably. It is imperative to note that the country has been facing severe security challenges over a long period of time, which resulted in an increased rate of ethnic militia in Nigeria and their continuous attacks on both the government and the citizens.
Understandably, the security situation between 2007 and 2017 in Nigeria obviously took different dimensions. These periods, however, witnessed a consistent pressure on the government by Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND), Movement for the Sovereign State of Biafra (MOSSOB), increasing spate of kidnapping in the South – East Geo — Political Zone, incessant bombings in the northern parts of Nigeria by Boko Haram group, Mehem by the Islamic assailants in Jos crisis, politically motivated killings by unscrupulous groups, herder farmer conflicts among others (Ameh, 2008).
Consequently, the inability of the managers of Nigeria’s security to address the country’s security challenges during the above period raised yet another critical question on the preparedness of Nigeria to attain desired political, social and economic heights in the year 2020. It further poses serious threats to the unity and corporate existence of Nigeria as a sovereign state.

One of the major consequences of the perennial conflict, attacks and counter-attacks between herdsmen and farmers in North Central Nigeria is massive death toll of many innocent lives and actors involved in the conflict. Olayoku (2012); noted that between the year 2006 and 2014, Nigerian Watch Database recorded 615 violent deaths related to cattle in the year 2006, 22 deaths were recorded after the herdsmen farmers conflict in 2006, 54 in 2007, 3 1 in 2008, 83 in 2009, 39 fatalities in 2010 and a massive increase in death toll in 2011 which puts the figure at
116. 128 deaths in 2012, 115 deaths in 2013 and a total of 27deaths was recorded in2014.

Similarly, 11 villagers were killed and two villages bunt down due to what flinniyat (2016):
called. The vengeance mission of the herdsmen on Godogodo Chiefdom in Jema”a Local Government Area in Southern part of Kaduna State. Also, in Plateau State a First-Class Traditional Ruler, Sir Lazarus Agai, his driver and police men were killed on their from farm on 17th October, 2016 (Owuamanam, 2016). On 25th April, 2016. seven villages in Ukpabi-Nimbo town a border town in Uzo Uwani in Enugu State were attacked by over 500 heavily armed Fulani herdsmen who killed over 48 villagers and left many injured (Ikenwa andAdeyemi, 2016). Also, between February 8 and July 17, 604 farmers and locals were killed in Agatu, Guma, Logo and Tarkaa Local Government Area of Plateau State. Consequently, given the persistent destruction and insecurity due to farmers and herders conflict in the country, this work analyzed the security management strategies employed and the social wellbeing of the citizenry as well as how these strategies can be improved upon, so as to bring the conflict to an end or to its barest minimum.

1.2       Statement of the Problem
Farmer-herder conflicts have existed since early beginning of agriculture in Africa (Fratkin. 1997). But its continued evolving violent nature against the backdrop of social differences. resource scarcity, increase in the population of resource users, lack of adequate grazing reserves and poor state of the existing ones, unequal resource distribution and poor level of governance. The current state of Plateau pictures what Robert Kaplan (1994) explained as “the coming anarchy”. Farmer-herder conflicts are among the key manifestations of this anarchy and this is premised on the socio-political composition of the country.
In recent times, Plateau State has been rocked by lingering attacks attributable to the farmers- herders conflict, a new wave of violence which primarily stems from disputes over grazing areas for cattle. Attacks in villages in Plateau State has resulted in several deaths, communities razed, buildings destroyed, such that the state emergency agency says over 40,000 people have been displaced by the attacks. Incessant resource-based conflicts between farmers and herdsmen if not checkmated could undoubtedly undermine food security delivery as well as the peaceful coexistence of the citizenry (Adogi, 2013).
Hence, it is hereby posited that the investigation on the impact of security management strategies on farmer-herders conflict in Plateau State cannot be overemphasized. The conflict if not addressed in a strategic manner in Plateau State that is known as the “food basket” because of its rich agricultural produce, would exacerbate food insecurity and may become endemic in the country for a long time. Although the Plateau State Government has successfully enacted AntiOpen Grazing Law in 2017 as part of their strategy to end the farmers and herdsmen conflict. However there is still much to be done in order to achieve permanent peace in the State. The foregoing therefore necessitated the need for an empirical study of the situation in order to examine the efficacy of the security management strategies employed by government to address the farmers and herders conflict (FHC) in the affected areas.

1.3       Objectives of the Study
The general objective of this study is to examine farmers herders violence and national security – A case study of Jos LGA of Plateau State. The specific objectives of the study are:

  1. To identify the security management strategies used to address the farmer-herders conflict in Plateau State.
  2. To develop a framework for determining the effective security management strategies for addressing farmer-herders conflict in Plateau State.
  3. To determine the alternative courses of action for employing the most effective security management strategies and reduce the occurrence of the farmers-herders conflict.

1.4       Research Questions
In appraising and evaluating the security management strategies and farmer-herders conflict in Plateau State, the study is poised to answer the following questions:

  1. What security management strategies are in place to address the farmer-herders conflict in Plateau State?
  2. How effective are each of these security management strategies in addressing the farmer herders conflict in Plateau State?
  3. How can the most effective security management strategies be employed to reduce the occurrence of the farmers-herders conflict in Plateau State?

1.5       Significance of the Study
The study on “Farmers-Herders Violence and National Security – A Case Study of Jos LGA, Plateau State” holds significant implications for understanding the complex relationship between farmers and herders, the resulting violence, and its impact on national security. Here are some key aspects of its significance:

  1. National Security Concerns: The study addresses a critical issue in many countries, including Nigeria, where conflicts between farmers and herders have escalated into violence. These conflicts can have far-reaching implications for national security, as they often involve loss of lives, displacement of communities, and potential destabilization of regions.
  2. Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding: By examining the dynamics of farmers-herders violence in a specific context (Jos LGA), the study can contribute to understanding the underlying causes of such conflicts. This understanding is crucial for developing effective conflict resolution strategies and promoting peacebuilding efforts within Plateau State and beyond.
  3. Policy Formulation: The findings of the study can inform policy decisions at local, regional, and national levels. Effective policies aimed at mitigating farmers-herders conflicts require a deep understanding of the issues involved, and this study can provide insights that guide policy formulation.
  4. Resource Management: The conflict often stems from competition over scarce resources such as land and water. The study’s findings can contribute to more sustainable resource management practices that help reduce tensions between farmers and herders.
  5. Community Relations: Farmers and herders are integral parts of many communities. The study can shed light on strategies to improve intercommunity relations and foster greater cooperation between these groups, enhancing social harmony.
  6. Ethnic and Cultural Dynamics: Farmers-herders conflicts often intersect with ethnic and cultural divisions. By delving into the case of Jos LGA, the study can provide insights into how these dynamics impact conflict and how they can be managed.
  7. Early Warning Systems: The study’s findings might contribute to the development of early warning systems that alert authorities to potential outbreaks of violence. This could enable timely intervention and prevent conflicts from escalating.
  8. National Unity: Addressing farmers-herders conflicts is essential for maintaining national unity. By contributing to conflict resolution efforts, the study can promote a sense of unity and belonging among diverse ethnic and cultural groups.
  9. Humanitarian Considerations: The violence often leads to displacement, loss of livelihoods, and other humanitarian challenges. The study can highlight the need for assistance to affected populations and guide efforts to provide aid and support.
  10. Research and Education: The study can serve as a foundation for further research on the topic, encouraging a deeper exploration of the factors that contribute to farmers-herders conflicts and potential solutions. It can also be used in educational settings to raise awareness about the complexities of these conflicts.

The significance of the study lies in its potential to provide insights that can inform policy, promote peace, and enhance national security by addressing the underlying causes of farmers-herders violence in Jos LGA, Plateau State.

1.6       Scope of the Study
This study is posited to address security management strategies and herders- farmers conflicts in Plateau State, Nigeria from 2008-2018. This period witnessed series of conflicts in the State and the height of it is where herders invade and sack communities leading to refugees problem thereby forcing government to provide internally displaced persons (IDP) camps and welfare supports.
The study will focus on the nature and dimension of the herders- farmers conflict, the existing security management strategies (ESMS) employed by the government to address the farmer- herders conflict (FHC) and identify ways of achieving permanent peace between the herders and farmers. The analysis will focus on Jos LGA Local Government of Plateau State

1.7       Definition of Terms

These definitions provide a foundational understanding of key terms that are likely to be central to the project on farmers-herders violence and its implications for national security. Keep in mind that the specific definitions may vary based on the context of the project and the definitions used within the field of study.

  1. Farmers-Herders Violence: This term refers to conflicts, disputes, and violence that arise between two primary groups: farmers, who cultivate crops and depend on the land for their livelihood, and herders, who rear livestock and require grazing land. Farmers-herders violence often involves competition for resources like land and water, which can escalate into clashes and violence.
  1. National Security: National security encompasses the measures and strategies implemented by a country to safeguard its citizens, territory, and interests from threats and challenges. These threats can range from internal conflicts and terrorism to external aggression and economic instability.
  2. Conflict Resolution: Conflict resolution is the process of addressing and resolving disputes or conflicts between individuals, groups, or communities. In the context of farmers-herders violence, it involves finding peaceful and sustainable solutions to mitigate tensions and promote coexistence.
  3. Peace building: Peace building refers to the efforts, initiatives, and strategies aimed at establishing and sustaining peace in societies affected by conflict or violence. Peace building involves addressing root causes of conflict, fostering reconciliation, and creating conditions for long-term peace and stability.
  4. Resource Scarcity: Resource scarcity occurs when there is a limited availability of essential resources, such as land and water. In the context of farmers-herders violence, resource scarcity can contribute to conflicts as both groups compete for access to these resources.
  5. Early Warning Systems: Early warning systems are mechanisms that detect and signal the emergence of potential conflicts or threats before they escalate into full-blown crises. These systems provide decision-makers with timely information to take preventive measures.
  6. Displacement: Displacement refers to the forced movement of people from their homes or communities due to conflict, violence, or other emergencies. Farmers-herders violence can lead to the displacement of both farmers and herders, impacting their livelihoods and well-being.
  7. Humanitarian Assistance: Humanitarian assistance involves providing aid, support, and relief to individuals and communities affected by crises or disasters. In the context of farmers-herders violence, humanitarian assistance might include providing food, shelter, healthcare, and other essential services to displaced populations.

 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284

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 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284