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This study examined the impact of job satisfaction on employee’s performance a case study of selected private school in Nasarawa Local Government Area. The specifically seek to identify various ways through which job satisfaction is achieved, analyze the factors that contribute to employees performance, establish relationship between job satisfaction and employees performance in selected private school in Nasarawa. The study adopted descriptive statistics to demonstrate the impact of job satisfaction on organizational performance. The result of the study indicates job satisfaction are related to increase in the competitive power of the schools, respondent’s expectations were achieved due to the ability of the Job Satisfaction to make the schools more competitive and improved performance. It is also seen there is a significant relationship between job satisfaction and performance in private secondary schools in Nasarawa. Finally the study recommends that the private secondary schools in Nasarawa should create a conducive working environment for their staff to enhance their satisfaction thereby improving their overall performance.
1.1 Background of the Study
The nature of job satisfaction in the industrial world is attributed not only to one but many factors such as promotion, pay package, supervision, work itself, work group and work condition.. In the literature of organizational behavior and organizational psychology, job satisfaction is considered the most extensively researched area (Keung-Fai, 2016; George & Jones, 2018). Human resource is most vital asset for organizational development. It is the source that makes other resources useful and gets best return out of them. But getting best of human resource requires enormous moves by organization and their management. If the human resource or employees are happy and contended with the moves and actions of employer they do their best for the organization. But if they are not in this state they might cause organization unmatchable loss. Management always tries to use that art to satisfy their workforce. The greater the level of satisfaction of employees is, the higher will be returns for organization (Alamdar et al., 2012).
According to Keung-Fai (2016), job satisfaction is one of the most widely researched areas in organizational. It has attracted and encouraged many researchers to write considerable amount of studies and that by 1990, more than 12020 studies have been published (Ghazzawi & Smith, 2019). The consequences of this vast literature have alerted managers to focus on new ways of satisfying their employees. One of them is attributed to the development of new management approaches that seek to place employee related factors in the fore ground (Kusku, 2013). This construct has facilitated human resource managers in various ways of enhancing and improving the employee motivation and satisfaction during their work life at the organization (Castill & Cano, 2014) .Another area of interest that has been given more attention was the Organizational Citizenship Behavior where employees are highly encouraged to fulfill their tasks beyond the call for duty (George & Jones, 2018).
George and Jones (2018) argued that a farm worker equipped with only a stick and primitive tools can cultivate almost no land and grow barely enough food to feed a single family. Therefore by using physical capital in employment organizations enormously increase labor productivity. On the other hand under human capital, regardless of how much educated a person is, not much production is accomplished on the first day at work. Learning about the new work environment consumes the worker time. Use of health services subsequently hit bottom. The performance-based approach offers the opportunity to achieve substantial results quickly in the delivery of health services, although the data reported do not control for the impact of demand-side policy interventions.
Different studies show that there are different factors that affect job satisfaction like job itself, company policies and practices, advancement, compensation, rewards, challenge, work group, work status, co-workers, creativity, moral values, flexibility in enrichment, style of leadership, marketing stand of the company, recognition, responsibility, job safety and security, social status, supervision, variety, working conditions and the extent of transparency in communication. Divya (2013) states that job performance is commonly used, yet poorly defined concept in industrial and organizational psychology that deals with the work place. It most commonly refers to whether a person performs their job well and it is an extremely important criterion that relates to organizational outcomes and success.
Job performance is a multi-dimensional concept and the whole individual performance will affect the organizational performance. Job satisfaction and job performance are both subjects in organizational behavior and human resource management. The relationship between job satisfaction and performance is still controversial. It is not known whether the relationship between job satisfaction and job performance has been studied here in Ethiopia and particularly in the banking industry. Thus, this study intention is to assess the impact of job satisfaction on job performance.
The different ways of satisfying the employees were found by the scholars and facilitated to the human resource managers to attract, motivate and retain the most committed workforce. Job satisfaction improves the retention level of employees and reduces the cost of hiring new employees (Alamdar et al, 2012). Alternatively, Castillo and Cano (2014) said that, the outcome of job dissatisfaction is increase in the cost of recruitment, selection and training, discouragement of current employees and reduction in the growth of organization. From the foregoing, the dissatisfaction of the employees has adverse effect on the efficiency of the organization. Therefore, studying job satisfaction is one of the most important topics of organizations set up. It is against this background that this study seek to examine the impact of job satisfaction on employee performance; a case study of selected private secondary school in Nasarawa.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
According to Mohammad (2020) Organizational commitment and job satisfaction are job related attitudes that have received considerable attention from researchers around the globe. This is because committed and satisfied employees are normally high performers that contribute towards organizational productivity. This implies that interference between work and non-work responsibilities (work-life conflict) can indicate serious implications including lower levels of job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Even if, other researchers mentioned that job satisfaction is among of the keys of employee performance, the secondary school or academic institutions in Nigeria do not focus on job satisfaction and employee’s performance (Ntibilingirwa & Ludwig, 2021). This is our guiding motivator to conduct a research in selected private secondary school in Nasarawa to enable us to analyze the contribution of job satisfaction to employee performance.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
The main objective of the study impact of job satisfaction on employee’s performance a case study of selected private school in Nasarawa.
In order to achieve the above general objective, the following specific objectives are settled: The specific objectives of the study are:-
- To identify various ways through which job satisfaction is achieved in selected private school in Nasarawa;
- To analyze the factors that contribute to employees performance in selected private school in Nasarawa;
- To establish relationship between job satisfaction and employees performance in selected private school in Nasarawa
1.4. Research Questions
- What are the various ways through which job satisfaction is achieved in selected private school in Nasarawa?
- What are the factors that contribute to employees performance in selected private school in Nasarawa?
- Is there any relationship between job satisfaction and employees performance in selected private school in Nasarawa?
1.5. Significance of the Study
Through this study, the researcher increased the skills and knowledge in the field related of job satisfaction and employees performance; Other researchers need to carry out studies related to this topic used it to get a useful literature review. Therefore, this study increased the document related to job satisfaction and employees performance.
The management of schools both private and public secondary schools in Nigeria will use the results and recommendations to make decisions concerning job satisfaction and employees performance.
1.6. Scope of the Study
The scope of this study is limited to job satisfaction on employee’s performance with particular reference to selected private school in Nasarawa.
1.8 Definitions Of Key Terms
Job: Job is a piece of work, especially a specific task done as part of the routine of one’soccupation or for an agreed price. It is also a group of homogeneous tasks related by similarity of functions.
Employee: Employee is an individual who works part-time or full-time under a contract of employment, whether oral or written, express or implied, and has recognized rights and duties.
Job satisfaction: Job satisfaction as a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job or job experience. It is a result of employee’s perception of how well their job provides those things that are viewed as important. Job satisfaction is the extent to which a person’s hopes, desires, and expectations about the employment he is engaged in are fulfilled
Employee’s performance: Employees performance comprises the actual output or results of an employee as measured against its intended outputs. Employee performance involves the recurring activities to establish organizational goals, monitor progress toward the goals, and make adjustments to achieve those goals more effectively and efficiently.
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