(A Case Study of National Mathematical Centre, Abuja)
1.1 Background to the Study
With the invention of Information and Communication Technology, libraries now use various types of technologies to aid the services they render. Everyday new technological advances affect the way information is handled in libraries and information centers. The impacts of new technologies are felt by libraries in every aspect. Computing technology, communication technology and mass storage technology are some of the areas of continuous development that reshape the way that libraries access, retrieve, store, manipulate and disseminate information to users. The speciallibrary has been from its inception an integral part of institutions of higher learning, rather than an appendix or adjunct.
Oyedun (2016) explains that special libraries support learning, teaching and research processes. Over the past years, special libraries have been affected by changes in information and communication technology (Oyedun, 2016). The rate of changes is still accelerating in this area. The introduction of various information technology (ICT) trends has lead to reorganization, change in work patterns, and demand for new skills, job retraining and reclassification positions. Technological advancement of the past years, such as the electronic database, online services, CD-ROMs and introduction of internet has radically transformed access to information. Rana (2015) opines that ICT holds the key to the success of modernizing information services. Applications of ICT are numerous but mainly it is used in converting the existing paper-print records in the entire process of storage, retrieval and dissemination.
The relevance of information and communication technologies in libraries, particularly in special libraries, is in activities concerned with information storage and retrieval. These activities are concerned with in-house keeping routine such as acquisition, cataloguing, serials control, circulation, of library material and the collection for management statistics. In libraries, information network has the potential for relieving human kind of many of its burdens. Networking refers to a broad system of computers terminates, video display units, telephone etc. which are used for data communication services. Therefore, to network in the special libraries parlance, involves the interconnection of computer terminals etc. the heart of information networking or connectivity is the issue of telecommunication, linking together libraries, librarian users in Local Areas Network (LAN) or Wide Areas Network (WAN) They endeavor to eliminate many of the repetitive and boring task related to the processing and communication of information.
Ayodele (2017) defined ICT as electronic based technology generally used to retrieve store, process and package information as well as provide access to knowledge. Aluko (2016) also described ICT as enabling technologies (both hardware and software) necessary for delivery of voice/audio, data (high-speed and low speed) video, faxes and internet services from point A to point Busing wired and wireless media protocol (IP) and non IP networks. Nwachukwu, (2018) information and communication technologies (ICTs) is the application of computers and other technologies to the acquisition, organization, storage, retrieval and dissemination of information.
Modern information and communication technology (ICT) has created a global village because of information revolution and the consequent computer based messaging system, and electronic networks for access to information and library services. ICT is a growing phenomenon in the society. The trend now is information and communication technology, library and information have undergone various stages on transformation, storage and retrieval of information application in delivering library services. Rana (2015) opines that ICT holds the key to the success of modernizing information services. Applications of ICT are numerous but mainly it is used in converting the existing paper-print records in the entire process of storage, retrieval and dissemination. With the invention of Information and Communication Technology, libraries now use various types of technologies to aid the services they render. Everyday new technological advances affect the way information is handled in libraries and information centers. ICT has brought unprecedented changes and transformation to speciallibrary and information services, such as OPAC, users services, reference services, bibliographic services, current awareness services, Document delivery, interlibrary loan, audio visual services and customer relations can be provided more efficiently and effectively using ICT, as they offer convenient time, place, cost effectiveness, faster and most-up-to-date dissemination and end users involvement in the library and information services process.
The Role of ICT is characterized on information services by changes in format, contents and method of production. Library automation is yet to take off in majority of the special libraries, while justifying need for library automation more than cost effectiveness the benefit derived by the library users become the major consideration. Since library does not happen to be an economic entity such benefits, need to be looked at in different perspective.
Objectives of ICT is to improve the level of services and quality of output and to fulfill the need that cannot be achieved by manual system for example sharing of resources and be able to use information that only appear in electronic format for example CD – ROM, internet resources and databases. Other services offered by speciallibrary include printing, photocopying, bindery and bibliographic services.
The roles of new technologies are felt by libraries in every aspect of their service delivery. Computing technology, communication technology and mass storage technology are some of the areas of continuous development that reshape the way that libraries access, retrieve, store, manipulate and disseminate information to users. The essence of reference work is personal service. The primary function of the reference department as observed by Nwalo (2019) among other things is answering reference questions and user education. Katz (2016) also highlighted the following as some of the duties of a reference librarian: To promote an end product: the information sought by the user, teaching people how to find information. Such instructions can range from the individual explanation of information sources or creation of guides and appropriate media to formal assistance. One of the major ways through which these duties or functions can be performed effectively is through interpersonal communication between the reference librarian and the library user.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has been found to be of tremendous important in improving the services provided by special libraries as a result of the inability of the existing traditional manual methods to cope effectively and efficiently with the increasing volume in the library, Ducombe and Heeks (2016) cited by Anyakoha (2018) defined ICT as the electronic means of capturing, processing, storing and disseminating information. According to Ige (2017) ICT implies processing, storage and retrieval of information in coded form and its transportation and/or exchange between sources/terminals electronically. Similarly, Ekpo (2018) noted that ICT have been used to simplify availability and access to information and they encompasses the following complementary technologies: telephone, software technologies for distribution of information process, web-browser and servers, multimedia systems, and peripherals. These technological tools and resource are used to communicate, create, process, disseminate, share, store and manage information. ICT has established itself as an essential tool in information services delivery (Ayodele, 2018).
The essence of ICT is in its power to help individuals and societies achieve greater access to knowledge and ideas for the benefit of humanity. ICT has led to improvements in the operations and services in industries, administration, management, education and other services including libraries as it ensures speed, efficiency, accuracy in record keeping, provision of up to date information, access and improved services thereby bringing development and organizational growth. There various areas in which ICT can be applied in library services. Such areas include but not limited to resource sharing, digitized circulation system, current awareness services, information subscriptions and ordering, acquisition of information materials, creation and management of databases, electronic mail services, publications, selective dissemination of information and information storage. Information is the vital factor in any form of Research and development.
Information processing, storage, communication, dissemination of information automation etc. further origin of Internet and development of World Wide Web, revolutionized the information communication technology. Based on this, the application of ICT in libraries become necessary to provide the facilities of the user community. In recent times, information and communication technology (ICT) has been deployed in university libraries to help library users gain access to information, as well as to become upto-date with recent developments in their areas of specialization. Dissemination of information is a purposeful attempt by librarians to get databases in order to find important information for each library user or group of library users to fit their needs of information. Dissemination of information is tailored to a particular group of library users.
1.1.1 Historical Background of National Mathematical Centre
The National Mathematical Centre Abuja was established by the Federal Government of Nigeria on January 1, 1988 although the decree (Decree No. 40) giving it a legal backing as a corporate body with perpetual succession and a common seal, was not promulgated until December 12, 1989.
The Centre was created to develop appropriate initiatives and resources of international standing for reawakening and sustaining interest in the mathematical sciences at all levels in Nigeria, and also as an adequate response to the dramatic decline in the production of teachers and specialists in the mathematical sciences at all levels. The annual postgraduate output of mathematical scientists in Nigeria is steadily declining. Furthermore, the number of qualified senior secondary school graduates who apply for admission to read mathematical sciences in universities has drastically diminished. At all levels, the dearth of qualified teachers is a long standing problem which has now become more and more acute especially in the wake of the recent upsurge in student numbers and in the number of educational institutions.
The great concern for this dramatic decline was reflected in the goodwill message of President Ibrahim Babangida on the occasion of the inauguration of the Nigerian chapter of the African Mathematical Union on August 16, 1987, in Lagos. An extract of the message is as follows: “…Mathematics and the Physical Sciences in general have of late proved to be an area of great hardship. The number of teachers is not rising with the number of students. As a result of this, students seem to be doing less and less well in these subjects. They consequently tend to lose interest. All these in turn, mean that there will be fewer and fewer teachers. A vicious circle is set up and the prospects of scientific and technological development become dim wherever such a circle is firmly established.”
It was finally created after the collective efforts of many notable Nigerians especially mathematicians and learned societies and some initiatives by Professor Abdus Salam who visited Nigeria to show support for the Centre.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Information communication technology (ICT) and dissemination of information are well known for delivering prompt and up-to-date information services to the library users. The effect of these services has been felt in most libraries across the world. Some libraries display ICT features and tools on their webpage for the purpose of disseminating information, while in practice they are not used. This study investigates the extent to which special libraries in National Mathematical Centre, Abuja, Nigeria have adopted and used ICT for dissemination of information, with a view to identifying the challenges and making suggestions on the way forward to enhance quality service delivery to the library users.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) have brought significant changes to our day to day life. Today we are living in the information age. Information plays an important role in economic and social development of our society. The amount of valued literature is being published at a greater pace. So, applications of ICT in libraries have become the most important issues now.
Despite the huge benefits that are attached with information and communication technology on dissemination of information in National Mathematical, Abuja, the library still experience some obstacles in the effective and efficient use of the ICT resources in the library, which has crippled its service delivery. Among the limiting factors are; Lack of capital investment to buy hardware, software and standby generators for the library, inadequate provision of ICT training programmes, Lack of search skills, automation still at infancy level, epileptic power supply, and technical know-how.
1.3 Research Questions
- What are the ICT resources available in National Mathematical Centre, Abuja?
- What are the roles played by ICT on dissemination of information in National Mathematical Centre, Abuja?
- How efficient and effective is the use of ICT in National Mathematical Centre, Abuja?
- What are the challenges that face the application of ICT in National Mathematical Centre, Abuja?
- What are the possible solutions to solving the problems encountered in using ICT in National Mathematical Centre, Abuja?
1.4 Objectives of the Study
The general purpose of this study is on the impact of information and communication technology on service delivery in National Mathematical Centre, Abuja. The specific objectives are:
- To identify the availability of ICT resources in National Mathematical Centre, Abuja.
- To ascertain the roles played by ICT in National Mathematical Centre, Abuja.
- To find out the efficiency and effectiveness of ICT in National Mathematical Centre, Abuja.
- To determine the challenges associated with the application of ICT in National Mathematical Centre, Abuja.
- To recommend measure that can be taken to address those problems.
1.5 Significance of the Study
This study is expected to provide a basis for comprehensive information on information and communication technology procurement and application in National Mathematical Centre, Abuja. It will establish the existing gaps in the implementation of information and communication technology on dissemination of information of special library in achieving their statutory functions. The output of this study will serve as a blueprint for libraries, information managers/information scientists, researchers, lecturers, and students to take the right course of action for the use of information and communication technology in furthering education through policy formulation and implementation.
1.6 Scope and Limitations of the Study
This research work is on the impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on service delivery in National Mathematical Centre, Gwagwalada, Abuja. Specifically, it covers impact of information and communication technology, information dissemination and special library.
One cannot but say that data collection is the most tedious of writing the project. Another limitation is that the researcher being a student who has to read other courses as well as to take normal lectures during the period of the research may be limited by time given for the study being too short.
1.7 Operational Definition of Research Terms
Role–The part played by an entity over another.
ICT – Information and Communication Technology is an umbrella term that includes any communication device or application, encompassing: radio, television, cellular phones, computer and network hardware and software, satellite systems and so on, as well as the various services and applications associated with them, such as videoconferencing and distance learning.
Service Delivery – is a component of business that defines the interaction between providers and clients where the provider offers a service.
Information: As a representation of knowledge, Information is stored knowledge. Traditionally the storage medium has been books, but increasingly electronic media are becoming important. Information as data in the environment Information can be obtained from a range of environmental stimuli and phenomena; not all of which are intended to ‘convey’ a message, but which can be informative when appropriately interpreted. Information as a resource or commodity Information is transmitted in a message from sender to receiver. The receiver interprets the message as intended by the sender. There may be added value as the information is disseminated or exchanged.
Library: Is an organized collection of resources made accessible to a defined community for reference or borrowing. It provides physical or digital access to material, and may be a physical building or room, or a virtual space, or both. A library’s collection can include books, periodicals, newspapers, manuscripts, films, maps, prints, documents, microform, CDs, cassettes, videotapes, DVDs, e-books, audiobooks, databases, and other formats.Â
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