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 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284



This study surveyed the attitude of students towards utilization of computerized library services in Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa. The study revealed that Internet is the most available computerized service in the library and students have positive attitude towards the computerized services in the library. Among others, the problem of inadequate power supply as major hindrance to the use of the computerized library services. The study concluded that there is a positive attitude from the students towards computerized library services. It is therefore recommended among others that library management should provide alternative source of power to curtail power outages and librarians should increases the level of awareness of its users towards the computerized library services.



1.0       Introduction

The academic libraries have been described as the “heart” of the learning community providing a place for students and faculty to conduct their research and advance their knowledge. In the education system, an academic library is the centre of academic life. A polytechnic library or any library attached to an institution of higher education exists to support the goal of its parent organization, since university libraries are an integral part of the higher education system, they should provide support services for the formal educational programs as well as for facilities for research and for generation of new knowledge. It is important of any information professional working in an academic or any other library to know the real needs of the user community.

Understanding the needs of the target group will help to develop the diverse strategies that are appropriate to obtain effective results. Since the university library is committed to provide excellent resources and services, it has to develop an ongoing dialog with its user community. On the other hand academic libraries have to improve the quality of their service to survive in this volatile competitive environment. Therefore, it is crucial to evaluate the library service from customer’s point of view at the same time order to set up user-centered service, the library needs to know the user and user needs. One of the main tools that can be used to evaluate and assess the library services is the user survey. It is impossible to assess the changing needs of the clientele unless user surveys are conducted to determine user needs and their reading interests.

A library, strives to play a leading role in the teaching, learning and research activities of its parents institution, it should be aggressively dynamics in the provision of its services and manned by personnel of the highest quality, who possess adequate background, appropriate professional training and experience and the proper orientation to meet the challenges of modern university academic, use expectation from any information system is to make available directly or remotely and in real time the needed information, formal notwithstanding, in the university environment the library a major information providing system support’s teaching learning and research with information materials of various types (Anunobi and Edoka 2010).

Computers in libraries have proved useful in assisting the information processing aspect of traditional library, operations like acquisitions, registration of readers, circulation functions and keeping track of reading and research interests of user. Thus repetitive and untie data processing tasks which characterized most library, are effectively and efficiently handle by computer. The computerization of students library services brings with it many benefits meant to improve the quality of services that the library renders to its users some of the benefit of library facilities includes, enhanced productivity, increased output, more productive tasks. In documentation and information processing, network enhancement and perfect control of records management and retrieval.

1.1       Background to the Study

Libraries are part of the information super highway that connects people to the world of knowledge. They are also created to conserve knowledge, preserve cultural heritage, provide information, and serve as centers and foundation of research and recreation in a digital format. Onatola (2014) submits that academic libraries are set up for the sole purpose of complementing the easy achievement and continuous promotion of academic excellence in the parent institutions, also libraries are established primarily to serve their academic and general purposes of the staff and students of such polytechnics.

Today with the advent of Information Communication Technologies most of academic libraries are either partially or fully automated in order to be relevant in a dynamic or changing environment. This change is as a result of advancement in ICTs followed by network with more efforts toward virtual libraries been put in placed due to proliferation of electronic publications, internets and other database services. Consequently, students and researchers should therefore imbibe the culture and develop habit of utilizing e-resources if they should to remain relevant in the 21st century. In addition to that technology is the main support for the students learning development nowadays. With the shifting from manual cantered services to computerized services, the role, activities, attitude, reflections of the students become more imperative to overlook the effectiveness of technology in academic libraries. Computers are the main technology support as a tool for effective learning and teaching process, computer based library services and computers programmes, tools has itself provide much facilities and supports for students educational life.

According to Mishra, Thakur, and Sing, (2015) the computerized services provided in university libraries includes; Data Base Services, Electronic Document Delivery Services, Email Services, Institutional Repositories Services, Current Awareness Services/Selective Dissemination of Information Services as well as Internet services. The success or efforts of computerization in the library depends not only on how well the system works, but also on how well it is received by its intended users, which is reflected in users’ attitude and predictive behavior. Positive attitude contributes to its success, while negative attitude only detracts from the merits of the system because it translates into its low use or non-use.

Therefore, one factor in the successful implementation of computers in the library is users’ acceptance, which in turn might be greatly influenced by his attitude. Attitude has been found to be a predictor of the adoption of new technologies such as computers. Positive students’ attitudes toward computers are widely recognized as a necessary condition for effective utilization of technology in the libraries. Afolabi (2014) opined that academic libraries are at the forefront of providing computer based information services to the different categories of user, students, lecturers and researchers in order to support their teaching, learning and research needs. Yusuf and Iwu (2010) asserted that different users of academic libraries utilize different materials provided by these libraries; such materials as e-reference materials, e-books, e-newspapers, online past projects and electronic journals. This perspective suggests that attitudes influence the reactions that people have toward computers, others, and events that occur over time. Furthermore, it suggests that students who are exposed to computers in their academic programmes might have some pre-existing opinions about the use of computers as an enhancement for the acquisition of knowledge and skills. Attitudes are enduring patterns of belief, believed to be predictive of behaviour, reflecting people’s biases, inclinations or tendencies that influence their response to situations, activities, people or programme goals. Students varied in their information needs and their seeking attitudes they constitute a part of society who is fortunate to have access at little or no cost to themselves a variety of computerized services in their institutions’ libraries. This is made possible because universities use considerable proportions of their budget to provide these technologies for their students to assist in the teaching, learning and research processes.

Students themselves also seem to be holding varying perspectives with regard to the role of libraries. Datig (2014:352) notes that students’ value libraries as more than just a place to study and find books related to their coursework. They perceive it as a place to develop their knowledge. Students perceive the library as essential for substantiating the knowledge that they obtain in class and also for providing a quiet and comfortable place to study. For instance, Chinese academic libraries are considerably well perceived by international students although they have differing purposes, and differing needs for library services and information resources (Nzivo&Chuanfu 2012).

Ashaver and Bem-Bura (2013:14) contend that some students at Benue State University and the Federal University of Agriculture Makurdi, Benue State, in Nigeria have a negative perception of the library services rendered by these university libraries. Those perceptions arise from students’ lack of awareness on how to search for information materials and ignorance on information search and retrieval strategies. In addition, outdated materials in these libraries also have an impact on the negative perceptions that students hold about libraries. Ashaver and Bem-Bura (2013) further state that students get frustrated when they search for current materials on a topic and cannot lay their hands on it easily. Therefore, they resort to other means of information retrieval than the library which should serve them better and is free for all. Moreover, the attitude of most librarians and library officers toward students in their search for information, or their awareness about library use and services, is not encouraging.

The library’s physical building and infrastructure also play an important role in how students perceive it and its overall function and role. If students find that the library building and infrastructure does not meet their needs and expectations they may form a negative perception of it without even making use of the actual library services. Obasuyi and Idiodi (2015:121) state that the significance of an academic library can be assessed by the adequacy of the library’s physical facilities and infrastructures, such as the library building, seating capacity, air conditioning system, and lighting situation.

Furthermore, the library’s information resources ranging from textbooks, periodicals, and reference sources also play an important role in assessing the significance of the academic library. In addition, the availability of government publications, thesis and dissertations, grey literature, electronic and digital materials and the provision of adequate library personnel play an important role in determining the significance of a library. Provision of adequate library services, such as user education and orientation, reference services, internet services, reprographic services, interlibrary loan services, exhibition and display, access to online databases, and referral services are also essential (Obasuyi&Idiodi 2015).

Dewey (2014) indicates that students do not see the library as a primary destination for research because they perceive the library only within their electronic paradigm. As a result, a library which is not electronically equipped does not meet their expectations. Based on the above statements, it may be assumed that perhaps students’ perceptions of the library arise from the actual use of the library and how well it meets their needs and expectations. For instance, if a library meets the needs and expectations of students they may develop positive perceptions of the library. On the other hand, students may also develop their perception of the library based on what they have heard from others without making use of the library themselves.

In short, the reason students have different perspectives of the role of the library may be because each student has had a different experience in the library. Sometimes the library meets their needs or it falls short of their expectations. Nonetheless, there are students who do not recognise the role played by the library in their studies. Usually, those students use the library for the advancement of their social functions. Furthermore, there are students who value the physical buildings of the library rather than the materials it houses. Also, there are students who perceive the library negatively because it does not seem to meet their expectations. Additionally, there are students who appear to recognise the role of the library in their studies or the potential role that the library may play in this regard. As a result of these compelling reasons, the current study investigates students’ perceptions of the role of the library in their studies.

Students’ views of the role of libraries in support of their studies are important as they can help libraries to refine and transform according to students’ needs (Datig 2014). Moreover, students’ perceptions of the role of the library in their studies can also help the academic librarian to measure the extent to which the library contributes to student outcome achievements. The research may serve the purpose of evaluation to see if the perception of libraries on the part of university management agrees with those of students. Subsequently, the research may help the library to identify factors which enhance and hinder the library’s contribution to students’ perceived outcome expectations. Thus, there can be improved understanding of what influences students’ use of the library. Libraries will also be able to provide services which meet the needs of students.

However, in polytechnic libraries, computers have proved to be useful in assisting the information processing aspects of traditional library operations like acquisitions, registration of readers, circulation functions and keeping track of reading and research interests of users. Thus, repetitive and routine data processing tasks, which characterized most library operations, are effectively and efficiently handled by computers and integrated library management systems. Computerization of polytechnic library therefore, leads to a change in the way polytechnic libraries offers services to its users in general as well as in Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa.

1.2       Statement of the Problem

It has been observed that the application of modern information technologies in Nigerian polytechnic library operations and activities seems very inadequate, only a few library practitioners believe that there is hardly much benefits that can be derived from the use of IT applications thereby giving preferences for the manual library services. Meanwhile, the proliferation of polytechnics has added to the problems of their libraries so much that now their future seemed uncertain. Ever since the problem of literature explosion became obvious in the 1970s, the developed world has devised various systems to facilitate the flow of information within and across their countries, and developing countries are invited to take advantage of these devices. However, this invitation is not readily accepted by the developing nations like Nigeria because of some mitigating factors. These include human factors, fear, and the level of development-cum infrastructure of the nation among others. The case of application of modern technology in the library should start with the acceptance of the new technology as vital to the effective performance of the functions of the library (Ogunsola, 2014a). The implementation of IT is still very problematic in Nigerian academic libraries, explaining further that the old traditions of library collection handling, the insufficient knowledge of library staff on usage of modern information technologies and the poor financial situation are some of the problems creating obstacle in the introduction of new information technologies in Nigerian academic libraries. (Ogunsola, 2014b).

Consequently, the failure of donor agencies and government constant neglect of library development owing to low budgetary allocation informed the Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics (ASUP) to demand for urgent intervention from the government. This gave birth to the Education Trust Fund (ETF) now changed to Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund). Okiy (2016) applauded TETfunds timely intervention through funding for adopting and renovating library environment to not only accommodate e-library facilities and resources but also through workshops organized set sponsored by it across the six geo-political zone to ensure adequate service provision by staff to user. Through international agencies like Ford Foundation, British Council, CIDA, UNESCO and UNICEF are contributing to ICTs development in Nigeria has accelerated access to computers, connectivity and localized internet content.

The technology has become accessible and available to the students at university libraries, there has been little attention given to the students’ attitudes about computer usage in the academic community. However, not much is known about the attitudes of students of the Mautech, Yola towards utilizing computerized library services. Many students in the institution tends to turn away from regular visit to the library for their academic activities, this could be attributed to lack of awareness and negative attitude towards the use of ICTS. It is therefore, imperative to investigate the attitude of students towards the use of the computerized library services.

1.3       Research Questions

The study has the following research questions:

  1. What are the computerized services offered by the library?
  2. What are the skills required by the users to make use of the computerized library services?
  3. What is the attitude of the students towards these computerized library services?
  4. What are the problems that hinders students use of the computerized services in the library?
  5. What are the possible solutions to the problems of computerized library services?

1.4       Objectives of the Study

The general objective of this study is to examine the attitude of students towards utilization of computerized services in Federal Polytechnic Library Nasarawa.

The specific objectives of the study are:

  1. To determine the computerized services offered by the library.
  2. To assess the skills required by users to make use of the computerized library services.
  3. To find out the students’ attitude towards computerized library services.
  4. To examine the hindrances to the use of computerized services in the library.
  5. To proffer solution to the problems of computerized library services.

1.5       Significance of the study

This study is significant to the librarians, library management; it will serve as blue print for librarians to know the most interested area of students need towards utilization of e-resources. This aims at contributing to the limited information on the attitude of students towards computerized library services. This study becomes very relevant because the attitude of the students towards the use of computerization programme will be known. Since not much has been done in this area, the study therefore attempts to fill a gap created by this dearth of literature.

1.6       Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study focuses on the attitude of students towards utilization of computerized library services. The study will center it focus on Federal Polytechnic Library Nasarawa.

The limitation of this study are too numerous in the course of carrying out this project work. Among this short coming were financial constrains which in all practical terms affects the investigations process so also was time constrain which was heightened by the fact that the researcher has to hold fast to her academics while carrying out the study in the same vein, the researcher found it very difficult locating recent materials, which were mainly textbooks which would have the investigation more currents.

1.8       Operational Definition of Terms

Below are the operational meaning of the major terms and variable used in the study.

Library: Library is a collection of sources, resources and services and the structure in whichit is housed. The term “Library” has itself occurred a secondary meaning “a collection of useful material for common use”.

Resources: Library materials such as printed and non-printed materials available both physical and online for the use of patrons in the school libraries.

Electronic Library: The library deemed to be one in which the core-processor of library become basically electronic in nature which is likely to happen in through the wide spread incorporation and use of computers and the various facilities that they are able to make available.

Attitude: The feeling of the student towards the use of library resources in their school.

Academic Performance: Academic performance is the achievement outcomes that indicate the extent to which a person has accomplish specific goal.

 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284

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 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284