(A case study of Nigeria Television Authority, Abuja)
The study examined the leadership style and its impact on organizational performance using Nigerian Television Authority as a case study. one of the major problems faced by many organizations whether private or public today is, knowing how effective is leadership style on organizational performance. It was in the right of the aforementioned problem that the researcher deem it necessary to study and in achieving this, the researcher use the document, sources, personal interview and questionnaires to obtain information relevant to the researcher’s topic. The data collected was analyze using simple percentage and chi-square (x2) tools for the purpose of testing the hypothesis. The researcher found out that low performance of an organization is largely caused by lack of adequate incentive, poor working condition, poor supervision and management control and most of all, the heads lack good leadership style can be said to have impact on organization’s performance if understood by the management of Nigeria Television Authority (NTA), to achieve it objectives. It is therefore recommended that management should motivate their employees, by providing good incentive, good human relationship, conducive environment and democratic leadership style should be encouraged.
The success or failure of any organization be it at home level, private company or public organization, depends on how it is managed or administered. No organization can succeed without a good style of leadership. That is to say, the quality of leadership is central to the success of any organization be it a business organization, a government organization or a religious organization (Bature, 2010: 189). This infers that the presence of capable peoples at the helm of affairs to co-ordinate the efforts of subordinates towards the attainment of individual and organizational goal cannot be over emphasized. This co-ordination of efforts is based on effective system of communication which has no flow freely with and between all section of the organization. Irrespective of the fact that these people at the top are address by different nomenclature such as manager, director, executive, sole administrator, to mention a few, their functions are basically the same, the management of human and material resources toward the attainment of specific goals.
From the foregoing, therefore, the corporate image of an organization to an extent depends on how it is effectively managed and administered.
There is the need for a defined authority structure based on rules and objective of the organization, it is this authority that invariably steers, guides, direct, co-ordinates and invariably indeed pilot the affairs of the organization largely depends on its established administered structure. This contention would however be incomplete without the views more important in achieving better result than any more general factors such as job interest loyalty towards company or organization.
Authority structure, vis-à-vis leadership style forms the subject of investigation on this research work, using Nigeria Television Authority (NTA) Abuja as a case study.
The personality of the leader, the style he has adopted, the situation under which he operate and above all, the subordinates(s) he or she deals with all exert influence in assisting the leader to achieve the maximum efficiency that could enhance the attainment of a set of goals for which the organization is established.
Modern administrative leadership in public organization is involved in problems of varying degrees and magnitudes, public organization have problems like st8aff working under the atmosphere of stress, threat injustice, mixed up schedule of duties and indiscriminate transfer of staff as well as meeting harsh and several punitive measures on staffs where there are high case of offences committed by those staffs.
This approach to leadership has recently reduced the efficiency and productivity of prospective hardworking staffs in public organization. Departments in public organization have problems of ineffective leadership based on the fact that many of the subordinates are not given formidable examples to follow. For instance, while some leaders have patience and tolerance for ambiguilty in dealing with their subordinates, others react so vehemently to what seems to be logical error, some subordinate do not have confident in them.
In the public sector, promotion prospects are sometimes consistence with the set down rules and regulations. From the above, one can say that it is lack of seriousness to responsibility on the part of officers and improper guidance and supervision exercised on the subordinates under them.
At times, activities of trade unions organization possess problems to leadership as in most cases, issues not usually concluded through negotiations between union officials and managers normally turns out to be problems of leadership. It is this leadership problem in public organizations that the researcher is interested in investigating with a view of finding lasting solution to the problem.
The main objective of this study is to examine the impact of leadership style on organizational performance in public sector like Nigeria Television Authority, Abuja.
- Evaluate the leadership style of present and past managers of public sectors with regards to Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) in particular.
- The extent to which managers of NTA have been able to relate with subordinates.
- To identify problems areas of leadership that hinders effective management of public organization.
- To determine managerial responsibilities of the managers of the NTA and how effective they can carry out such responsibilities with varying degree of approach to leadership varying degree of approach to leadership style and roles as well.
The finding of this study shall not only be beneficially to the personnel of Nigeria Television Authority (NTA) but also to every individuals as it will help in ensuring high level of performance to obtain goals and objectives of individuals and that of the organization for any organization to achieve its desired objective its leadership must be effect dynamic, high initiative, human relations and capable of transforming theory into practice.
- Does leadership style affect employee performance?
- Is there any siognifi0cant relationship between organizational leadership style and employees?
- Are employees allowed to take part in decision making process?
- In what ways does leadership style have impact on employees’ performance?
H0: Leadership style in an organization does not have an adverse effect on organizational performance.
Hi: Leadership style in organisation has an adverse effect on organizational performance.
This research project is designed to conduct findings on how leadership style has impacted organization performance in Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) between these periods. It will cover the top, middle and lower management in (NTA).
During the course of this study a number of challenges were faced, they include:
In adequate funds to support the study which hinders the quality of the research, reluctance on the part of the respondents to gi0ve all needed information with fear of being reprimanded by their superiors and inadequate time to carry out the academic activities.
For a better understanding of this study it is very important that the researcher presents a simple definition of some of the terms that are used in this study.
- Leadership: This is the act or process of influencing people so that they will strive willingly towards the achievement of group goals. So leadership is generally defined as influence.
- Impact: The power effect that something has upon somebody.
- Performance: An ability to operate efficiently it can be seen as the way and manner to work effectively.
- Subordinates: These are individuals formal working environment who are answerable to the authority of a higher cadre employee.
- Style: The nature and system of leadership adopted by a leader.
- Organization: A group of people working together towards the achievement of a specific purpose.
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