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Mar 17, 2023

 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284




1.1     Background of the Study

The entire world it term a global village because of the ongoing changes and innovation in area of information technology in Nigeria the role of information in various aspect of human Endeavour has made it necessary for government and private sector f the society to seek or adapt the new are of information technology, which reduces to a beeriest minimum level  of the problems encountered and in the old method of information gathering which include data collection, processing, analyzing and interpreting of data, before information is passed for either personal management or public consumption. Information technology has been defined by several schools and researchers, an Olajuwon (edited lecture note) describes it as the discipline encompasses computer system, telecommunication network and multi-media application which are used to pass information from one person to another or group of people with the aim of making a sound management decision.

Information technology as a vibrant tool for effective information management brings large amount of data together in one small place, and uses its tool to process it into information, the tools includes compact disk, which can hold about seven hundred (700) million character of printed text, USB is another technology that have a large capacity than the compact disk. Because of the impact of information and communication technology the National Commission for College of Education (NCCE) has fined it necessary to improve the information need for the commission.

The national commission for college of education is a federal government parastatal that was set up under the decree (now Art) 13 January 1989 amended by Act no: 12 of 1993 as a completion tripod of excellence, the suspension of higher education in the country.

The establishment of the commission was a result of getting effective and quality teachers education by the federal government of Nigeria, the pride of the commission and policy which states that there is no education that can rise above the quality of it’s teachers this is because teachers contribute immeasurably into national development of the country.

They also standardized and review the college curriculums which help to set a standard in NCCE result.

1.2     Statement of the Problems

Every research work is aimed at addressing one problem or the other, there are problems and reasons that necessitate or call for the study as it affect information technology in National Commission for College of Education.

Information technology as a vibrant tool for effective information management is confronted with challenges and problems of some of the staff of the commission see the use of computer as a problem, the goals of information technology have not been achieved in the commission, the commission has not been able to organize courses on its staff and the commission has not been able to achieve the best modern technology.

It is in view of the above facts that the researcher carryout this study to assess the impact of information technology as a vibrant tool for effective information management in National Commission for College of Education, Abuja.

1.3     Objectives of the Study

The aim of this study is to assess the impact of information technology as a vibrant tool for effective information management in National Commission for College of Education, Abuja

The following are the objectives which guide this research work:

  1. To ascertain the extent to which National Commission for College of Education in Abuja is been equipped with modern communication gadget. E.g. computers, internet facilities.
  2. To find out the means of improving communication network in order to achieved efficient and effective result.

1.4     Research Questions

  1. To what extent does National Commission for College of Education in Abuja been equipped with modern communication gadget. E.g. computers, internet facilities?
  2. How can information technology be improved to achieved effective information management?

1.5     Research Hypotheses

Hypothesis One

HO:      Equipment of National Commission for College of Education does not serve as a vibrant tool for effective information  management.

HI:       Equipment of National Commission for College of Education serve as a vibrant tool for effective information     management.

Hypothesis Two

HO:      Improvement of information technology does not help to achieve effective information management.

HI:       Improvement of information technology help to achieve effective information management.

1.6     Scope and Limitation of the Study

The setting of the study is in the National Commission for College of Education, Garki Abuja, based on the subject matter of this research, which is role of information technology as vibrant tool for effective information management.

The problems encountered while conducting this research work are as follows:

  1. Finance.
  2. Data collection in the commission:

Considering the economic condition in the country it was not easy for me to carry out this study effectively as planned, the outcome of the project could have been better than this; but lack of adequate fund and information is the problems.

1.7     Significance of the Study

The significant of this study cannot be over emphasize because the researcher belief that this work will be beneficial to the following people.

  1. The writer him self
  2. The organization (National Commission for College of Education).
  3. The general public.

To the writer, the study, will help to expose the writer tothe particular problems in question, and also serve as an academic challenge thereby enable him expand his knowledge and skill of research finding. To the organization, the finding and recommend action base on facts and observations by the researchers will help (NCCE) to know the role of information technology and operations.

To the public/other user, this study will be useful to scholars, writers, journalist, students etc., in future as a reference source of secondary data.

1.8     Background of National Commission for College of Education

The National Commission for College of Education is a Federal Government Parastatal that was set up under the decree (now Art) 13 January 1989 amended by Act no: 12 of 1993 as a completion tripod of excellence, the suspension of higher education in the country.The establishment of the commission was a result of gettingeffective and quality teachers education by the federal government of Nigeria, the pride of the commission and policy which states that there is no education that can rise above the quality of its teachers this is because teachers contribute immeasurably into national development of the country.

They also standardized and review the college curriculums which help to set a standard in NCE result.

Functions of the National Commission for Colleges of Education

The enabling Decree (now Act) No. 3 of January 1989 (amended decree No. 12 1993) mandated the Commission to perform the following functions:

  1. Make recommendations on the national policy necessary for the full development of teacher education and the training of teachers.
  2. Lay down minimum standards for all programmes of teacher education and accredit their certificates and other academic awards after obtaining thereof prior approval of the Honorable Minister of Education.
  3. Approve guidelines setting out criteria for accreditation of all Colleges of Education in Nigeria.
  4. Determine the qualified teachers needs of Nigeria for the purpose of planning facilities and in particular prepare periodic master plans for the balanced and coordinated development of Colleges of Education.
  5. Inquire into and advise the Federal Government on the financial needs of the Colleges to enable them meet the objectives of producing the trained qualified teachers of the country.
  6. Receive block grants from the Federal Government and allocate them to the Colleges of Education.
  7. Act as the agency for channeling all external aids to Colleges of Education in Nigeria.
  8. Harmonize entry requirements and duration of courses at the Colleges of Education.
  9. Collate, analyze and publish relevant information relating to teacher education in Nigeria.
  10. Advise on and take measures to improve immediate and long term prospects of technical and business education teachers with respect to status and remuneration.
  11. Provide encouragement for women to enter a wide range of pre-vocational courses in technical education.

Over the years, the commission could boast of continuously achieving all these objectives. In addition, it had gone extra mile to bring in new innovations towards the development of teacher education in Nigeria.

1.9     Definition of Terms

Computer Based Information System (CBIS): This is a procedure that enable a computer to transform data in to meaningful information it comprised of hard ware and software, for the accomplishment of those processing task, two or more of those computers work together in the information systems four phase of activities take place which are input processing output and storage.

Software: These are programs that enable computer to carry out task, it can also refers as manual that help operators of the computer system such as programming language, guide and technical manual operations. The two type of software are operational system software and application software.

Data: This is the row and unprocessed information.

Communication Software: This enables data to be transfer from different system to another.

Data Base Management Software: This deals with the formal way of data storage and retrieval. A data base software is simply on orderly collection of files it help in maintenance, creation and manipulation of contents of the file.

Electronics Spreadsheet: This an aspect of computer software which carried out all the functions performed by calculation, which allow the inclusion of text and figure that reports can be produced which clearly identify the meaning of numbers.

 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284

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 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284