1.1 Background to the Study
The setting up of business organization must target a specific target market that tends to be the target audience/market. Understanding the specific needs of the target market will not only aid in the production of goods and services but also in meeting their needs at a profit. However, the degree at which customers derived satisfaction from the consumption of products reflects the degree of profitability of the company. Customer behavior is an important concern for management due to concentrated competition especially in the service industry (Bodet, 2017).
It is therefore necessary for every organization to focus on the degree at which they satisfy their customers. An organization that fails to satisfy its customers will gradually move to an organizational grave.
The behavior of customers will give way for profitability, resulting from high sales. Customer behavior is a necessary foundation for organizations to retain their existing customers (Morgan, et al, 2019). It is therefore vital that organizations that create satisfaction do not only create room for the existing customer but also increases customers’ base.
The focus of organizations on the target market in order to give out the expected and necessary satisfaction made it vital to say that customer behavior is a valuable tool that must be given to customers by organizations if organizations must achieve their core business objective which is profitability. It is therefore necessary to say that there is significant relationship between customer behavior and organizational profitability.
Apart from the Nigeria Commercial Bank, there exist several other banks in and other non – banking institutions most of which perform commercial banking activities. There is very keen competition in the banking industry.
To be able to survive the prevailing intense competition in the banking industry, what most of the bank attempt to do is to create convenient banking activities for their customers. Such activities include the Automated Teller Machine (ATM), Ready Cash Service, Money Transfers, Computer Banking, Banking Via Mobile Phone, etc. Though these services are virtually duplicated by other banks, what is the focus now is the quality of the service which is provided. For this reason, most banks are now paying more to actual and potential customers in order to sustain their business in an environment of competition.
Though it seems that the above is a means of remaining competitive, not all the banks emphasizes on customer behaviour and again it is only a few banks that have taken the trouble to develop their Marketing Strategy with regards to how their services should be provided to satisfy customers. The performance of the Commercial Bank in this direction has been very credible.
The issue of customer behavior goes beyond the theoretical perspective. It is practical in nature of the desired objective of profitability is to be achieved. However, aside from the achievement of desired profit, customer behavior also gives room for customer loyalty, retaining existing customers, increase in sales, expansion, growth and large customer base.
The significance of customer behavior paves way for organizations to constantly watch, monitor and improve the 4Ps of marketing which are Products, Price, Place and Promotion. This made it necessary for organizations to take cross functional decisions on the marketing activities needed to achieve the stated objectives, which also incorporate profitability.
The application of strategies to product in terms of the qualities, sizes, packages, features, brands etc. lead to improvement in customer satisfaction. It is therefore germane in the face of globalized competitive environment for organizations to be dynamic in improving strategic marketing management of the marketing activities in order to constantly increase the rate of profitability.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
An examination of the structures in place by the Commercial Banks appears to suggest a system of effectives service delivery. However, inspite of the bank performance, which is substantially credible, it is yet beset with some problems. Some of the major problems are stated below:
- Absence of well – train and professionally qualified banking staff, they also suffer from offensive, poor attitude and behavior of banks staff in their dealings with actual and potential customers
- Inadequate facilities and equipment required to provide modern banking services it also include absence of frequent training programs for the staff to shape up their attitude towards customers.
- Unduly long processes in responding to customer’s needs and excessive competition from banks which perform commercial banking services.
1.3 Objective of the Study
The main objective of the study is to examine the relationship between customer oriented behavior and the performance of United Bank for Africa. The specific objectives are:
- To examine the attitude and behavior of banks staff in their dealings with actual and potential customers.
- To determine the facilities and equipment required to provide modern banking services.
- To evaluate the level of service quality and customer behaviour in United Bank for Africa.
1.4 Research Questions
- How is the attitude and behavior of banks staff in their dealings with actual and potential customers?
- What are the facilities and equipment required to provide modern banking services?
- What is the level of service quality and customer behaviour in United Bank for Africa?
1.5 Research Hypotheses
Hypothesis One
Ho: Attitude and behaviour of bank staff affect the dealings with actual and potential customers.
Hi: Attitude and behaviour of bank staff does not affect the dealings with actual and potential customers.
Hypothesis Two
Ho: Thereis no relationship between service quality and customer behaviour in United Bank for Africa
Hi: Thereis a relationship between service quality and customer behaviour in United Bank for Africa
1.6 Scope of the Study
This research work focuses attention on the United Bank for Africa Nasarawa.
Usually every research work has its own peculiar limitations. This work is not exempted. The inadequate financial resources, insufficient time, scanty and insufficient data, respondents suspicious and secrecy, constitute a great and huge clog on the wheel of the work.
However, these constraints were not absolute insurmountable, quite a lot was done on the topic which is believed to be sufficient enough to justify its basic aims and objectives.
1.7 Significance of the Study
The research work when completed, will give an insight into a practical situation. However, it will also indicate how to combat the marketing problems in the banks with regards to the level of customer’s behaviour. In addition, it will serve as a source of reference for similar research in future.
It advice managers of banks and any other form of business not to neglect customer behaviour, since it serves as bedrock to the success of any organizations.
Finally, it is also intended to facilitate the effort of policy makers to come out with policies that will embody effective customer behaviour strategies.
1.8 Historical Background of United Bank for Africa
The United Bank for Africa (UBA) is a Nigeria bank with business office in about 19 countries in Africa and also in the United State of America. UBA is one of the largest financial service providers in Nigerian with subsidiaries in 20 Sub-Sharon countries, with representative offices in France, the United Kingdom and also the United State of America.
Perhaps, United Bank for Africa offers universal services to more than 1 million customers across 626 branches. It formed by the merger of the commercially focused. UBA and other retails focused on standard trust bank in 2005, the bank purports to have a clean ambition to be the dominant and leading financial service provider in Africa.
UBA dated around 1948 of his existence and the 5th largest bank in Africa. It started its commencement or operation in Nigeria with standard trust bank (STB) and (CTB) both in 1990.
1.9 Definition of Key Terms
Customer: A customer is any person, whether incorporated or individual who has some sort of account with the bank
Banks: Banks is a firm, incorporated companies or society undertaking banking business.
Bankers: Banking is a process by which financial institution accept deposit and other valuable for safe keeping and hence make profit.
Account: Account with banks is the business relationship expressed or implied arising by agreement with customer. It shows debit and credit reflection, increase and decreases in the subject of the account.
Satisfaction: The fulfillment or gratification of a desire, a need, or an appetite. The pleasure or contentment that is derived from such gratification.
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