• Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025


 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
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Chapter one

1.0     Introduction

1.1     Historical background of the study

Abdul Aziz Attah Memorial College, Okene popularly known as (AAMCO) was established in the year 1923 in Idogi street along Auchi, Benin road in Okene Local Government of Kogi State.

The library of the above mention school is situated in the centre of the school. The library structure is an average type and consists of two sections namely: Readers service section and reference section. The library building and furniture is limited and it is enough to accommodate about 75% of the students. The collections consist of books and reference materials only.

Edoka (2000) define “School library as the part of school where a collection of books, periodicals, magazines, film and films strip, video tapes, recordings of all types are housed for use by teachers and pupils for learning and recreational activities”. It is an integral part of primary and secondary school with the objective of providing materials to enrich the curriculum, to supplement textbooks and classroom instruction, and to give students unlimited opportunities for learning.

School library lays the solid foundation for life long-education, necessary for facing the subsequent challenges for higher education and technologies explosions. Forms of naming school libraries may include instructional centers, media centers, learning resources centers, or school library media centers all reflecting the modern trends in the enlarging conception of the school libraries objectives, contents, roles and services.

The concept of school library is now changing due to the resources and perceptions of institution. The school library is now changing media resource center, information center, learning resources centers etc. this is as a result of the changing role of school library and the expectation of users. The school library is now an integral part of the school. All curricula and extra curricula activities revolves round the school library.

The mission of Universal Basic Education (UBE) programmed, which is aimed at promoting literacy in Nigeria can only be achieved through a well-equipped library, and users must be educated on how to retrieve and use the available resources to meet their information needs. So in view of the above, the specific objective of school libraries are to:

Participate effectively in school programmers as it strives to meet the needs of students, teachers.

Stimulate and guide students in all aspect of their reading/learning so that they may find development in enjoying and satisfaction and may grow in critical judgment and appreciation. Help young people to become skillful and discriminating users of libraries.

Provide an opportunity through library experience for the young to develop helpful interest, to make satisfactory personal adjustments, and to acquire desirable social attitudes.

1.2     Statement of the problem

The place of school library to education of students cannot be over emphasized because as a resource centre, it is expected to acquire and organize print and non-print materials suitable for the need of the users, and more so, as a learning laboratory, it is expected to provide materials to support teaching and encourage student to find out things for themselves.

In addition, libraries are being established in our secondary school without first identifying the information needs of the users of the library, so as to provide or render services that will meet the expressed needs of the users.

Finally, it has been observed that most of the secondary school students exhibit very poor knowledge of the essential needs and requirement in their subject areas. This can be attributed to the fact that what they know is only from teachers. The knowledge they should have received from other sources like the library are denied because of their inability to effectively utilize their secondary school libraries.

1.3     Research question

i.        Do you think that library will provide background materials which would supplement class teaching?     

ii.       Can library develop in pupil the ability to learn from books without a teacher?

iii.      How can library help the pupil in making reasonable use of their leisure time?

iv.      Do you think library will provide social training?

v.       Do you think library will provide access to sources of varied, current and useful information for both pupils and teachers?

vi.      Does library encourage reading for pleasure?

1.4     Research objective

          This research work is design to create an aesthetically pleasing as well as practical learning environment.

          Encourage the reading habits of the learner.

          Develop in pupils the ability to learn from books without teachers.

          Break down the rigid divisions which the school timetable often creates between different subjects.

          To arrange the responsibility to study information management skill, which forms a basis for lifelong learning.

          To provide access to sources of valid, current and useful information for both pupils and teachers.

1.5     Significance of the study

This study is important to library users and staff who don’t know the procedure in disseminating needed information to its right users. To the students, it will be of benefit to them if instrument are provided in school by facilitating schools with adequate equipment for teaching so as to enhance their knowledge and encourage other children who don’t have value for library in education to development the students and acquaint them to face future challenge to the test of time.

In conclusion, academic stands the enhancement benefit from the research work as it will serve as a reference material to their students who may wish to carry out research on this topic.

1.6     Limitation and constraint of the study

          The importance of this research work cannot be over emphasized. Nevertheless the researcher is however facing some constraint which services limitation of the study. Among these limitations are:

          Finance: There is problem of finance in the case of gathering some needed materials to make these work a success. This is because in the course of writing these research works the researcher is facing with transportation from one place to another and through advance information technology (internet)

Time: Time is another factor that limited to this research finding. This is because the researcher has to pass through some stress and non-availability of time which has become a huge challenge inn academic environment.

Lack of interest:    Lack of interest on the part of many respondent contributed immensely towards the limitation of this research work, this is because there is need to get some vital information that would be useful in the course  of this research work.

Adequate collection (materials): There is limited adequate collection and relevant materials which can effectively influence research work. Lastly the topic is based on critical finding because library science and librarianship is a new profession in Kogi state polytechnic for these above constraints the research work is encountered with the challenges.

1.7     Operation definition of terms

1.       AAAMCO: Abdul Aziz Attah Memorial College Okene

2.       Library: It is an organized collection of sources of information and similar           resources, made accessible to a defined community for reference or borrowing. It provides physical or digital access to materials and may be     a physical building or room, or a virtual space or both.

3.       Users: Is anybody who visits the library with the purpose of exploiting its           resources to satisfy his information needs.

4.       Problem: It is a question proposed for solution or discussion.

5.       School: A school is an institution design for the teaching of students          under the direction of teachers.

6.       Knowledge: It is a familiarity, awareness or understanding of someone or something such as facts, information, description or skills which is          acquired through experience or education by perceiving, discovering or learning.

7.       Information: The fact or details about a particular issue that are contained in form of written document or books are kept in library for future references.

8.       Material: Information or idea used in books it’s the totality of collection both printed and not printed items that are kept in library.

9.       Administration: The process or of organization the way that something’s is done or to be done.

 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284

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 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284