• Sat. Jan 18th, 2025

 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
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 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284


(A Case Study of Abuja FCT)


It has been found out that, there is a problem of combating crime in the Federal Capital Territory Abuja. This is reflected in the increase in criminal activities that have been witness in the city. It has been the courage of the government through law enforcement agencies and the public in the attempts to combating this trend. This study examines the role of police in combating crime in Abuja FCT. The prosecution and surveillance. The approach adopted in the study has been mainly from the Marxian political economy approach. Surely sampling technique and questionnaire was adopted for primary data collection in combination with secondary data in criminal statistics from 2006-2010 as compiled by the Nigerian Police in Abuja FCT from the mythology. The analyses in percentage reveal crime against property are more prevalence in FCT. It also shows that the public unwillingness to cooperate with the Police in crime reporting in Abuja FCT. It was also evident in the research that distribution pattern trend of criminal activities are all reflection of the socio-economic dynamic of the environment within the interplay. Base on the finding conclusion and recommendation for effective and efficient crime combating in Abuja FCT were offered.




Many definitions are use for the police-this makes it difficult for a single concise definition to be given.

Generally police force is a body of men and women who are charge with the task of maintaining peace, order, and law enforcement. For the purpose of this project two definitions which are suitable to achieve the desire of the project are taken:-

The Webster third new international dictionary defined police as a department of government whose responsibility is for the preservation of public order, detection of crime and enforcement of civil law, the police force is a squad of mounted police another definition of police is that police is the civil force to which is entrusted the task of maintaining public order and enforcement of law for the preservation and punishment of its branches (Alderson 1983:163)

The police could also mean any body of people whose job is to keep order and enforce regulation the police are mean to protect members of the society from the lawless that has crept into the society

To really get the most out of this topic an intensive study of police in Abuja be look into the presence of the federal capital territory. Abuja as an urban centers greatly influencing the proximity density of the town which have culminated into so many problem such as, housing problem, traffic congestion unemployed and other social problems. These then could intensified the incidence of crime in the area.

In this introduction the management of security in Abuja sees crime combating as traditional preserve for the police and other security agents. Crime combating involves the choice of objectives as well as policy strategies and technique for realizing the identified objectives. The police are adjudged effective if its, able to attain and sustain specific goals of crime combating such as to increase prevention, detection, prosecution and surveillance of criminals in the society.

Security and development is often constrained by factors such as increase in crimes rates in the society. The major goal of the police therefore is to facilitate the process of crime combating in society crime according to the Alemika (1990) is the activity which breaks the law of the land and are subject to official punishment the subject of this, study is to examine and highlight the role of the police in combating crime in Abuja (federal capital territory). Having it in mind the important which security personnel play in the development process.

It is generally acknowledged that the availability and visibility and crime free society is a prerequisite for the development transformation of any society. Parsons (1902-1979). It follow that police have free society and promoting development. For example Adelakum (2003) stated that crime is a dog to the wheel of progress of the society.

This project is divided into three major chapters. Chapter one is mainly to the introductory parts of topic, while chapter two focuses on the review of literatures background of the study by looking into others people work on the topic of the study.

The review of literature of the study also look at the establishment of the police, its function, theories, its contributions factor military against fulfillment of the role of police and also theories of crime will be considered.

Chapter three will focus on the summary of the whole work, the conclusion down base on the finding and some recommendation will be offer base on the out come of the research. The definition of term will be made available so also the reference.


It is a sad historic reality in Abuja today it is a compelling paradox. In this case it is crime problem. The realistic security and crime designed to be determine by the police not practicable, the gloat became dirty because the government through the Nigerian police which become the inconsistency in implementation of it policies and programme toward the effectiveness and efficiency of the police

Crime rates charges in an unpredictable manner in the federal capital territory that crime becomes a problem. This is because it took the advantages of police weakness in combating crime apart from the fact that the security personnel were pay mega amount they don’t have the necessary logistic for effective crime combating despite the present of many police station in the area. This is a problem of crime in Abuja such:-

  1. It is common in Abuja that most residence has resort to hiring watchmen to guard their houses because of fear of buglers and thieves.
  2. There is insecurity as most people have to sleep with one eye open because of fear of criminals attack such as armed robbers.
  3. Some people have been deprived the freedom of worship because they serve as watchman of their houses during worship hours.
  4. Most area in Abuja had or form vigilante group that keep vigil at night to armed robbers and stores breakers.
  5. Most people dare living in cage houses with monstrous gates with high parameters fence attach electrical wires because of fear of armed robbers in the FCT.
  6. Most people had modified their life style by not moving outside in certain period of time and places in Abuja because of armed robbers gangster or advance fee fraud (419)


This study focuses on crime combating in Abuja town thus the objectives of this study focuses on the following:-

  1. To determine the extent of public co-operation with the police in crime control in Abuja
  2. To determine the extent in which modern crime fighting devices are employed in crime fighting in Abuja
  3. To determine the distribution pattern of crime with reference to sex type and age in Abuja
  4. To offer recommendation for crime prevention and better co-operation between the police and the public in combating crime in crime Abuja.


Significance of this study cannot over emphases, because

  1. It will promote cordial relationship between the police and the public which before has been that of suspicious and lack of trust among the public and the police, by providing a practical and working solution for effective and efficient police and public relation in combating crime in Abuja.
  2. The study is also timely because people in Abuja are interested in crime free society and effective and efficient policing. This study attempts to achieve these and also serve the need of the people
  3. The researcher will be of value to the police, the government, the individual and Abuja community at large. In that the solution arrived at in the research will be of good use in combating crime planning.


The scope is an assessment of combating crime by Nigerian police in Abuja town. In term of crime prevention detection and surveillance the limitation of the study is due to lack of of resource to cover the whole criminal justice system in Abuja couple with the fact that is also limited due to the rigorous academic activities and the process of getting information may be time cumbersome.


The word that need to be clearly define for the purpose of this study is combating crime

Combating crime:- Is a pattern of attitudes and behaviors directed both at reducing the threat of crime and enhancing the senses of safety and security to positively influence the quality of life and to developed environment where crime cannot flourish. In another definition, it is the anticipation, reorganization and appraisal of a crime the initiation of some action to remove or reduce it. (A.B Danbazau)

To anticipate a crime risk is to foresee the pattern or trends of crime in a particular area of time, most probably base on reports, to recognize means of collecting and analyzing data to enable the police determine what, why how, where, by, whom and why criminal activities is taking place, to appraisal the crime risk is to assess or evaluate it in terms of danger to the community and such appraisal will rely heavily on data, to initiate an actions is to reduce it, and in this content action means response to the crime problem, which require both tactical and strategic action by developing a plan which could be short medium or long-term and finally to remove or reduce the crime risk is the implementation phase and produces the end results.

Combating crime as the basis of policing was first formulated in England with the passage of the metropolitan police Act of 1829 crime prevention was the ultimate goal of the organized police force before it was later overshadowed by emphasis on investigation and punishment. The idea of crime prevention assumed importance again in the early 1970s. the Virginia crime prevention as punitive corrective and mechanical or organized

Crime prevention approaches have developed out of different tradition across the world. In the United states, for example criminologist have drawn largely from public health models of disease prevention to create their own crime prevention typology. There is the primary crime prevention which attempt to change environmental conditions that provide opportunity for occurrence of criminal acts. Next is the secondary crime prevention which involves engagement in early identification of potential offenders by seeking to intervene to prevent criminal behavior from developing. The third involves the tertiary crime prevention measures dealing with actual offenders and intervention aimed at preventing further criminal acts.

Police:- Are government agencies whose principally responsible for law enforcement and maintaining of law and order in the society.

Law: – Is a body of rules of conduct prescribed by an authority with binding legal force, the violation of which may attract punishment

Criminal law: – Is an instrument of education as well as coercion shaping behavior through its moral as well as through fear of punishment

Crime: – Is a violation of rules agreed to be respected by all members of the society or a crime is a public and moral wrong.

 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284

 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284

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