(A case study of Reiz Continental Hotel, Abuja)
Every business enterprise, big or small, public or private operates within the frame work of policies aimed at achieving a set objective. These policies takes into account the dynamic nature of the business environments, individual needs and aspiration and above all, the cultural frame work of organizational effectiveness or productivity very much depends on the nature of these policies formulated and also on the mode of implementation. It is on this premise that this research work was initiated to understand various personnel management policies operative in organizations with particular reference to Reiz Continental Hotel, Abuja as a case study. The research also aimed at identifying the effects, importance and some of the problem associated with the ineffective personnel policies. Due to the importance of these policies to any enterprise, a particular department to usually given a pride of place in the scheme of things and is responsible for the general being of such organization.
This project is carefully chosen to evaluate the impact of personnel management policy in an organization using hospitality industry and it growth in Abuja, vis-Ã -vis Nigeria. It is very strategic and critical more than many people want to accept it. Notwithstanding that this research is meant to address the personnel management aspect of the industry, I shall deal with a little into the brief historical development of hospitality industry. The stages in the development of hotel may be related to the world development stages. But in Nigeria the development only dates back the early century with the evidence to support their existence during the pre-colonial era.
In Nigeria the hotels have not developed to a standard required as other hotels apart from accommodation which often is not sufficient they have been able to provide the highly required packing space and in most cases no swimming pools. In Nigeria, corporation in the hospitality industry are Transcorp Hilton Hotel corporation, Sheraton, Lemeridian and Protea hotel etc. these giants have established chains around Nigeria and the world the chain Hotel system is still growing in Nigeria with other indigenous. Corporation like Namet Hotel Resort Management Service etc. with management contract of some hotel. In Nigeria cities this is significant as professionalism has taken over as exhibited by the standard and management of hotels like Rock view, Chelsea and Reiz Continentals in Abuja, with far reaching innovations in the hospitality and tourism industry. In recent years the need for effective personnel management however, also has become critical in the non-profit organization. Most organization in the private sector have had to expand their services and the size of their work forces, and to bargain with employee union demanding higher wages and fringe benefit encountering these experiences which have required them to devote attention to personnel management.
Tough Hospitality industry has strategic and critical role to play in the economic development of Nigeria. It has not been fully harnessed to yield the desired result. (The problems or constraints that cause a break down in the general performance of personnel function in the industry, inability to streamline the function of the personnel department, lack of fairness in taking disciplinary measure, lack of motivation by way of promotion bonuses, staff training etc.) deserving staff are not adequately rewarded to spur them to higher performance, wrong procedure for recruitment of staff.
It is based on the above that this research is being conducted to critically evaluate the impact personnel management policy in an organization.
The objective of this study is to identify the primary areas that a functional personnel management of the organization goals. The following can be achieved through a well-organized and functional personnel department.
- To examine how personnel department is functioning in reiz continental hotel.
- To find out whether the staff are satisfied with their job in reiz continental hotel.
- To find out if staff matters are always address properly by the personnel department.
- To look whether the staffs are friendly with their customers in reiz continental hotel.
- To find out if there is a regular meetings between management and the staff where every staff given opportunity to hear their opinion.
In order to sustain the existence of hospitality industry there must be adequate personnel management policy.
This research work is significant as it will assist the management of Reiz continental hotel in knowing the effective means of managing personnel.
This research will be significant as it will serve as a scholarly reference material for other researcher.
As the name implies, it means tentative questions that may be true or false. These are the following question to be asked.
- Does personnel department function in Reiz continental hotel?
- Are the staffs satisfied with their job in Reiz continental hotel?
- Does staff matters always address properly by the personnel department.
- Does the staff in Reiz continental hotel friendly with their customers?
- Does regular meeting between management and the staff where every staff give opportunity to hear their opinion?
Ho: Effective personnel management does not enhance workers performance in the organization.
Hi: Effective personnel management enhances workers performance in the organization.
This project study will cover looks and cranny of employees and management in Reiz continental hotel in Abuja who directly impacted the efficiency of the personnel management. Also the customer service as a result of well-structured and functions of personnel management with a view to identifying their lapses and short coming to impact policies and also the impact of personnel management in an organization.
A lot of problems were encountered in the course of carrying out this academic exercise.
The major setback was finance: A work of this magnitude required a lot of money to reach out to substantial number of the target respondents in order to make a comprehensive report.
Time: Collection of the primary data is time consuming; hence, time was not enough to gather all the materials that would have enhanced a comprehensive research.
Attitude: This is another blow to this research work as some respondents were not willing to fill in the questionnaire for one reason or the other, despite the assurance of strict confidence, some complained of time while some even misplaced theirs.
Management: Is the process of efficiency and getting activities completed with and through the efforts of other people. The management process includes the planning, organizing, coordinating and controlling activities that are design to accomplish organizational goal.
Policy: Is to integrate the knowledge gained in functional areas. To adopt a generalist approach and to comprehend the complex interaction taking place within the organization with its external environment.
Personnel policy: Are set proposals and action that act as a reference point for management in their dealings with employees.
Mission: Mission statements help an organization to link its activities to the need so society for example the company considers it as the time keeper of the nation.
Purpose: It includes anything that an organization strives for in the various activities and functions which the manager performs, they are guided by the purpose.
Goals: A goal is a closed ended attribute which is precise in specific terms.
Objectives: Represent what are to be achieved towards its purpose and to fulfill its mission.
Training: Is to impose current performance and provide a suitable knowledge, skills, attained and behaviour, motivation to staff of employee.
Strategy: Is a plan or pattern that brings together an enterprise major objective, policies and activities into a cohesive whole. Employees Development: This is usually obtained by providing challenges on the job that will; enhance the individual’s growth and development of the job information gathered on the job are applied to daily task to exploit innate potentials.
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