Surveying can be defined as the art of making measurement of the relative position of natural and manmade features on the earth surface and plotting of this measurement to some suitable scale to form map, plan & section. It can also be defined as that discipline which encompasses all methods of measuring and collecting information about the physical earth and our environment, processing that information and disseminating a variety of resulting products to a wide range of clients.
The determination of this quantities depends on the target the survey is required. Different methods surveying are used of which these elements depending on the job target and other predominant conditions.
The project (topographical survey) is made to find out objects and measuring the relief, coarseness and three dimensional varieties of the senior staff quarters of Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa. Detail information was ascertain pertaining to elevations as well as to target or locations of constructed and natural features such as buildings, trees, road etc and the whole information is plotted on maps called TOPOMAP.
The topographic map is a map whose important aim is to draw or identify and convey features of the earth surface, both artificial and natural as faithful as possible within the limitation by the scale. It can also be defined as maps that represent contour lines to show elevation change on the surface of the earth or below the surface of the ocean.
The topographic mapping of the senior staff quarters of Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa involves the following process:
- Traversing
- Levelling
- Tacheometry
This report is divided into five (5) chapters for clarity and proper understanding. Chapter one contains introduction, background of study, statement of problem, purpose of study, significance of study, assumption and scope of study. Chapter two deals with literature review, in chapter three (3) the research methodology,Chapter four contain data presentation and analysis and chapter five is the conclusion and recommendation was discussed in detail.
Topographic map is a kind of map different from other maps because it is a simple drawing that shows the relief, natural and artificial features of an area and it is also a map that represents the horizontal and vertical position of the features represented through a combination of contour lines, colour, symbol, label and other graphical representation. Topographic maps show the shape and location of mountains, forest, lake, river, road, cities, bridge and many other natural and man made features. It also contain some important information for surveyors and map producers such information include baseline, bench mark and meridian declination. Topographic maps are also used by civil engineers.
The senior staff quarter of Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa was established to accomplish/obtain an aim, but as time went on, this accomplishment needed to go further than just bound to education but also infrastructural development. Topographic maps are needed in every aspect of surveying and most of the topographic maps of Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa are antiquated and as a result of this, it cannot be used for desire need. In addition to acquire more knowledge on these recommends that project work should now take topographic map as a base map for the whole are so that future development of the area.This raised important questions as;
a. What are the necessary equipment needed to generate data to be used to produce topographical map
b. Does the school have the equipment needed in order to achieve this task?
c. What surveying method will help in the achievement of the set goal.
The aim of this project was to produce a topographical map of senior staff quarters of Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa. And the specific objectives were to
1. To generate data which are to be used to produce map.
2. To write a technical report do how the project was executed.
3. To represent natural and manmade features in the map.
4. To produce a database map for the site.
The purpose of this study is clearly listed and seen in the aims and objectives of this project. It is a fact that no man embark on any job without having it in mind what he/she want to achieve at the end; and it embedded in the fact that after the whole field work, a topographical map showing the relief, natural and man made features of the senior staff quarters must emerge. This will provide avenue for one to properly learn the aspect of the job properly (i.e been able to carryout the job yourself outside the school environment).
The project work is relevant and crucial because of the end product (i.e the topographical map of the senior staff quarter). This will serve as a base map upon which in time ahead development can be planned and help the student of surveying and geo-informatics and other related field of study in carrying out further research work and the map will provide a base for the master plan of the school.
It is assumption of the researcher that the process, and steps used are sufficient in achieving the desired result of the project. Thus the researcher checked and worked within the available materials as at the time of this project execution.
The following survey method are to be employed in achieving the set goals.
- Theodolite traversing for control survey (boundary).
- Spirit levelling for heighten of boundary points/stations.
- Computation
- Tachometric method of detailing and spot heighten
- Plotting using suitable scale
The scope of this study covers the following:
- Reconnaissance
- Control extension
- Theodolite traversing
- Spirit levelling to provide height
- Detailing using tachometric method
- Computation and
- Plotting using suitable scale
* Traverse: This describe a series of connected line whose lengths and directions are measured in the field. It is also a series of established station tied together by angle and distance. These angles are measured with theodolite, or total station.
* Levelling: Levelling is the procedure for determining differences in elevation between apart points.
*Hand-held GSP: These are compact version of sub meter systems. The antenna is integrated into the top of the unit which has a large colour touch screen.
*Bench mark (BM): It is a relatively permanent and fixed reference point of known elevation above or below the assumed datum.
* Reduced level (RL): This is the height or depth of a point above or below assumed datum. It is also known as the elevation of point.
* Line collimation: It is the imaginary line passing through the optical center of the objectives lens and the points of intersection of the cross hair of the eye-piece. It is also known as line of sight.
* Instrument station: It is the point where the instrument is set up for observation.
* Height of instrument: It is the elevation of the line of sight with respect to the assumed datum.
* Backsight: It is the first sight taken on a levelling staff held at a assumed datum.
* Foresight: This is the sight taken on a levelling staff held at a point of unknown height to ascertain the amount by which the point is above or below the line of sight.
* Intermediate sight: Is the sight taken on a levelling staff held at a point between two turning point to determine the height of fast point.
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