There has been a great deal of controversy about HIV/AIDS. Do they help persuade people to change the way they behave?. And, were they depict the less savory side of human behavior namely: violence, crime and sexual perversion, Do they encourage or discourage such activities? It is believed that in the imperfect world, there is no single antidote to human ills but publicity is often a vital step to finding the cure for many social ills. In this line therefore, it is believed that extensive impact of media and true information on the HIV/AIDS Campaign will read and perhaps touch on the sexual habit of people. It is fortified. HIV/AIDS is the worst disease to hit human race since the Black Plague of the 114th Century. Already, 25 million unsuspecting people have caught this awful disease and do not know it, and might not know it for years. We need a better understanding of how EE works, so that positive effects can be strengthened. It is also important to learn how transmitting EE offerings through new, social, and interactive media affects outcomes.
The media, that has been established, can provide for audience member a “definition of the situation” on a variety of issues. By emphasizing certain topics, the mass media create some distorted impressions with their “definition” portraying a reflection of the red society. For example, if sexual promiscuity regularly portrayed as widely practiced, an individual would define his own behavior in such a situation as norms internalized. This would guide his conduct.
Simply by their presence, the mass media have altered the nature of societal communication norm. Large audience has been created that expects the media to provide a continuous flow of news, entertainment, political commentary and other message. People depend on the media for various forms of gratification based on content. If denied such communication, they feel deprived.
(Benelson, 1950, 889-898). Even in relatively underdeveloped societies, population quickly develop. Once mass communication become available to people in form they understand, they become aware of events outside their immediate experience.
According to walter Lippman (1922) act upon basis of “the pichires in our head”, rather than the reality of the world outside.
We have learned through research that the images and words the media carry, Television, Radio and Newspapers” determines within the limitation posed by intervening factors, open of people and their actions.
It is believed that in the imperfect world, there is no single antidote to human ills but publicity is often a vital step to finding the cure for many social ills. In this line therefore, it is believed that extensive impact of media and true information on the HIV/ AIDS Campaign will read and perhaps touch on the sexual habit of people. It is fortified. HIV/ AIDS/ AIDS is the worst disease to hit human race since the Black Plague of the 114th Century. Already, 25 million unsuspecting people have caught this awful disease and do not know it, and might not know it for years. (van Impe: 1989: Pg. 1)
Acquired Immune Deficiency syndrome (HIV/ AIDS/ AIDS) is a sexually transmitted disease which has spread through the present lack of vaccine or drugs.
The HIV/ AIDS/ AIDS virus infects cells in the brain and causes what is known as Dementia, or brain disease. People who have this suffer from impaired short-term memory, mental confusion, personality, they may succumb to paranoia, sometimes psychoses, mutism (they become unable to speak) in continence (they have loss of muscular contra) and finally coma and death (van Impe, 1987).
The world health Organization (WHO) has taken the bull by the horn. It is in the media of world wide they attempt to control of the disease. HIV/ AIDS/ AIDS which appeared to be a disease affecting mainly the homosexual population has become a scourge affecting people of every race and life-styles.
The role of mass media in any society cannot be ever emphasized. It goes beyond the ordinary art and science of news gathering and dissemination to shaping opinions and attitudes of people accurate analysis and interpretation of news events through their information, education, entertaining, and socializing function of Mass Media affect people’s attitude and behavior (Grahamen Mytton 1983:32).
The mass media set agenda for public discussion by chronicling news event within the society. The mass media, no doubt, has changed or altered our culture. New products, advertised to millions via television, magazines, radio and newspapers, can achieve wide spread adoption almost overnight. The rapid spread of other cultural forms, such as speech mannerism, fades of all kinds, and other innovative patterns, can be trigged by the media.
Different Mass Media are effective at different points in different ways. The mass media only create awareness while the face to face communication brings about change. Both are complementary, But Eagle and others observed that when the audience is large, it usually necessary to accept the inefficiencies of mass communication, (Eugle el al 19709: 29)
This implies that the mass have short-comings which do not produce their effectiveness no matter how minimal at bringing about social change. Lazars field and Katz Radio, television and print to opinion leaders and from them to the less active sections of the population: It therefore means that those who cannot be reached by the three media could benefit from interpersonal flow of information or the innovation. (Field and Katz 1955).
Macgurire (1969), observed that the measured impact of the mass media as regard persuasiveness seems quite slight. A tremendous among of applied research has carried out to test the effectiveness of the news media messages…The out come which he said been quite embarrassing for proponents of mass media.
In view of this perceived shortcoming, it therefore, becomes very necessary to work hard at the role of the mass media campaign against HIV/ AIDS/ AIDS vis-à-vis their impact among the teenagers in vandiekya local government area of Benue state.
However, research is a systematic search of knowledge the media of which a primarily to find solutions to existing problems (s). Proper identification of a problem determines the direction of the study. Therefore, the problems this research work aims at solving are:-
- To determines the major sources of information regarding to HIV/ AIDS/ AIDS.
- The impact of exposure to HIV/ AIDS/ AIDS campaign among teenagers in Benue.
The primary aim of this study is to examine the extent to which mass media campaign against HIV/ AIDS/ AIDS has affected and influenced attitude and behavioral change towards sex. Influence here, will therefore, be regarded as the ability of the campaign against HIV/ AIDS/ AIDS messages carried by the mass media to induce the teenagers to change their behaviors to sexual promiscuity) and help them also know more about HIV/ AIDS/ AIDS and suggested preventive measures.
The study was interested in the audience ie the teenagers. Do their sex and age affect the way they perceive the messages?
Are they really getting the information (exposure) has their level of education got something to do with their behavior and attitudes to sexual matters.
It is envisaged that the outcome of the study will help to alert the teenagers’ population on the dangers inherent in HIV/ AIDS/ AIDS and equally contribute to existing literature in the area of mass media impact.
Also, the study will help Health ministry to determine which of the mass media to employ in disseminating HIV/ AIDS/ AIDS information.
Above all, it is hoped that the study will further equips mass media practitioners, communication experts and researchers to come up with a concrete and more futuristic approach to covering all manners of campaign without much do in Nigeria.
- Do people get most information about HIV/ AIDS/ AIDS through the mass media?
- Does campaign against HIV/ AIDS/ AIDS relate to the use of condom during sexual intercourse amongst teenagers?
- Does exposure against HIV/ AIDS/ AIDS campaign discourage teenagers from sexual promiscuity?
- Do teenagers who are single expose themselves
As a result of poor funding, time constraints and convenience, the study shall be limited to Vandekiya Local government area of Benue state,.
The researchers hope that through the use of questionnaire and scientific sampling techniques, the results of the study will be generalized to a larger population.
- HIV/AIDS A deadly infectious disease
- CAMPAIGN AGAINST HIV/AIDS: Series of planned information to politicized GT HIV/AIDS and its preventive measures
- SEX: The activities surrounding, centering on and leading to coitus.
TEENAGERS: Collectively of young men and women
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