• Fri. Mar 14th, 2025


 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284



The absence of most commercial activities close to the consumer, as such for buying and selling, relaxation purpose and meeting activities etc. This has necessitated the proposed modern shopping Centre for the people of Lafia. The project report has been divided into five chapters. The introductory chapter shows definition of the project report. The project is mainly shopping mall. The research looks at the advantage, problem, forms, structure aesthetic, and economy with regard to the materials. Two has tried to show the contextual development of shopping mall both in western and Africa idiom, and also to understand how the next generation of designers will draw hybrid space between the western and traditional mall for true regional mall architecture. In chapter three various parameters to shopping mall were analyzed, this include the sight line, acoustic, acoustical materials etc. and these entire component have become the guiding principle of the design in chapter four. The understanding of existing situation has brought in the case study technique, local studies were analyzed for a good planning system. The need to understand the local condition of the site is necessary so that design would have to respect this local condition. Chapter five has tried to show how the site local condition is, these are winds, temperature, sunshine hours, rainfall etc. and their implication on the design. The last chapter is a treatment of various design approaches in architecture as applied to the project. This has gone to conceptual planning level, concepts evolution and site planning scheme.



A shopping mall, shopping complex, shopping arcade, shopping prescient or simply mall is one or more buildings forming a complex of shops representing merchandisers with interconnecting walkways enabling visitors to easily walk from unit to unit, along with a parking area. The success of such Centre lies on the neighborhood within them. The need of such facility in lafia cannot be over emphasis in order to create an avenue where basic activities such as buying and selling, relaxation to mention but few could be taking place.


According to the last population census conducted by the National Population Commission in 2006, Lafia Local Government Area has a population of over 2,000,000 people. Most of whom are civil servants and traders migrated from different locality in Nigeria and neighboring countries, such as Ghana, Niger to mention but few, this has to do with its proximity with Nasarawa Eggon and Obi Local Government. In such a settlement, there is need for more recreational spot to complement the existing one where residents can go to shop and have some fun.

1.2       MOTIVATION

In an emerging urban settlement like Lafia, the importance of commercial centers cannot be over looked. Commercial centers such as shopping mall will go a long way in providing the inhabitants with a shopping mall where goods and service can be bought and sold in a conducive atmosphere. This project being an ultra-modern one will go beyond provision of buying and selling points but also a recreational center.



The primary aim of this project is to evolve a standard and functional architectural design that will stand the test of time carrying along the various professionals in the building industry.


The objectives of this project work includes:-

  1. To design and prepare spatial relationship, circulation area and alignment.
  2. To ensure adequate ventilation and lightning
  3. To provide the propose project with good landscape.
  4. To provide an aesthetically sound structure.


In a bid to evolve a logical and modernized design that will serve its purpose, both descriptive survey method and analytical survey method.

  1. The descriptive survey method involves the taking of case studies where information deduced from merits and demerits were studied.
  2. Analytical survey method involves information gotten from site inventories and deduced data from sit analysis.

The following listed materials were consulted in the cause of this research work and they include;

  1. Oral interview with relevant personnel of Lafia Local Government.
  2.  Books of architecture.
  3. Manual of Government Agencies like the Nasarawa Development Control manual.
  4. Internet websites with shopping mall links.


The study is divided into two parts.

  1. Literature
  2. Proposal design

This discussion forms a part which will include;

Studies and reviews of the site, case studies, construction techniques, materials and services that will be used in the proposed design as well as design criteria to be employed.


ULTRA: Extremely or technical above and beyond something in a range.

MODERN: Belonging to present time or most recent time; or made or done using the most recent design or method

SHOPPING MALL:  A group of shops together in one large covered building.

SHOPPING COMPLEX:  Is a complex comprising or consisting of related facilities planned as a unified group to give maximum shopping convenience to the customers and maximum exposure to the merchandise.

SHOPPING: The activity of buying goods from shops.

SHOPPING PRECINT: Is an area in town where there are a lot of shops and where cars are not allowed.

STORE:  A place where something is sold.

SHOPPING CART:  Is a four- wheeled cart provided by supermarket or other retail store for customers’ use in collecting purchases.


The functionality of a building does not only stop when units are put to use effectively but securing the lives of the occupants also matters. Since problem such as serious injury or even dead is recorded when even there are accidents in the public buildings, the project is aimed at tackling future problems of safe evacuation of people out of the building in case of accidents since it is bound to happen. The project will help the researchers to know more about allocating spaces in design meant especially for circulation. Finally, it will also help in design where the circulation and dismountable portioning paramount.

 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284

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 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284