(A Case Study of Coca-Cola Company Plc Mubi Depot)
This research work titled Effect of Strategies on Workers Performance in an organization. The objective of this research is to see why workers performance needs to be improved in the company, to examine if there is any repercussion to workers inefficiency in any company. The researcher used questionnaire as the method of data collection, the data were further analyzed using chi-square method. The findings for this research include: the need for improving workers performance; that the basic strategy for improving workers performance is motivation and if workers performance is improved, the company will achieve its objectives, shortage of funds inability to initiate and inadequate supervision are the major problems of the company. It is finally recommended that workers performance should be improved in the company. The company should employ motivational strategies to improve her workers performance, and the company provides enough funds, ability to initiate an adequate supervision of workers.
A company’s strategy is the game plan’ management has for positioning the company in its chosen market arena, competing successfully, pleasing customers, and achieving good business performance. Strategy consists of the whole array of competitive moves and business approaches that managers employ in running a company. A strategy entails managerial choices among alternatives and signals the organizational commitment to specific markets, competitive approaches and ways of operating it.
Managers apply company’s strategies because of two very needs:
Firstly, the need for proactively shapes how a company’s business will he conducted passively, allowing strategy to drift along as the byproduct. Ongoing business approaches, occasional proposals for improvement and periodic adjustments to upholding events is a single ticket for consistent strategic actions to produce good performance:
Secondly, molding the independent decisions and actions initiated b departments, managers, and employees across the company into a coordinated, companywide game plan.
Indeed, the essence of’ good strategy-making is to build a market position strong enough and an organization capable enough to produce successful performance despite unforeseeable events, potent competition and internal difficulties.
In a company, workers constitute the most important element for the success of the company. Precisely, workers are concerned with the task of separating work among them whose efforts required coordination. In practice, it deals with specifying objectives for a company as a whole and each department is determined in broad sense the activities and decisions necessary to accomplish those objectives.
According to the modern management theory, organizations are recognized as a system in which people are working and interacting together in pursuit of common goals. This kind of management is therefore known as the process of managing people. It also requires that it should be given proper treatment to exert their maximum that they will improve on their performance.
As far back as 1993 when the Coca-cola Depot was established in Mubi the Management of the Depot has made tremendous effort to improve the performance of her workers on the basis of adoption and strategy approach. The rationale for good strategy making and good strategy execution is therefore compelling; the better conceived the Depot’s strategy to improve workers performance and the more competently it is executed.
This research work therefore focuses attention on well-meaning strategies for improving workers performance particularly workers’ of Mubi-Depot Coca-cola Company. The Depot is faced with the problem of improving her workers’ performance because of lack of proper training and development, wrong procurement of workers and poor remuneration being given to the workers. Broadly speaking, these workers find it difficult to meet up with the daily needs as expected of them.
Conversely, the performance of the workers is only improved when it comes to service but other devices of improving performance arc left unattainable and not considered as performance improving devices.
In this research, the researchers are aimed at the following objectives.
(1) To see why workers’ performance needs to be improved in an organization.
(2) To analyses the various strategies to improve workers’ performance.
(3) To examine if there is any repercussion to workers’ inefficiency in an organization.
(4) To find possible consequences if workers performance is improved.
Workers play a very significant role in an organization. This is because the success of any organization depends largely on workers for the attainment of the organizational objectives.
Hence workers constitute the most critical aspect of an organization therefore their performance need to be improved.
Consequently, this research tends to be useful to students of management in general and in particular to the staff of Coca-cola Company, Mubi Depot. To be candid, workers are expected to the given Favourable treatment to enable them execute their duties and responsibilities.
Nevertheless, those workers are human resources of the organization. In addition, it is intended to help the organization or the company at large to adopt the various strategies that will assist them to improve their workers’ performance.
i. Why is workers performance need to improve?
ii. What are the repercussions to workers’ inefficiency?
iii. What are the various strategies to be taken to improve workers’ performance?
iv. What are the possible consequences if workers’ performance is improved?
Ho: Motivation and giving of incentives does not improve workers performance.
Hi: Motivation and giving of incentives improve workers performance.
The scope of this research is strictly centered on the skilled workers of the Coca-cola Company, Mubi Depot.
The study is limited as it looks at effect of strategies on workers performance in an organization. A case study of Coca-cola Company Plc. Mubi Depot.
In Fact, any research of this nature, it is bound to have some limitations therefore; this research is by no means an exemption. So the limitations for this research work were the time inadequacy. The time available was so limited that the researcher cannot extend to cover a wider range of area.
There were also inadequate resources such as human resource for the supply of necessary information as well as financial resources to be used in getting to the appropriate quarters to get more in Formation.
STRATEGY: Strategy consists of the whole array of competitive moves and business approaches that managers employ in running a company.
PERFORMACE: Performance is defined as the degree to which an operation fulfills objectives at any point in time in order to satisfy its customers.
WORKERS: Workers arc the employees of an organization who are responsible for day to day running of the organization.
PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL: Performance appraisal is the process of determining the extent to which an operation performs a job effectively.
TRAINING: Training is the systematic process of altering workers behaviour and or attitude in a direction to increase organizational goal achievement.
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