The study investigates the influence of early childhood care and education on the behavioural pattern of primary school pupils in New Karu Local Government Area of Nasarawa State, and how it affect their social skills and behavioural patterns. It also went to discover if there are differences in the display of appropriate social skills and behavioural patter of those children that had pre-school care and education and those that never had before entry into the primary school.
The study concluded that pupils who had pre primary education show positive behaviours that are acceptable in the society at large in terms good behaviours in morals, health habits, social skills completion of tasks on time, etc. than those who never had pre school experience. There was indeed a very laudable and clear difference was obtained in the study.
There is a place for an integrated policy from all other sectors the government in providing intervention in pre – primary education and implementation.
Finally, the involvement of parents in their children early learning is very important in providing a good head start when his or her child is ready for primary school.
Research reports have confirmed that children having early childhood care and education are at an advantageous position in a lot of Socio-emotional and cognitive Variables. A “Happy child makes a better School going Child, than one under Stress and Pressure to learn too much and too fast.
Early childhood care is one of the best ways to assure the child a smooth transition into primary school. It is also a critical factor in the child’s Subsequent transition adulthood, influencing both social skills and behavioural choices. Aparajita and Rita (2002:84)
Research reports have shown that children from conception to six years of age undergo radical mental and physical development. In addition, those children, if given good care during early childhood, are more likely to benefit from later education and other social services and become more productive, healthy and law abiding citizens.
(UNICEF in Ibiam and Ugwu (2009)
Supporting the above view Ruth Bowdoin (1989:2) asserts that caregivers, teachers, parent e.t.c should consider these few facts as related to the child’s self concept and learning abilities.
- A child’s brain develops most rapidly from to age four (4)
- By age five (5) the child’s personality, self concept and emotional development will be almost complete
- The child needs to be able to speak 3,000 to 6,000 words and under 20,000 plus to successful start school. This can be enhanced through the pre-school. Thus, the role of the pre-school is very important when you consider the above facts given by Ruth Bowdoin.
The school need to see this crucial period in the child’s life as transitional. The school must help the child to gain the experiences that will mould stimulate and place him on a solid foundation and in the right direction, experiences such as (a) good listening skills, (b) work habits (c) attitudes and feelings that propel the child to move forward and look upward to greater heights of achievements through good teaching methods and environment that is appropriate conducive, designed to meet the crucial needs of the pre-school child.
According to Fanfunwa (1997) “Education is the aggregate of all the processes by which the child or young adult develops the abilities, attitudes and other forms of behaviour, which are positive value to the society in which he lives.
It should be noted that the basic education is the education given to children of age o-15 years it encompasses the early childhood (o-15) and 9 years of formal schooling. For the purpose of this research work, under the basic education, the study is dwelling only on the early childhood care and education. It’s influence on the behavioural pattern of primary school pupils specifically the lower primary school pupils (Akinola, 2004) sees pre-primary education as the education given in an educational institution to children aged 3 to 5 years plus prior to entering the primary education. Ibiam and Ugwu (2009) asserted it is the education designed to develop the habits attitudes and skills needs for primary education.
Piaget 1952 in Aparajita & Rita 2002 spoke on the different effects of the environment on the growth of mental structures of the child which facilitate learning, he said the environment stimulate learning and the development of the cognitive domain that the early years hold the key to learning.
There is therefore the need for special attention to be given to the sensitive nature of early learning by affording the child the right environment where he will develop the potentials and skills for later life experience and education.
Miedel and Reynolds (1997) are of the opinion that when families are involved in their children’s early education, children experience greater success once they enter primary school and even in later life.
The formal school setting in early childhood education is a supplement to the home and a substitute. It promotes the complete development of the child that the home cannot easily provide.
It is limited in what they can give such as space, variety of equipment, educational materials and experiences of their children. When children are left in the care of untrained and unhealthy people and environment, devoid of play materials, playmates which children need, could lead to neglect and deprivation. Which may result to lasting severe and negative effects in the life of the child.
All children, normal or special, need certain basic provisions of life to grow up from the helplessness of infancy and childhood to become mature independent adults, if they are not met with these provisions then normal social, emotional and cognitive developmental processes are put at risk. With the sound knowledge of the needs of children is essential for guiding them properly. Needs are permanent trends of human nature which underline human behaviour from birth to death under all circumstances and all kinds of societies.
Maslow‘s theory on human needs identifies five basic needs, such as physiological, safety love and belonging esteem and self actualization.
It is the social, legal and moral responsibility of the adults of a society to meet the needs of the child and prepare him/her to live and independent, responsible and useful life in the society.
There are certain basic or essential needs of the children which need to be taken care of by the parents or caretakers for normal growth and development.
Which are broadly classified into two categories namely physical need and psycho- social needs. It should be noted that a child grows and develops holistically with his/her physical, emotional and intellectual needs interrelated and interdependent.
But when the needs of children are not met or receive too little attention that lead to several behavioral manifestation, such as anxiety, social maladjustment, psycho-neurotic disorders, and behavioural problems like aggression, destruction, stubbornness, hostility and exaggerated egoism.
The importance of the child in the context of human resource Development, Nation Development and Global Development is recognized and unequivocally accepted by all. The future of any nation is largely determined on how it’s children grow and develop.
Nigeria as a nation has also accepted this following the declaration of the rights of the child adopted by the UN General assembly in 1959. The declaration in it’s preamble points out that the child by reason of his physical and mental immaturity, needs special safe guards and care including appropriate legal protection, before as well as after birth. Nigeria did not also stop there, it went further to have the child right Act (2003), the UBE Act (2004).
The nation polices on Education, food, Nutrition and health are laws and policies which have given shape to different sectoral interventions currently an integrated early childhood Development (IECD) policy that integrates interventions from the various sectors promote an integrated holistic approach for the care and support given to children aged o-5 years in which the federal ministry of Education Collaborates with all line ministries like Health, Environment and Housing, women Affairs information and communication, Finance, Agriculture and water Resources and National Planning Commission to provide interventions for the cognitive, physical social, moral and emotional development of the child. (IECD policy in Nigeria 2007)
Despite this laudable effort by the Government to bridge the observed gaps in existing sectorial policies you will agree with me that Nigeria is currently facing a challenging time in providing her young citizens quality education in the education sector. Caring and rearing of pre-school children are of utmost importance, considering the fact that these years are of greatest significance in a child’s life.
The current situation reflects the growing realization among policy makers of the need for a supportive environment for health and happy childhood.
The care of the pre-school children include both physical care and psychological care. Physical care includes the child rearing practices as well as nutritional and health care.
Child rearing includes the over all care, socialization and training of the growing child in a particular culture. (Aparajita and Rita 2002). The various dimensions of child rearing practices are authoritative, authoritarian, permissive and uninvolved parenting which respectively have their effect on the child.
Nutritional and Health care of the pre-school children is of great significance as a child who has failed to grow during this crucial period may not make up the loss in growth even with an excellent diet later in life.
Psychological care for the young children means a stimulating home and school environment well planned and consistent disciplinary practices; Parental love, affection for the child; a general atmosphere of happiness in family plays an important role in providing psychological care to the children such as parent child relationship; sibling relationship; peer inter action; and relationship with the grand parents.
Psychologists such as Sigmund Freud and Erick Ericcson Opinionated
That early childhood experiences have a lot of implication on the later behavioural pattern learned in the later life of an individual
The rearing practices which the child is exposed to influences the values, norms and belief of the individual child later in life.
The context of the knowledge which the child is exposed to early in life are bedrock to later Education and life. There is a scriptural injunction that says train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Holy Bible King James Version (Proverbs 22 verse 6). It can be concluded from the above view that the type of care and manner of education a child receives in the pre-school years goes a long way to influence the learned behavioural patterns and social skills, which he brings into the primary school, these could help or mar him even more in his later education pursuit in life there fore, the problem of this study is to find out the influences of early childhood care and Education on these behavioural patterns e. g lateness, fighting, poor creativity skills, not working cooperatively with others, poor literacy and numeracy skills, Not enjoying to come to school e. t. c. social skills such as child not be able to use the appropriate ways of greeting, Being selfish, Aggressive, cannot play with other. e. t. c. of lower primary school pupils in New Karu Nasarawa State.
The purpose of this present study is in two fold.
- To examine the extent to which early child hood care and Education is influencing the behavioural pattern of primary school pupils, and to Explore what factors are significantly associated with the caring rearing and Education of pre-scholars and how it affects their social skills and behavioural patterns.
- To discover if there are differences between the social skills and behavioural pattern of children that had Early child hood care and Education and those children that do not have in the primary school.
The following three research questions guided the study.
- To what extent does early child hood and Education influences the social skills and Behavioural pattern of the primary school child?
- What are the factors significant to the development of primary school pupils.
- Are there differences in the display of appropriate social skills and behavioural pattern of children that had early child hood care and education and those that do not have in primary school.
The study will add to the body of knowledge especially to researchers, parent, makers, N G O S child care givers, Teachers, It is hopefully going to proffer solutions into the viability of stimulation environment for child care provision and pre-school education, by parent, family, integrated approaches by sect oral ministries or organization to bring all round development in children and assuring smooth transition in to primary schools. This will ensure children who have acquired this early year care and education come out with appropriate society skills and behavioural pattern acceptable to the society, such as enjoy coming to the primary school, talking and play with other, well developed creativity skills, recognizing Basic colours, reading, writing completing a given pattern or task follow simple instructions, have good health habits, when sneezing, after play or visit the toilet, e. t. c. These and many more positive influences will be gained by such children. Thus, the product of a happy child which is a symbol of a stable and strong adulthood and development of any given society’s progress.
The research is centred on influence of early child hood care and Education on the behavioural pattern of primary school pupils. The focus of the study is mainly on lower primary school pupils. In New Karu Local Government Area of Nasarawa State.
On the course of the study, the researcher felt some constraints and limitation in the area of sourcing for funds, information and time in accomplishing the task.
EARLY CHID HOOD; It is a period of human development which Falls
between Ages 0-8 years. It is a period marked with significant changes and reorganization in the child’s behaviour.
CHILD CARE; Involves caring and rearing practices for children
which involve both physical and psychological care.
It is the care, protection, stimulation and
Learning, promoted in children from age 0-5 years in a day care centre, Nursery or Kindergarten.
PRIMARY EDUCATION; Otherwise known as Basic Education, It is the Education given in institution for children age 6-11 plus.I E C D; These are integrated programmers and activities in the area of early childhood so as to bring all round development in children, Thus; Integrated Early childhood care and development.
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