(A case study of Nasarawa State Education Board)
The purpose of this research is to find out the growth of computer literacy in post-primary schools. Literatures were reviewed under seven (7) sub-headings. Descriptive survey design was adopted for this study. The population size of this study constitutes four secondary schools totaling 200 and questionnaire was administered to 200 respondents and 120 were collected. The research instrument used includes questionnaire and personal interview. Simple percentage technique was used to analyze the data collected; the data collected were analyzed and the following findings were made, that students will develop skills in using and programming computer and it will also facilitate learning. Thus, basic computer application has a positive impact in academic development. It is recommended that Government has a vital role to play to provide computer facilities to secondary schools and to ensure the employment of qualified computer teachers.
The curiosity of man has brought him in the direction of bringing about mechanization in various fields of human activities. This is either to make things easier or sophisticated; this led to the invention of televisions, vehicles, computers and so many others which are generally called machines. Improved secondary education is essential to creation of effective human capital in any country (Evoh, 2007). The need for computer training in post-primary cannot be overemphasized. In this technology-driven age, everyone requires computer literacy to survive. Organizations are finding it very necessary to train and re-train their employees to establish or increase their knowledge of computers and other ICT facilities. The ability to use computers effectively has become an essential part of everyone’s education. Skills such as bookkeeping, clerical and administrative work, stocktaking, and so forth, now constitute a set of computerized practices that form the core IT skills package: spreadsheets word processors, and database (Reffell and Whitworth, 2002.
Computer can be defined as an electronic device which is capable of accepting data as an input, process the data according to prescribed instruction and gives information as the output which can be used to make decisions.
Often times the physical equipments and devices, which constitute the hardware of computer, are erroneously referred to as the computer. To the extent that these equipment and devices constitute the physical components of a computer, it will not work without the software which is set of operating instructions (called programs) that direct and control computer processing. The hardware and the software together, give the appropriate definition to the computer are stated above.
Computing began development from manual practices to a partially mechanical form as early as the 1600’s. Before the development of computers, human beings have being doing computation in advance methods. Among the early methods used is ABACUS. Abacus has being in use for many years, the time of its intention is not certain. Abacus use movable beads for counting and probably predates the birth of Christ.
As trainor (1990) team in their book computer can be taught by presenting materials to students and quizzing them. Aided instruction (CAT) is when the computer asks questions and inform the students weather their response are correct or incorrect response, the program may provide unit or additional information to help the student get the correct answers without being told. As stated above computer literacy is necessary to understand and manage the society, yourself and job that is been well done? Being as a computer illiterate is as bad as not being to read or write and is also been equal as a poor person. This has necessitated this project in post-primary schools so as to ensure computer literacy in the lives of the secondary, pupils who are the future leaders, for the advantage of communities and the standard of living of its people.
Computer as a tool has helped us in our day to day life and have been a great importance to us and computer also impact thinking to people.
Despite the importance of computer in our educational system and nation in general many factors however has hindered the growth and adoption of computer science in Nigeria schools, such factors range from lack of interest in computer studies in the part of the students to lack of dedication in the part of the teachers. The task we have today in a developing country like ours (Nigeria) Is to find a way of tackling the present factors that hinders teaching of computer science. It is therefore on this basis of the problem that the researcher decided to find out the problem of the growth of computer literacy in post primary schools.
The major purpose of the study is concerned with promoting the competitive edge of computer literacy in post-primary schools which help in the day to day life and also have great importance and impact thinking to people. The study also enlightens the government responsible for many comforts and convenience should be introduced in post-primary schools. This study is clearly elaborating on how post-primary education should handle the growth of computer literacy.
- Develops skills in using and programming a computer
- Address the ethical and societal issues raised by computing
- To know the interest students have in learning computer science in post primary schools.
- To know the importance of basic computer applications and how to use them.
The focus of this research work is to ensure that the development in computer literacy and the research will be of paramount importance to post-primary callings in many communities because it will open the eyes of the government and people to see the extent of their development and will stimulate them to arise and ensure fast development. Computer can also drastically change the ways of agricultural tasks and business are carried out all over the world. It has also taken the educational sector to a new dimension which the students are benefiting from. Computer is enlightening us more on the production of new technologies, and their uses, it impact more in the societal upbringing.
- How can skills be developed in using and programming a computer?
- Is there any ethical and societal issues raised by computing?
- What is the level of interest of students in learning computer in post-primary schools?
- What is the importance of basic computer applications?
All the post-primary schools in Nigeria could have been the subject of study. But in terms of study, the researcher made us to understand that, all the process of the study due to financial constraints, lack of time and limited resources. E g. books and other relevant materials related to the studies or research.
COMPUTER: An electronic machine that can store, organize and find information, do calculations and control other machines.
LITRACY: The ability to read and write.
GROWTH: The process of growing physically, mentally or emotionally.
POST PRIMARY SCHOOLS: A school which provide secondary education, between the age of 11 and 16 or 11 and 18, after primary school before higher education.
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