• Fri. Mar 7th, 2025


 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
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: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284


(A case study of Unilever Nigeria Plc. Abuja)


This project is an in-depth study of the problem and prospect of promotion activities in manufacturing Company precisely Unilever Plc. Promotional and important field in planning market activities. It is an estimation of how the further will look like or what the further may like to hold for the promotion. This research work is aimed at enlightening marketers on how to comprehend the problems and prospects of promotional activities.



On the basis of current Trent in the entire Nigeria marketing environment: – Marketing can be visualized as a managerial processwhich involved:

  1. Sensing the need of present and potential customer
  2. Developing product to satisfy the chosen needs
  3. Offering the production with the facilitating services through the appropriate channel and at the right promotional so as to generate, theprofit or benefits needed for the survival of the organization.

This is true, no matter what is marketed and do whom it is marketed. A new and increasingly important dimension on the concept of marketing is an integrated system which needs careful co-ordination of the four main basis element decision so as to satisfy consumer needs. These four element decision so as to satisfy consumer needs. These four elements of marketing activities must be coordinated for the survival of my manufacturing company. These four main elements are product, price place and promotion. All decision regarding theseelements is designed towards consumer’s satisfaction these four elements are known as marketing mix.

The decisions on marketing mix are part of marketing planning strategy. That is necessary for the survival of the whole company its main function is to ensure manufacturing company success, while at the effective time satisfying customers. It also contributes to the effective operation or the marketing system in summary; it gives directive to the whole manufacturing effort. This four main clement (four p’s) have interactions and they focus mainly on consumer satisfaction.

The product decision as the first element of marketing mix is concerned with developing the right product for the right consumers. This product decision may evolve a physical product or some combination of services crux of the matter in the product is to develop something that will satisfy some customers need. The product port-folio must be formulated with respect to product mix. The product must also be identified by branding and the product extensions designed packaging) all of which must be marketing programme.

A product serves no useful purpose to customers if it is not made available when and where it is wanted. So in the place of decision, we must consider where, when and whom the goods and service are to be offered for sales. A place provided a mean where goods and services flow from producer to consumer to provide satisfaction.

In summary, promotion is vital factor in marketing mix. To be successful, in manufacturing company must not only offer a good product at a reasonable price but also tell the potential customers about the product and were it can be purchase. Product must tell wholesalers and retailers in the channel about their product and their marketing mix. These middlemen in turn must use promotion to reach customer using various method of promotional activities.


Unilever Nigeria plc. is the longest surviving manufacturing outfit in Nigeria. Unilever pie is a Nigeria Group of companies founded by Late William lever with the headquarters in London. Later lever came to Nigeria in 1923 during the colonial Era set up a factory in Apapa, Lagos which was then called West African soap factory.

In 1934, a second factory named Vandex Bergh was established which was later merged with West African soap in 1955 to give birth to Unilever Nigeria Limited in 1982.

Another factor was opened in Agbara, Ogun State for the production of edible fats only. In 1938.however, 1985 witnessed the acquisition of Lipton of Nigeria Limited, which added products like popular Lipton tea, Bongo, Coffe, Kettle tea to the existing line of Unilever Nigeria Plc. On the 3O’ December 1988 Unilever Nigeria Plc merged with these Borough product industries (marker of Vaseline) following the sanction of the federal High court of Nigeria.

Unilever Nigeria Plc range of quality products in distribution and sold at uniform prices all over the country through an established and tested distributors supervised by a well-trained sales force.

To ensure the effective sales of their product, the firm has a sales staff that constitutes the sales division organizational structure as depicted. The company is made up of 5 sales areas encompassing the 37 sales depots spread all over the country.


One of the fundamental reasons for carrying out this research is to find out a lasting solution to some problems yet to be solved regarding manufacturing company promotional activities.

This clearly defined problem among the problem that necessitate carrying of this research with a view to solve the problem.


There is no doubt that promotional activities play an important role to successful role of manufacturing company. This research will help in bringing about qualitative and effective promotional activities for the manufacturing research.

The research is also designed to identify certain problems that are obstacle to promotional activities and other misleading act in in-balance deceived and all headache associated with promotional there by investigation into an finding a possible solution correction to the problem so as to have effective promotional activities.


In any project writing there must be vital tools to be used in solving every problem. Therefore in view of its study the following question were asked in order to get the root of the problem and al SO to proffer solution.

  1. What roles do promotional activities actually play in your manufacturing company and what is contribution to the survival of the company.
  2. On what important is to identify the degree of influence that exist between advertising and personal selling in managing the manufacturing company.
  3. What is the nature of your market and the type of product or service your manufacturing offer for the market.
  4. What is the size of your promotional, budget from 1994-i 998, and how does it affect the effectiveness of the promotional activities.
  5. What is the strategy used in promoting your company product or service.
  6. How effective is advertising in obtaining an immediate buying action from the consumers.
  7. After six is considering given it “Dynastic tuxedo line it own television advertising campaign”. Is this the appropriate promotional method? What suggestion would you make you offer six if it desire to use this approach.
  8. What promotional mix would you recommend to marketers of bread.
  9. Do you think it pay to advertise during a recession? Why or why not?
  10. Take a new product, such as broad and old one, and compared and contrast their promotional mix.


I do hope that this research work would be of significance not only to my sell but also to the manufacturing company researched on which 1 choose as my case study and other in the same factory industry on how they can select the best promotional tools to achieve their overall objective.

This would help in planning implementation coordinating and controlling effective promotion various manufacturing companies researched on.

The outcome of this research work would also assist policy mark in their policy formulation. Students in this field would also benefit to use research work as their secondary data.


This project work has the following:

  1. It is a limited to one manufacturing company.
  2. The data used are both primary and secondary data.
  3. The study shall be limited to certain aspect of promotional activities as promotion is a wide are of discussion.

It has been observed that the principle of promotion is applicable to both manufacturing company, selected manufacturing company within the area.

However, this research is limited due to certain this problem beyond the ability of the research.


In this research, certain concept and terms were used which may not have the same meaning in ordinary English some of the term are given meaning below according to how were been used in this research.

  1. PRODUCT: Is defined as anything that can be offered to market for attention acquisition and or consumption, it includes physical objective, services, penalties, place organization and an idea.
  2. PRICE: Is the therefore, what is exchange usually with money to acquire anything also that has value, and the key to distinguish of the value that consumed perceived in the product.
  3. PLACE: Is the distribution or process of marketing save that a product is available when or where it is desired or wants.
  4. PROMOTION: Is the broad term that refer to the entire field of sales communication it include:
  5. ADVERTISING: Message often referred to as advertisement, are disseminated through various media and paid for by a identified sponsor in other word advertising is an impersonal communication, that is ii is directed at a mass audience and not at any specific individual and it is intended to informed the consumer about a product or service and persuade them to buy the product or service.
  6. SALES PROMOTION: Is intended to or aimed at generally new sales and developing market demand for a product or service, it is therefore said to be used to supplement the function of advertising and personal selling.
  7. PUBLICITY: Defined as a non personal stimulation of demand for a product, service or business unit by planting commercial significant new about it in a published medium of obtained favourable presentation of its upon radio, television stage that is paid for by the sponsor.
  8. PUBLIC RELATION: Consist of all activities designed to build good relationship towards us.

 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284

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 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284