• Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025


 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284


(A case study of Nigerian Breweries, Kaduna State)


The research study is titled “The study of marketing mix variables in the economy of Nigeria “as applicable to Nigeria breweries. Chapter one started with the introduction background of the study, statement of the problem following by the objective of the study, scope of the study, statement of hypothesis, limitation of the study and definition of items. Chapter two consist of the following literature review, introduction, analysis of marketing mix variables , the meaning and objective of marketing mix, the marketing means variables, The impact of marketing mix variable in the economy of Nigeria and the impact of modern information technology on the mix. Furthermore , chapter three presented the following research design and methodology, source of data collection, research instruments , type of questionnaire, statistical technique used in analyzing the data questionnaire distribution and collection chapter four we have data presentation and analysis and rest of hypothesis chapter five consist of summary of endings , conclusion, recommendations, biography and appendixes.



The marketing mix can be defined as the combination of elements in an organization offering to the market; offering being either products or services. These elements were identified as product, price, promotion and place. In the world today, everyday one person or two contemplate going to one business or the other.

This follows from a realization or discovery of an untapped opportunity. This therefore, prompts entry into one form of business and /or the order to cater for the needs and wants of unexplored market potential, and hence mobilize all factors and resources that will aid in the process of the achievement of this objectives.

Before going into any form of business, intensive research must be carried out on the marketing mix variables (product, price, promotion, and place) see the viability of achieve organization’s objectives.

In the absence of such a research, even when the business starts, problems are bound to arise and disrupt the smooth running of the business.

Marketing mix variables are very vital. They are the pivot on which business resolves, any mistake made on any of the variables will affect negatively or modified is the business will likely come to a stop. Because of the importance of the marketing mix, any marketing manager that will succeed will have to look critically at the variables and harness them to achieve good success in business.


The Nigeria Breweries Plc. was incorporated in Nigeria in 1946, It embarked on the construction of a brewery in Lagos. By June, 1949, it started the production of beer and its first product was Star larger beer.

The original founder of the company were the United African Company (UAC) International, the Heineken international have acted as commercial and trading facilities for its up keep in business.

From June 1949, when the first product was rolled out, to date it has ranges of brands to it care. In 1976, it introduced guider brand of beer product in Nigeria market which has not been competed with by other breweries. It also has among its products range of Shandy and Maltina. This company is also the first to produce the energy giving Maltina in Nigeria.

The company has four factories i.e. Lagos, Ibadan, Kaduna and Aba and for a firm to source it raw materials for the production which is located at Aba and Kogi. These firms’ produces maize and sorghum in large quantity for the four factories to be used for production it has dedicated, talented and experience manager. The yearly turnover of the industry is counted in billions. Modern techniques are used by the company.


Marketing is a constant evolving trade and as such, management’s must appreciate the need of harnessing the marketing mix variables to achieve the overall organization goals of the firm or company.

The problems most firm face in business today is the ever changing need of the consumer. The product and service that a consumer perceive as superior at one time, he suddenly over time change attitude towards that particular product/service within the shortest possible time.


  1. The principal objective of this research is to know the impact of marking mix variables in general.
  2. To investigate how much of marketing mix variable managers of firms know and apply in the organization
  3. To know the impact of marketing mix variables in the organizations overall effectiveness and efficiency.
  4. To know what marketing mix variables are its importance and role in the survival of a business
  5. To review literature relevant to the subject matter.


It is envisaged by the researcher of this subject that the research work will be beneficial to many in the following ways:

  1. The research will reveal the need for the management of organization and business to see the marketing mix variables as the major pilot of success in business operations
  2. This study will also reveal the impact-negative and/or positive the       marketing mix variables can have on the marketing overall economy of Nigeria at large.
  3. This research work is also intended to serve as a guiding nap to all who are intended in running one form of business or the other, on how to carry out feasibility study on the marketing mix variables


The study covers areas in which respondents are drawn, despite the fact that the researcher is not familiar with those areas. Again, the scope of any study is dependent on the resources needed to carry out the research work that was why Nigeria breweries plc. is used and exploited extensively to final out how effective the marketing mix variables is used in the overall strategic planning of the organization, how much of the mix the management know and how it has improved status of the company.


Hypotheses are formed for the purpose of this study and they are stated below in their null forms.

Ho: marketing mix variable is not the pivot on which the success of any organization lies.

Hi:   marketing mix variable is the pivot on which the success of any organization lies

Hi:   marketing mix variables can be harnessed by management of organization.

Ho: marketing mix variables as difficult to harness in an organization


A list of problems can hinders effective and extensive research work. In respect to this project work the list goes thus:

Finances: Financial constraint posed a challenge to this project. There was no enough money to acquire some needed text books that would have helped in this research work.

Information: the quality and quality of information to be used in the research work was a very big problem as those in position to furnish one with reluctant to assist.


For the purpose of clear understanding of some unfamiliar works used in this research work, which may be strange to research work, which may be strange to readers, the researcher deemed it wise to explain the following term:-

PRODUCT: Kotler (1980) defines a product as anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use or consumption that might satisfy a need.

PRICE: This is the amount of money that has to be paid for a commodity or services. It is simple an offer, a suggestion, or an experiment to test the purse of the market (Stanton 1964).

PLACE: (distribution): place is concerned with getting the “right” product to the target market place.

PROMOTION: Edward and William (1963) define promotion as the co-ordination of all seller-initiated efforts to set up channels of information and persuasion to facilitate the sale of product or service, or the acceptance of an idea.

MARKETING MIX: The marketing mix refers to the apportionment of effort, the combination, the designing, and the integration of the elements to marketing into programmes.

CONSUMERS: Thereare the actual or potential buyers and users of a particular company’s product and / or services

ORGANISATION: An organization is a group of people who are formally arranged in such a way that they depend upon each other to reach a predetermined goals and objectives of an organization

4PS: These are the core elements of marketing and they are: product, place, price and promotion

STRATEGY: This refers to the technique designed by the senior management of an organization to help achieve the goals and objectives of the organization

Advertising: is any paid form of non-personal presentation of goods services, or ideas by an identified sponsor.

 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284

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 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284