• Sat. Jan 18th, 2025


 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
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 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284





In the establishment or organization public or private it has its set targets and the achievement of these set goals depends largely on the caliber of staff it has in its employment.

Apart from the caliber of staff it has, if they are not properly or adequately managed, such organization would not achieve successful result of its set objectives.

As the aim of any business outfit is to succeed, the success depends to a large extend on the proper management and motivation of its available human resources, man makes use of the available materials and financial resources to attain result. Human resources constitute the most vital need for the resources of the organization.

For the reason therefore, adequate care should be taken to ensure that the available human resources are well managed in such a way that they will not only feel happy with their work, but will also see themselves as partners. All working towards the successful achievement of the organization is set objectives.

Poor management of available human resources affects the establishment adversary. For example, if they are not properly encouraged by way of  training and motivation, they will loose interest in their job and when this happens, the organization tends to suffer. While some of the employees will leave the employment for another with better incentives, those who remain will do the work anyhow they like it. But of properly trained and motivated the will perform wonders in their jobs.

There is need to examine the Federal Civil Service Commission on how adequately manage its human resources and how it effects the commission The Federal Civil Service Commission keeps under review, all federal laws with a view to reforming them following the progressive development of the prevailing norms of the society.

The commission also consider proposals and makes amendment of any breach of laws for state and offers experts advice to ministers, government departments and other bodies, it has its office in Abuja.

To perform its duties successfully, the Federal Civil Service Commission organizes seminars/workshops from time drawing its participants from both Nigeria and foreign nation especially commonwealth nations has its own law reform commissions all working together as partners in progress since they share most things in common.

It is pertinent to note that most people fail to perform the duties assigned to them successfully due to poor or inadequate of these people. No employee join an organization with the aim of destabilizing the objectives ofthe organization but to put in his optimum best while also targeting his own personal objectives or to achieve it targets to the detriment of the employee, then negative result be expected, but where the result employer consider the employee’s then positive result should be expected.

It is only when a staff is effectively managed, that they will feel confident in this job and will carry out the duties assigned to him successfully. And with this both the employee and the employer will benefits immensely because the objectives of the organization will fully be achieved.

In the light of the foregoing, this study will therefore look into the problems and or benefits on effective management of human resources in the Federal Civil Service Commission Abuja, with a view to ascertain its effects on both the staff and the commission.


The Federal Civil Service Commission was established on the 3rdJuly to undertake the progressive development and reform of substantive and procedural law application in Nigeria. The commission shall be a body corporate which perpetual succession and a common seal and may hold, acquire and dispose of any property or interested. Among its functions are:

–        Achieve and consider any propels for the reform or referred to it by the attorney general of the federation.

–       May provide advice and information to federal government and other authorities or bodies concerned, at the instance of the federal government with proposals for the reform or amendment of any branch of law.

The federal civil service commission is the case study of this research

Work to assess the administration and management of human resources in the organization.

If the available human resources in this organization are efficiently managed and to see how their effective management has contributed to smooth running of the commission. Most modern commission has to come to realized how effective management of human resources in the attainment of  organization goals and objectives.


Most modern organization have come to realized the importance of proper or effective management of human resources as this enhances efficiency and effectiveness in work productively, couples with group harmony among workers.

But then, some organization still have this problems as they are yet to discover this important fact. It is quite clear in some establishment, certain categories of staff, mostly junior staff, are not being cared for by management. In the public sector in particular these junior categories of staff are not regarded as anything. They do not enjoy most benefits which the senior enjoy. Even the middle cadres of between level 07 t0 10, are not properly cared for. While the very senior members of staff proceed on regular courses, workshops and seminars, the junior ones lack such opportunities. Also the senior ones enjoy regular tours in the name of official duties while the junior workers cannot even dream of it. In the case of national cake, the junior workers are well marginalized.

In this situation, the progress and future career of the young lads would be daunted as they will be faced with the problem of making career elsewhere.

This is the case with federal civil service commission. The effects of this are examined in this study so that possible recommendation will be given for necessary correction.


The aim of the study is to examine the effective management of human resources in the federal civil service commission and the benefits of this to both the employee and the commission.


  The main objective of the study is to loot at:

  1. How the Federal Civil Services Commission manages its available          human resources whether effective or not.
  2. Highlight the advantage of effective management of all categories for available personnel to both the employer and the employee.
  3. To determine the effects of ineffective management of human resources on the job performance of the staff.

iv.      To find out the problem (if any) associated with ineffective management of human resources.

v.       To make recommendation that could enhance improvement in the future.


The significance of this study is to enhance administration and management of human resources in Federal Civil Service Commission as the proper management of these human resources helps an organization to achieve it desire goals and objectives.

Recommendations are also proffered from possible problems discovered so that they can be used to correct these problems.


During the courses of this research, the following question will be used. they are:

a.       Does the Federal Civil Services Commission make provision for training programme for the personnel?

b.       After recruitment, does the commission make provision for training of staff before assigning responsibilities to staff?

c.       Is the recruitment of professional employee based on merits?

d.       Does the organization plan to develop the staff beyond their present scope?

e.       Do staff of Federal Civil Service Commission put in their best after being trained?

f.        Is it true that effective performance of employee depend on effective management?

g.       Does the organization practice job rotation?

h.       Does the Federal Civil Services Commission train its staff outsides the organization.

i.        Do they train their staff internally?

j.        Does the organization announce it vacancies?


          The following are the hypothesis of this project work:

i.        That few out of the human resources are effectively managed by the commission.

ii.       That effectives management of all staff encourages them to stay much longer and this contribute more to the realization of the organization objective.

iii.      That effective management of the available personnel affords the opportunity of making one an expert on the job due to the interest he has on his job.

iv.      The job performance of those not effectively managed is relatively low.


This study covers selected workers in the Federal Civil Service Commission Abuja. The inferential data analysis method was used to ascertain the effect of proper administration and management of human resources in Federal Civil Services Commission.


During the course of the study, the researcher encountered a lot of limitation. Prominent among these limitations was finance. Added to this was time factor as there was limited time to administer and collect all the questionnaires. Even some of the recovered questionnaires went to wrong hands.


This research work is designed and arranged in chapter for understanding and clarification. This chapter comprises of:

Chapter One: This chapter shall discuss the introduction, background of the study, scope, limitation, objectives, significance and definition of relevant terms.

Chapter Two: This chapter shall discuss the literature review by analysis what other authors have shared on the topic.

Chapter Three: This will deal with the research methodology, sources of data, research instruments and sample size

Chapter Four: This chapter willanalyze the data presented and further test hypothesis.

Chapter Five: This will comprise of the summary, conclusion and recommendation.


ADMINISTRATION: Administration is the organization and management of men and material resources to achieve the goals and collecting of people. This collectively may be social, business regions or puscie it can also be seen as the co-ordination of men and material resources for the accomplishment of identified purpose.

MANAGEMENT: Management is said to be the process of getting things done through organization  of people. It is also said to be process undertaken by one or more individual to co-ordinate the other resources to achieve a goal.

HUMAN RESOURCES: Human resources refer to all the staff in an organization whose effects are geared toward the achievement of organizational goals and objectives. It can also be seen as labour in terms of factors.

 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284

 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284

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