• Fri. Mar 7th, 2025


 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
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: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284

undefinedSOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs





There is no activity that we engage in more than communication. Be it listening, talking, reading or writing, we spend more time communication with others than practically every other activity combined. This has significant implication. Since we spend so much time communicational effective we to do so as efficient and effectively as possible, unfortunately, most of us do no maximize our communication effectiveness and this exacts on significant organizational performance or cost specifically, there are ten things we know about communication:

  1. We spend 90% of our communication with others on a daily basis. This includes listening, reading and writing.
  2. Managers spend 80% of their time communicating orally with others on a daily basis.
  3. During communication people spend more time listening than any other activity (e.g. reading, writing and speaking). Unfortunately, most of us are not very effective listeners.
  4.  The average listeners retain only 50% of what is said immediately after hearing it.
  5. The average listeners retain only 25% of what is said 48 hours later.
  6. The average listeners retain less than 10% of what is said a week later.
  7. Research consistently shows that the single most important skill that needs to perform well on the job is the ability to communicate effectively with others.
  8. The most important factors in helping graduating college students obtain employment are their speaking skills and listening skills.
  9. One study of lop executives estimated that poor communication cost organization between 255 and 40% of their budgets.
  10. Another shedy of lop executives estimated that 14% of each 40 hour work week is wasted specifically due to poor communication between managers and their staff. Based on a 50.Week year this amounts to 35 wasted work days per employee (tyrone, 1999).

Over the year, the importance of communication has been realized by people in our society, for instance in the early days of trade by barter where the means to satisfy ones desires and needs is to satisfy others desires and needs through exchange of goods and services. The impact of language understanding and communication is the process by which people at work in an organization transmit information to one another and interpret its meaning. What communication does for a business performance resembles what blow do to an organization, communication with necessary information needed for smooth running of the business to enhance relevant to all phase of management, especially as it is necessary for exchange of information and transmission of meaning as an activity that involves transfer of information from sender to receiver, they ultimate is for such information to be communication or message may be intentional or unintentional.

Efficiency in business performance depends on the organization’s capacity to offer effective communication in sufficient quantities to maintain the equilibrium of the system. The overall effectiveness of the business performance depends on the abilities of managers to maintain this internal equilibrium with the external environment.

Communication involves the sender; transaction means channel and the receiver or decoder. Managers should take note of the communication barrier breakdown within their employees and the reasons why employees do not react positively to the job.

It is obvious that effective performance and productivity can only be achieved through adequate and sufficient communication techniques; they shall unfold it as the research work proceeds.


This word does not only replace conflict but is the bed rock upon which conflict is establish and into which most personal, interpersonal social problems are rooted. These problems have manifested in and between countries, within and between organization and over bodies like trade unions, labored unions, government representatives etc. misunderstanding as the word implies simply means lack of understanding between how or more parties which is caused by poor or ineffective communication. It cloud be form delay in information dissemination, poor self-expression or even misinterpretation of information etc. success in business performance is rather impossible without effective communication and cloud only be partially achieved by chance of communication is inefficient.

Today, business performance suffers socially, economically and sometimes politically due to poor management which includes effective communication as one of their managerial functions. This research is designed to identify and suggest possible solutions to the problems ineffective communication on business performance.


The objectives of this study are:

  1. To find out the step to take in maintaining effective communication on business performance of Hilltop Hotel Okene, Kogi state.
  2. To determine the significant of communication on business performance of Hilltop Hotel Okene, Kogi state.
  3. To examine the implications and problems of communications barrier in Hilltop Hotel Okene, Kogi state.
  4. To see the impact of communication on business performance in Hilltop Hotel Okene, Kogi state.


The usefulness of this study is in its objective assessment of the effectiveness of communication on business performance and to what extent communication has proved itself as a tool for effective.

The research is also significant in the sense that, it will contribute to the existing body of knowledge especially in academics which will be used by academicians as a reference point for their research work. The measures suggested in this research work will help business to promote and improve performance.


The researcher in his own view wishers to formulate the following questions as regards to this research work.

  1. Is employer’s lack of education and communication skill lead to the cause of low level of performance Hilltop Hotel Okene, Kogi state?
  2. Is an employee’s attitude toward message from top management  the cause of decline in job performance in Hilltop Hotel Okene, Kogi state?
  3. Is communication barrier and breakdown the cause of employee, low productive in Hiltop Hotel Okene, Kogi state?
  4. Is communication misunderstanding in the causes of low productivity by staff of Hilltop Hotel Okene, Kogi state?


Below are the hypothesis formulated to guide the researcher hypothesis is a production statement about a problem, which is under investigation, such statement stands the chance of being rejected the or accepted after carrying out activities involved in the research. The hypothesis includes;

Ho: Communication has significant relationship with business organization.

Hi: Communication does not have significant relationship with business organization

This among others are the hypothesis to be tested in the study to enable the researcher provide answers to the questionnaires raised in the state of the problems.


This research work is to study the impact of effective communication on business performance in a given organization namely; Hilltop Hotel Okene.

Due to the challenges involved in the research, the research age would be limited. However the researcher would as much as possible try to determine and examine various problems militating against effective communication at the different levels of management as it affects performance.


The researcher work was supposed to cover the impact of communication on business performance in all businesses in the country but due to some reasons such as time, financial constraints etc., it was limited to Hilltop Hotel Okene, Kogi state, which will be able to provide adequate information and feedback that will be useful to all other business and research work within the country.

There are many factors that constitute constraints during the process of the research work among these are:

The financial constraints of limitation, there was no sufficient of money to travel frequently in order to get more data. Time was another factor as classwork collides with the research work.

All these factors contributed in no small measure to insufficient information about the research work.


          Sender: the person who sends message.

Receiver: the person who takes message

Channel: to direct or guide along a dire cause

Performance: the actions or behavior that involves a lot of attention to detail.

Communication: the exchange of thoughts, message or the likes as by speech signal or writing.

Message: information transmitted by spoken, written, word by signals or by contributed to be the whole.

Barrier: any material or immaterial structure that obstruct the passage of message.

Employee: a person is paid to work for someone else

Employer: a person organization that employs people

Management: the control and organization of something on the group of people responsible for controlling and organizing a company.

Constraint: a thing that limits or restricts something, or your freedom to do something.

Exorbitant: price and demands, etc. are much too large

Controversial: causing disagreement or discussion

Organization: a place comprising of different people with varied function that contributed to the whole.

 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284

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 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284