(A case study of Federal Capital Development Authority (FCDA) Abuja)
This project aims at assessing the methods of keeping land records in land registries of Nigeria Local Government, secondary data was used in obtaining data for this research. It was discovered that both manual and electronic record keeping are employed in most local governments. It was also discovered that manual record keeping is more predominant than that of electronic record keeping. This was as a result of lack of experts. It was recommended that training and retraining exercise should be embarked upon by the local government.
Chapter one
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
Every business has to keep records, if only legal purposes. Sometimes these records have to be presented in a standardized form such as accounts laid out using the double-entry system. More often they can be arranged in any way that suits the user.
All states or establishment have statues allowing recordation (recording) of certain instruments that affect title to real estate. Although these laws very from state to state their provisions are substantially similar. The effect of a property recorded instrument is to give constructive notice (public notice) to any person who subsequently acquires an interest in the real estate that a prior adverse interest exists.
The process of recording establishes priorities between adverse legal interests. As a general rule, the recording statues provides that first part to record this interest has first priority in law.
The purpose of recording by the Federal Capital Development Authority (FCDA) Abuja is in two folds. The first is to provide a means of protecting existing estates or other legal interest in real estate and secondly, to protect the interests of subsequent purchasers against secret, unrecorded interests are recorded properly. A subsequent “purchaser” is assured of a superior interest in the real estate he relies on the public record and acts in good faith, without actual notice of any unrecorded adverse interest.
As a general rule, any writing that affects title to real estate may be recorded. Most state laws allow the following instruments to be recorded; deeds, contracts for the sale of real estate, instalment land contracts, lease, mortgages, deeds in trust, power of attorney, releases of mortgages and assignments of mortgages.
As a Federal enactment, the decree places the area under the exclusive control and administration of the Federal Government. The exercise of this power of control and administration is vested in the Federal Capital Development Authority (FCDA). But, in recent times this power tends to widen because the decree made the FCDA the developer, administrator and managers of the territory charged with the responsibilities of the preparation of the master plan and the execution of infrastructure and super structure projects in accordance with the master plane.
For these responsibilities to be effective in terms of title registration and other land transactions, records must be kept for maximum effectiveness.
Therefore, an assessment is made in this study to examine the methods used in recordation, the types of records been kept by the Federal Capital development Authority (FCDA)B Abuja, problems associated with the retriever of such information and finally suggested possible solutions to these problems, which are contained in Chapter two. While chapter three deals with the source and method of data collection, chapter four contains the result and presentation from questionnaire and oral interview and chapter five will contain summary of findings, recommendation and conclusion.
1.2 Statement of the problem
The project is aimed at assessing the methods of keeping land records in the Federal Capital Development Authority (FCDA) in order to identify the problems associated with the methods.
1.3 Aim and objectives
The aim of the research is to assessing the methods of keeping land records in Federal Capital Development Authority (FCDA). In other to achieve the above aim, the following objective will be considered:
- To identify various methods of keeping land records.
- To classify land records into different types.
- To examine if the medium of keeping various types of information are adequately secured.
- To examine if the system of retrieval are easy and fast. To examine the adequacy of updating information in these records.
- To suggest possible solutions to the identified problems.
1.4 Research methodology
Research methodology is a systematic way of finding new knowledge of subject or been brought to a logical conclusion. Research methodology includes;
- Source of data collection – under this data collection techniques there are thus sources consulted namely, the primary and secondary data collection source.
- Population for this research is the Federal Capital Development Authority was chosen as my case study, so the population study is restricted only to this ministry.
1.5 Significance of the study
The outcome of the study will help the Federal Capital Development Authority (FCDA) and other related establishments to know the most efficient method of keeping records in respect of land transactions as regards to updating, storage and retriever of the information.
1.6 Scope and limitation
The scope of the study is only limited to the assessment of the Federal Capital Development Authority (FCDA), Abuja. While in the course of data collection some staffs of the establishment responded positively and few busy with various assignments and a lot of going up and down.
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