The study is about the role of information communication technology in management of student’s academic records in North Central Federal Polytechnics under the academic records information system. This emerged because there was mismanagement of student’s academic records despite the technological advancement that had been advanced in the Polytechnics. Such problems included loss of marks, miscalculation of marks to mention but a few. The study intended to establish how ICT has contributed towards the management of student’s academic affairs. The study employed the use of questionnaires, interviews and observation to obtain information in relation to the topic under study. The major findings of the study indicate that ICT does contribute towards the management of students records in the areas of registration of students, verification and ensuring the authenticity of students’ records. From the findings, it was concluded that ICT has greatly contributed towards the management of students’ academic records in Federal Polytechnic Bida and the following recommendations were proposed so as to ensure the better performance of the ARIS and these included recruitment and training of more staff in the records management function as it was discovered that the number of workers needed to effectively manage the system are few hence a shortage. These staff should however be equipped with more records management skills, activation of most if not all of the modules of the ARIS system.
This chapter focuses mainly on the background of the study which is the contribution of Information Communication Technology in the management of students’ academic records, statement of the problem, objectives of the study and significance of the study.
The field of records management has over the past two decades undergone great advancements and this is mainly due to the emergence of modern information communication technology (Azad, 2008). The adoption of ICT in organizations has improved on the performance of task. (Wamukoya 2006). Tusubira and Mulira (2005) argue that at the organizational level, it is widely accepted (though not fully appreciated) that the integration of ICT in organizational functions is necessary for increased efficiency has transformed the way in which organizations store and manage information (Iwhiwhu, 2009).
The field of records management has over the past two decades undergone great advancementsand this is mainly due to the emergence of modern information communication technology (Azad, 2008). The adoption of ICT in organizations has improved on the performance of tasks (Wamukoya 2006). Tusubira and Mulira (2005) argue that at the organizational level, it is widelyaccepted (though not fully appreciated) that the integration of ICT in organizational functions is necessary for increased efficiency, cost-effectiveness and competitiveness ICT has transformed the way in which organizations store and manage information (Iwhiwhu,2009:1). Organizations today have adopted the use of ICT in order to cope with the ever increasing information generated within the organization (Lyman, 2004).
In light of the above notion Federal Polytechnic Bida decided to incorporate ICT in the management of students’ records in order to solve the problems of ineffectiveness in processing of transcripts brought about byloss of marks, miscalculation of marks. Federal Polytechnic Bida as a result resolved to introduce ICT in its daily operations to effect change. According to the Federal Polytechnic Bida ICT policy master plan (2010),
The Polytechnic shall automate its core administrative functions by establishing three integrated information systems targeted to address the finance, human resource and academic records management functions.”
In order to address its current aforementioned problems, it resolved to introduce an information system known as the academic records information system.
According to Tusubira (2004), the ARIS was introduced to address the problems of delayed processing of students’ transcripts, inaccuracies in students’ academic records, all which characterized Federal Polytechnic Bida having been brought about by the escalating current numbers of students. All these problems combined acted towards hindering the performance of Federal Polytechnic Bida as an institution of higher learning and thus further tainted its image, Tusubira (2002) “Public confidence started eroding, and there have been many indignant and sometimes justified, complaints.”
The number of students at Federal Polytechnic Bida rose from 5,000 to 20,000 in less than ten years. The large number of students led to the loss of public confidence due to problems in registering of students’ which became a nightmare, getting academic transcripts became a nightmare.In a bid to address the aforementioned problems, Federal Polytechnic Bida resolved to integrate information communication technologies in all its management functions which included among others management of student’s academic records. In reference to the new strategic plan 2007, Federal Polytechnic Bida together with its development partners embarked on an ambitious project of integrating ICT in all its management functions as one of the elements in its strategic plan.
“The Polytechnic shall automate its core administrative functions by establishing three integrated information systems targeted to address the Finance, Human Resource and Academic Records Management functions.”In this plan, the vision of ICT is “Polytechnic wide access and utilization of ICT to enhance the position of Federal Polytechnic Bida as a center of academic excellence”and its contribution in the management of students’ academic records.
Information Communication Technology (ICT) has been seen as the tool for the better performance of organizational activities (Wamukoya 2006). The enormous scale of current investment in ICT indicates that this belief is shared by Federal Polytechnic Bida as an organization.
According to the ICT policy master plan phase 2 (2005), Federal Polytechnic Bida is currently committing close to shillings one billion per year and this amount has been seen growing from year to year. Federal Polytechnic Bida has greatly invested in information systems so as to improve records management within the Polytechnic. Information systems such as the ARIS (Academic Records Information System) have been installed in place to manage students’ academic records. Although the above facilities and devices have been put in place by the Polytechnic, the management of students’ records still faces a number of challenges which include inaccuracies in students’ academic records, late issuing out of transcripts. With such challenges at hand, one is left to wonder whether these technologies are just a luxury and is forced to try and investigate ICT and its contribution in the management of students’ academic records.
- What are the major ICT developments?
- What is the impact of ARIS in the management of student’s records?
- What are the challenges faced in the management of students’ academic records?
- What are the strategies that can be adopted to overcome the problems militating against management of students’ academic record?
In writing this project, the researcher had certain objectives in mind. In line with this following are the objectives of this write up.
- To identify major ICT developments
- To identify the impact of Academic Records Information System (ARIS) in the management of students records
- To identify the challenges being faced in using these ICTs
- To suggest possible solutions to overcome the problems of (ARIS).
The research is vital as there is limited information about the contribution of information communication technologies in the management/administration of students’ academic records in North Central Federal Polytechnics. The research will therefore assist the stake holders and policy makers identify the possible maleness, strength and opportunities of incorporating ICT in the management of students’ academic records.
The study focuses on the role of information and communication technology in effective management of students’ academic records. The research study will take place at Federal Polytechnic Bida and will cover students’ academic records managed under the ARIS (Academic Records Information System).
In the process of carrying out this project work, the researcher was confronted with many challenges and limitations which are as follows:
Time: There was time constraint for the research project and within the time specified, the normal lecture were also in progress, therefore, the researcher was faced with a lot of stress to combine the research work with her personal affairs and running from one lecture to another. The effect of this work was that the period the researcher was supposed to spend on findings and data collection was limited and as a result more quality work was hindered.
Finance: The researcher was also faced with financial problems. Researcher work is very tedious because it requires running from one place to another in search of information, books, Journals, paper and reports must be consulted but are not always available within, there was the need to travel to gather some of the materials which involved money. Also the researcher printed questionnaires which were distributed to the staff of the selected secondary schools which also involved money.
Quality of Information: There was lack of cooperation by respondents during interviewing due to the fact that academic records of students are considered private. There was also negative response from the respondents due to fear of the information given out ending up in the hands of wrong individuals which may taint the image of the Polytechnic.
Automated Records Management System: Penn (1994) describes an automated records management system as electronic data bases made up of data, whether it is optional, electronic and magnetic or hard copy.
Information System: O’Brien (2001) defines an information system as an organized combination of people, hardware, software, communication networks and data resources that collect transform and disseminateinformation in an organization.
Student Academic Record: According to the Polytechnic of Toronto, student’s academic records are defined as beinginformation relating to a student’s admission to an academic program and also to performance atthe Polytechnic. Student academic records include information contained in an original transcriptor in electronically stored records, and in the “official student academic record,” application for admission and supporting documentation.
Record Management: Medical information relating to a studentISO (international standards organization) 15489-1: 2001 defines records management as thefield of management responsible for the efficient and systematic control of the creation, receipt, maintenance, use and disposition of records including the processes of capturing and maintaining evidence of information about business activities and transactions in the form of records.
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