It is pertinent that every organization or corporation, whether small or large, private or public is established for the purpose of achieving certain set of goals and objectives.
However, the achievement of these goals and objectives are usually related to effective management and funding which are characterized by planning, organization , staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting and budgeting (known with the acronym POSDCORB) of both human and materials resources.
The success of any organization or corporation therefore centers on the effectiveness and efficiency of management and funding like wise the employees in their job performance.
Library is said to be a room or building where collection of books, records, and films for reading or borrowing for a public or students references are kept for use. this shows that library is a social system established for the purpose of disseminating information.
Library generally is a collection of recorded knowledge properly organized for quick information retrieval. Libraries however, have been classified into type as determined by peculiarities in operation and functions. Thus, we have public libraries, academics, special libraries, school libraries etc.
The particular relevance to the researcher, in this research is a special library. Broadly speaking, special libraries are those libraries that are neither academic, national, public nor subscription. They are expected or rather intended to sever the needs of some particular specialized people of a limited subject field.
Special libraries are established to meet the highly specialized requirement of professionals or business groups.
These special libraries spring from the need felt in the science and industry for better control of bibliographical information and greater efficiency in its communication and use, than was possible in libraries of traditional kind.
Therefore, special libraries play an important role in a country economic activity either directly or indirectly.
Special libraries are often attached to specialized instructions,
Sure as government departments, hospitals, museums etc according to Robert (2012), define special library that is neither an academic, school, public or national library. special libraries include corporate libraries, law libraries, medical libraries, museum libraries. According to Isaac M.o (2009) special libraries are those libraries which are usually maintained by individual, corporation, government agency or learned society serving a limited field of special interest group.
Example of these includes:
- The federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN) In Kaduna which was established in 1976 as a propaganda machinery to disseminate information.
- The Nigeria National Petroleum Commission (NNPC) library established in 1981 emphasizes on materials relating to oil and gas industries. The big branch of the main library of NNPC Headquarters is in Lagos
- The British council Library established in 1943, aims at supporting the works of the council in Nigeria which emphasized on educational, cultural and technical cooperation between Britain and Nigeria.
Though it could be observed that special libraries are concerned with communicating information to special users in response to or anticipation of their information needs.
They have therefore been much concerned with current information, activities that have led to critical re- appraisal of library practices and have greatly influenced and benefit library work in general.
The research observed that the management and finding of special libraries differs form that of public libraries in the sense that the former enjoys proper finding yet the services of special libraries (within Kaduna Metro – Politan area), is questionable.
Based on this, it could be assured that special that special libraries may be facing similar management problem with public libraries i.e. mismanagement of funds by the management.
The researcher assumed that the services of special libraries are below expectation due to lack of enough funds. These problems that are associated with the FRCN Kaduna includes, criticism made form time to time by the general public who form the target audience of the station, some of the criticism and complain could be related to incompetency and discretion of staff. Inadequacy of facilities to improve performance, use of obsolete broadcasting equipment, acquisition problems, poor programmed reception going of air all the time, low promotion of staff, lack of proper co-ordination of administrative activities and the last is financial constraint. These exhibited that the corporation is not free from problems.
The staggering trend in ( FRCN) Federal Radio Corporation economic development, resulting in complaints form all quotes regarding poor funding, staffing, collection etc, has made it necessary to examine the plight of special library of (FRCN) with a view of re – defining and re – defining its management mission statement and strategies for effective operation.
This study intends to discover the problem and prospect of FRCN, Kaduna, its management and style of funding.
Therefore, it is these reason that prompted the research to take the pain to undertake this research and to make recommendation
The objective of this research or study is to unravel the root causes of the problem facing the management of the corporation.
- To find out the ineffectiveness of management, if it is as a result of bureaucratic nature of the corporation.
- To find out factor responsible for the poor performance or poor programmers receptions.
- To find out the effectiveness of the management of FRCN, Kaduna, if it has able to career for adequate funds, staff, collection space and services.
- To find out if the management of the special library FRCN Kaduna is faced with poor and inadequate funding problem.
It will help to find out reason why the management is ineffective.
- It was reveal factors responsible for an ineffective management and funding.
- The funding, will improve better performance and programmed in FRCN, Kaduna
- The study will help the management of FRCN to improve in providing adequate finding for its special library and other services.
This research work is limited to FRCN, federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria only. The study only covers the survey of the management and funding of FRCN library only due to the financial constraint and time factors.
This study will attempt to answer to following questions:
- What are the cause of ineffectiveness of the management is it is as a result of bureaucratic nature nature of the corporations?
- What are the factors responsible for the poor performance and poor programmes receptions?
- How effective has the management of FRCN Kaduna been able to cater to adequate funds, staff, collection space and service?
- Is the management of the special library FCRN, Kaduna clouded with poor and inadequate finding?
Bureaucracy: This means a social organization which control, co-ordinate and direct activities of large organization.
Funds: This means money or capital
Management: Those who govern employees, the policy makers of an organization.
Effectiveness: The ability to increase productivity
Staffing: This implies the whole personnel in an organization such as recruiting and training of staff.
Employees: Personal or individual employed in an organization
Reporting: Keeping the executive and those to whom he/she is accountable informed of enterprise activities through records, research and inspection.
Directing: Combining the act of the enterprise and decision making based on specific orders and instructions.
Controlling: Monitoring and evaluating activities and providing corrective mechanisms.
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