Motivation is concerned with why people do what they do. It answers such questions as why do managers or workers go to work and do a good job. This tries to explain what motivates people to act the way they do, with primary focus on the work place. It is the primary task of the manager to create and maintain an environment in which employees can work efficiently to realize the objectives of the organization.
Employees differ not only in their ability to work but also in their will to do so (motivation). To motivate is to induce, persuade, stimulate, even compel, an employee to act in a manner which fulfills the objectives of an organization. The motivation of employees depends on the strength of their motives. Motives are needs, wants, drives, or impulses within the individual, and these determine human behaviour.
Motivation then is the process of:
Arousing behaviour.
Sustaining behaviour in progress, and
Channeling behaviour into a specific course of action.
Thus, motives (needs, desires) induce employees to act. Motivation, therefore, is the inner state that energies, channels, and sustains human behaviour.
Since it has been established that all behaviour except involving responses are goals directed, manager can apply motivational theories of management in their attempt to direct the job behaviour of employees towards the goal of their establishment.
Workers leave organization due to the fact that they are not motivated enough. Some are not willing to leave because they are enjoying some benefit in terms of promotion which leads to increase in salaries and wages, bonuses and some other incentives.
Organizations must improve the work performance, productivity, skills and ability of its employees. The problem is how to motivate workers to achieving higher productivity.
Some of the research questions are:
1. To what extent does the personnel policy implemented by your company affect your productivity?
2. How often does the company embark on staff training and development?
3. Does your company clearly/respect trade union position of its employees?
4. Are there differences in the way staff and workers are t4eated in the organization?
5. Is joint consultation practiced positively, as a method of obtaining employees views on problems and proposed charges before final decisions are taken?
The research hypotheses are:
Hypothesis I:
HO: The more there is effective motivation, the less the morale of employees.
H1: The more there is effective motivation, the more the moral of employees.
Hypothesis II:
HO: Adoption of motivational techniques will automatically decrease the workers productivity.
H1: Adoption of motivational techniques will automatically increase the workers productivity.
Hypothesis III:
HO: the success of an organization does not depend on the motivational procedures being adopted.
H1: The success of an organization depends on the motivational procedures being adopted.
The study is to ascertain the motivational activities of Intercontinental bank Plc.
a. To ascertain the application of the motivational techniques by the organization concerned.
b. To know the problem inhibiting the success of the employees’ motivation in the organization.
c. To know the response of the employees to motivational techniques adopted by the organization.
d. To provide solutions and recommendations where necessary on the best and effective motivational techniques used in the organization.
This project covers the aspect of motivation in persuading, stimulating and compelling an employee to act in a manner which fulfills the objectives of the organization.
One cannot but say that data collection is the most tedious of writing the project.
Another limitation is that the researcher being a student who has to read other courses as well as to take normal lectures during the period of the research may be limited by time given for the study being too short.
Lastly, the fund constraint in carrying out this research project, the cost of getting materials and information as well as their adequacies will also constitute the limitation of the study.
The significance of this study cannot be over-emphasized. It will be base don the examination of the motivation practice in Intercontinental Bank Plc, and to know the extent to which it is being carried out, the effects on the workers, the organization and the country at large. Moreso, to acquaint the various managers and different categories of employees to the need to embrace motivation which will go along way in achieving higher productivity.
Besides, those students in the field of administration will find it educative, interesting and challenging in that, the various activities and techniques of motivation are revealed and logically analyzed.
Lastly, this project will be of value to those who may want to carry out similar research in the nearest future.
Motivation: This is the process of arousing behaviour, sustaining behaviour in progress, and channeling behaviour into a specific course of action.
Management: This is the process of getting things done through people. It involves planning, organizing, staff, directing, coordinating and controlling both human and material resources for the purpose of achieving a set goal.
Responsibility: This is the subordinate’s obligation to perform a duty which has been assigned to him.
Leadership: Is a process of using non-coercive influence to direct and coordinate the activities of group members towards goals’ accomplishment.
Manager: Is one who performs the functions of management (planning, organizing, staffing, etc) and occupiers a formal position in an organization.
Organization: This has to do with determination and provision of capital, material, equipment and personnel that may be required in an enterprise in order to achieve the set goals.
Organizational Structure: This is the established pattern of relationships among the components of the organization.
Organizational Chart: It is a diagram that shows the arrangement, positions and interrelationship of various component parts of company.
Employee: This is a person who is paid to work for an organization or business enterprise.
Behaviour: Is the manner that someone, an animal, a plant etc do thing sin a particular way.
Department: Any of the division or unit of a government, business, school or college and so on.
Employees’ Services: This is the maintaining of the general welfare of employees on the job and assisting with problems related to their security and personal wellbeing e.g. medical services and insurance protection.
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