(An assessment of Federal Capital Territory College of Education, Zuba, Abuja)
This study conducted An Evaluative Study of Library Automation and Practice of College of Education, Zuba-Abuja. Data was collected using questionnaire, oral interview and documentation from library users. The survey method was used for the study, the finding reveals the aims and objectives of the College of Education which supports in teaching and learning as well help in research programme. Data collection was analyzed using single statistical methods and percentage, the study revealed that most students are not aware of the library automation and that those that make use of the section for research the study highlighted. Students use the library on daily basis that library users usually find what they are seeking for. The study also unveiled that the materials in the library are well organized and also it states that automation helps make work easier.
Information is an essential commodity in the life of an individual government private organization and the society at large.
Then information has to be organized in a certain logical orders so that the society (people) will have easy access to such information. A library refers to the collection of books gathered for the purpose of reading, studying, selected, processed, and make them available for use.
Library classification refers to coding, or organizing library materials by it subject matter Classification is a system of groupings like things and the separation f unlike things. Classification is applicable to everything we do in life either purposely or unknowingly. Catalogue is a list of books and other items arranged in some definite order in record describe in an index usually completed item arranged in some definite order. The resource of a collection in library or group of library of which library automation may be defined as the application of computers to perform traditional library housekeeping activities such as acquisitions, circulation, cataloguing, reference and serials control.
Automation is used to reduce the amount of staff time deviated to repetitive (and offer less challenging) activities that must be done in any properly functioning library. It is to remember that various library operations are automated not the library as such.
History of library automation
Punched cards were invented by Hollerith in 1880 and used in tabulating the US census data. The library at the University of Texas was perhaps the first to use punched cards in 1936 for circulation control. The library of congress used the unit record machines for the production of catalogues in 1980. Library automation entered into its second era in 1960s with the advent of computers, the notable ventures were MEDLARS, MARC, etc until the early 1990s automating the library involved generally the same features as those in place since the advent of machine readable cataloguing record in the late 1960s. libraries created integrated text based systems using micro/mini computers in which using traditional library housekeeping operations were computerized using the library’s database as the foundation.
In the last decade, library automation has undergone a transformation that reflects changing definitions of library service in general and access to resource in particular. The introduction of global networking such as internet, cheap availability of technology and new media technologies made information more accessible.
Today’s integrated library systems must not only provide modules which automatic traditional library function but also capable of connecting through the local system into systems of other information or knowledge suppliers databases and Internet
The College was established in 1996 to provide qualitative teacher education geared towards meeting the present challenges facing the Nigerian educational system especially in the area of training teachers in the Science and Nigerian Languages to teach at the Primary Schools.
The then minister of FCT set up a Committee with members drawn from the Department of Education FCDA to work out modalities for the establishment of a College of Education. The recommendation submitted by the committee gave birth to the FCT College of Education which was temporarily sited at the defunct Teachers College Zuba.
A Deputy Director Mr. B.L. Banda from the Education Department FCDA was appointed the 1st Provost of the College. Also the Principal of the defunct Teacher& College Alhaji A.G. Zakari was appointed the Registrar of the College while other staffs of both administration and academic were drawn from Secondary Schools within FCT to constitute the pioneer teachers and administrative staff of the College.
A total of 120 Students were admitted into the programmes for the 98/99 Session. The College was however, closed down in May 2000, due to the need for reorganization and restructuring in order to ensure effectiveness in the academics administration. Consequently, in April 2001 it was reopened with more high-level manpower and material resources were put in place. A Deputy Director in the Education Department of MFCT in charge of Schools and Higher Education, Dr. Umma Abdulwaheed was appointed as Provost of the school.
There are many problems faced with the use of manual work in library operations. Manual work in the library operation especially the clerical aspect involves the use of hand, paper, biro and human brain in the performance of the library duties.
This has been found inadequate and cumbersome Manual system in most cases operates at a low level and decreasing efficiency in the face of ever increasing library work. This decreasing efficiency is a function of delays, backlogs, errors, staff dissatisfaction and perhaps a high rate of staff turnover.
The research questions of the study are as follows:
- What are the objectives of introducing automation in academic libraries?
- Is there any increase in the skill level of library workers?
- Can the library users be able to access materials from automated libraries?
- How satisfactory is an automation of academic libraries on the library users?
- What are the problems associated with automated libraries?
- What are the possible solutions to these problems of automation?
The objectives of the study are as follows:
- To determine whether the objective of introducing automation in academic libraries is being achieved.
- To find out if there is an increase in skill level of library workers.
- To find out if the users are able to access materials from automated libraries.
- To know how satisfactory automation of the library is on the library users.
- To know the inherent problems associated with automated library.
- To find possible solution to the problems of automation
The scope of this research covers the automation of academic libraries in Federal Capital Territory, the challenges and gains with reference to Federal College of Education, Zuba Library.
- The nations Libraries are dependent on the 80 years programme of the Library of Congress (LC) to catalogue the world’s literature.
- Existing bibliography utilities are dependent on the high quality and quantity of LC’s bibliographic production.
- The utilities have not been able to deliver all the services they say are technically feasible.
- Financial problem
The significance of automation of academic libraries includes the following:
- Improved Library Services: In an automated library system, the level of efficiency and reliability in terms of services will be improved.
- Attraction of More Patronage: When the library is automated, it will attract more patronage or clientele.
- Saving of Cost: An automated library saves cost in terms of times and money for the parent institution.
- It facilitates resource sharing and library
- Reinforcing and strengthen of the administrative and routing work processes.
Automation: Can be defined as the information processing which can be manipulated, re-arranged, stored or communicated in what has commonly been called machine readable.
Academic library: Academic library are libraries established in the tertiary institutions such as Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges of Education.
Challenges in Automation: Library automation is a great enhancement for your library, but it comes with plenty of headaches, it is a time consuming process libraries may struggle to have the proper technology for the automation staff and patrons may need a lot of training to properly operate the new system. Once the automation is completed, users with recognize many benefits.
Gains: The biggest benefit of automation is that it saves labor, however, it is also used to save energy and materials and to improve quality accuracy and precision.
Library: It is a collection of books, newspapers, records, tapes, or other materials that are valuable for research.
History: The past events of a period in time or in the life or development of a people, an institution, or a place. It is also define as the branch of knowledge that records and analyzes past events
Qualitative: Relating to or based on the quality or character of something, often as opposed to its size or quantity
Administration: The staff of a library or institution whose task is to manage the affairs of the library.
College: An institution of higher learning that provides education to undergraduates and awards `bachelors and sometimes master’s degrees
Classification: Can be defined as the grouping of like terms and separating the unlike terms.
Catalogue: A list of the holdings in a library, usually arranged according to subject, title, or author.
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