• Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025


 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284




Managing large and voluminous data manually is not only slow and cumbersome but also delay in the decision making process by the management. This project research on Automatic Time Table Scheduler System is intended to reduce the work load, save cost of keeping records and replace the existing manual method of time table in computer science department Nasarawa. And various method of flow chart were used to represent the input and output, also flow chart to represent the component, such flowchart is system flowchart while the one showing the input & output is system flowchart, and other materials were used such as textbooks web site such as Google offices/programming software which is MS Access, Visual basic 6.0 and word processing (MS Word).



Automatic can be defined as the process of a machine or device having control that enable it to perform a work without needing to be constantly operated by a person such as computer. While computer can be defined as the electronic device or machine which accept, retrieve, store, input data and process data as output. The input data is the softcopy through the visual display unit (VDU) and output data as hardcopy through a printer. With the invention of windows in user today, computers are less prone to commands. Commands in form of windows or menus and with the mouse, you can click to perform different commands operations.

Meaning of process data, is to produce an accurate, high speed in terms of time in processing the information for management decision, is important to any business and academic environments. Various means of processing data have been developed amongst which computers have been the present successful tools in data processing.

Computers are suitable in handling large data like time table scheduler system not only in tertiary institution hut also in secondary school.


As government, private organization and individual, data occurs to us every day, in which such data needs to be handled properly and processed so as to achieve their goal requirement which is information. To do this work effectively and efficiently, it requires adopting a technique in handling the Time table scheduler system of the school.

The problem with manual system of time table scheduler system in the school does not only involve taking mental notes of data — subject, but slow, tedious and not effective. It should be noted that manual system of time table, most of the operations are performed by human being and paper is essentially the storage medium.

The disadvantage of this manual system is that, the data recorded on the paper may become obscure due to continuous user. And because there is no automation of the process of the time table, the manual process is quite slow.


The purpose and objectives of this project include:

  1. It provides easy record management in the time table scheduler system.
  2.  To exterminate the problem of error.
  3. To bring about a computerized efficient and effective time table scheduler system.
  4. To relief lecturers involved with manual processing of school time table.
  5. It helps in easy flow of information for quick decision making.


For the fact that computer provides a lot merits over the manual processing system, the importance of computerized time table system of the school are listed below:

  1. Easy accessibility: computerized time table is easy to access than manual. We use functional keys to retrieve a particular record easily which does not need to looking for or checking a file before locating a particular teacher subject taken at that time with a specific day.
  2. Modification: computerized school time table can be updated without the need of drawing another fresh one.
  3. Deletion: a record can be easily deleted or erased when the need arise. For example, when a teacher has left or is sacked from the school.
  4. Append: computerized school time table can add records to the master file easily when a new teacher is employed.
  5.  Large storage facility: computer is been characterized to have large storage capacity. Time table scheduler system cannot be exceptional. Million and billions of records can be stored and retrieved easily.


The scope of this project is to build or design a-work-able, easy to use and reliable software for Computer Science Department. More so, it involves the total automation of time table system in the use of better and faster time table in the department. Thus, the project consists of the objectives and provides a way which the objective will be achieved. The scope of this work is extended to the following part and deals with the total automation of the following:

  1. The project aim at facilitating the school by building a time table system that handle the school.
  2. The project also deals with the security and reliability of information.
  3. It is concerned with the accuracy, which involve the enhancement of computerization of time table once the input data is correct.
  4. Automation of time table involve the time processing which is 100% faster than manual.


The project topic “Automatic Time Table Scheduler System” is specifically on the lecturers and students only. This cannot be used for any other purpose. It is limited to lecturers and students of the school, not an individual. It keeps the record of the subject the teacher takes in a class.


Hardware: they are the physical part of a computer machine that can be seen, touch and felt.

Software: Are programs written to solve a particular task in a computer, and are non-visible parts of a computer system.

Program: Are set of instructions arranged in a logical order and when executed, a task will be performed.

Instruction: is a statement, which dictates an action to he carried out.

Command: is an autocratic order that must be obeyed.

Data: Are raw facts that have not been processed when it goes into a system as an input.

Information: It is an output that is processed from input data.

Process: This refers to computational works or manipulation carried out on data.

Operating Systems: Are routine programs which direct the operations of the computer.

VDU: Visual Display Unit.

Keyboard: An input device where data can be entered into the computer.

ALU: Arithmetic and Logical Unit.

ROM: Read Only Memory

RAM: Random Access Memory

DOS: Disk Operating System.

 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284

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 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284