• Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025


 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
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: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284


(A case study of Federal Polytechnic Kaduna)


The importance of Technology in relations to Socio-Economic Development in an organization cannot be over emphasized. That is why the researcher chose the topic: The Impact of ICT on socio-economic development in an institution (A case study of Federal Polytechnic Kaduna) this particular area of study has been of great concern to the researcher who among other things examines the nature of information technology in order to form the theoretical base for the study a careful review of related literature were made; four (4) research questions were drawn up to obtain the primary data through the use of questionnaires were used on the selected department. The total population of study as hundred and some was used as sample to carry out the study. The researcher use the simple percent method to analyze the data obtained from the polytechnic ground. During the course of the study the researcher discovered that the application of information technology on socio-economic development reduce to a large extent the cost involved in running the school activities. Communication and data processing on socio-economic development is carried out with ease and speed using IT equipment and facilities. Lastly useful recommendations were given.




Technological advancement made in recent times have created a revolution in the economic world, allowing people to communicate in a way they had never dreamt of. Development is the human activity of converting resources into goods and services for the purpose of brining about transaction that will satisfy certain needs of customers, which bring profits to organization. This depends on the wise use of resources of any business, through effective decisions.

 Adams (2002),  said socio-economic development is an organized approach to providing people with satisfaction they want. Most institution seeks to make as much as that. They aim to achieve revenues that exceed the cost of operating the business.

Xavi (1988) in his finding perceive socio-economic development as having the potential to contribute substantially to reducing the high cost of unemployment and to the growth of a country’s economy. The account for significant shares of economic activity can play an important role in achieving the development goals for production. The long-term goals are for socio-economic development to maximize their contribution to the country’s economic and social development with respect to produce income distribution and employment.        

Bellegate (1998) in one of his findings also perceive information technology as the processing and distribution of data using computer hardware and software, telecommunication, and digital electronic. The term “IT” encompasses the methods and techniques used information and handling and retrievals by automatic means. These include com

puter, telecommunication and office system or any combination of these elements. It includes all matters concerned with the further and of computer science, technology and with design, development, installation, and implementation of information systems and applicants.

According to Adams (2007) information technology (IT) is the study, design, development, implementation, support or management of computers based information system, particularly software application and computer hardware. Therefore it deals with the use of electronic computers and computers software to convert, store, protect, transmit and retrieve information. Many researchers have tried as much as possible to define the term information technology Norton (1992), in his researches figure the term information technology as broadened to encompass many aspects of computing and technology. Also the term is more recognizable than ever before and its umbrella can be quite large, converting many fields such as production, manufacturing marketing, etc. it has a divers impact on every economic activities carried out in this modern world.


The modern trend in our institution today requires the exchange of information, processing and distribution of data, efficiently and effectively from one place to another. Therefore, for every institution to achieve this development the need for applicant of information technology system is inevitable. Many institutions have collapsed either at start up or fail to grow which might be due to inappropriate or inefficient method used to handle information. The problem of delays in sending and receiving information between organizations is characterized by one of the major cause of failure in some institution. Information in the bedrock of any organization which enables it to plan, organize and execute decisions making towards achieving its set goals. There is also the problem of managerial inability by many institutions operation.


To every research topic, there must be a purpose and this purpose refers to what the researcher want to know about a particular subject matter so that if need, there will be an improvement.

Impact of information communication technology on socio-economic development, therefore, the researcher purpose or aim of carrying out this project include the following.

  1. To find out problems that hinders the growth of I C T.
  2. To know the importance of application of information technology in processing data to the institution
  3. The study is to provide the relevant of information communication technology to socio-economic technology.
  4. To provide basis for information communication technology


For the purpose of this research, the following questions had been drawn to guide the investigation.

  1. What are the problems that hinder the growth of information communication technology?
  2. Is there any importance of application of information technology in processing data to the institution?
  3. Does information communication technology has relevant to socio-economic technology
  4. What is the basis for information communication technology?


The main objective is to give the researcher the fundamental on how best to identify a particular problem in a given situation and to be able to carry out investigation on the causative factors of the problem. Draw possible solution and method of prevention for further reoccurrence. The study would also guide the polytechnic operation on how best top manage the polytechnic in accordance with modern trends which would promote developmental growth in the economy.

The study could be used as a source of data for student and other individuals such as Organizations, Government sectors and in the society at large conducting research on issues that have relevance to the work which might bring about ease and access to significant data for their study.


The study is limited as it looks at the impact of information communication technology on socio-economic development of an institution, this topic is been carried out in Federal Polytechnic Kaduna.


Information technology: (IT) is the process and distribution of data using computer hardware and software, telecommunication and digital electronics the term IT encompasses the method of techniques used information handling and retrieval by automatic means. The means include computer communication and office system or any combination of these elements.

Economic: is the branch of knowledge combined with the production, consumption and transfer of wealth.

Development: the gradual growth of something so that it becomes more advanced, stronger.

Social-economic development: are the process of social and economic development in a society and the general well being of the society.

Information: a something told, knowledge, also process of collect, gather, receive or obtaining vital detail item of knowledge.

Communication: is the exchange of information, idea, feelings and though between two or more parties.

 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284

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 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284