(A case study of Area Council Bwari, Abuja)
The aim of this project is to evaluate land development control. In other words, the important of land to mankind and its various uses, which are residential, commercial, recreational, industrial, education, communication land etc. this calls for the control of various development purpose. The government promulgated various laws to regulate the land use planning, building by law and zoning regulation for an important research. Several forms of data collection methods and analysis are bound to be used therefore, this project work have comprehensively three sections which can be ascertain in this project work.
In ordinary language, the term land refers to the physical surface of the earth or in everyday use in the part of the earth’s terrain on which man plant and animals live on. Land in its totality is more than the earth’s outer surface that gives sustenance to plants and animals.
Conceptually land has various meaning, the term “land” suggest different things to different people depending upon their outlook and their interest at that moment. According to Balowa (1985) “land” could apply a nation an ordinary person or political division of the earth surface. Legal concept of land as in section 205 of law of property act 1925 define it to include, “land to tenure and mine and minerals whether or not held apart from the building, other incorporated here determent benefit right, privilege in or over or deprived from land”.
To this end, town and cities are precious possession, of mankind. A town or city does not know its own grow to become efficient, but like a child, its master plan or comprehensive development plant to ensure the orderly grow and land down guide line for development of our cities, town and villages cannot be over logged (the master plan serves as a frame work and provide guide lines for development or developing a city or town in a planned and orderly) it is therefore, the mean to achieve the goals and aspiration of the community at large. The need for evaluation of land use and development of land development control is very vital or important. In other to ensure that real estate developers and owners of landed property use their land and building in conformity with approval scheme as contained in the master plan of the town.
Thus, the government enforces law and regulations guiding land use and development control in order to regulate the growth of towns in a planned and orderly manner, for the purpose of functional efficient and visually attractive physical environment.
Despite the effect of the planning development in Federal Capital development Authority (FCDA) to ensure and efficient control use in Bwari Satellite town, they keep on deteriorating.
This is compounded by:
- Land use
- Inadequate social amenities facilities.
- Poor housing quality.
- Poor accessibility of houses.
- Sanitation.
- Congestion and
- Lack/inadequate control of development.
It is in view of these noticeable problems that promoted this study so as to uncivil, to constrains and proffer possible and useful suggestions.
To evaluate the existing method of controlling development and land use in Bwari Abuja with view to ascertain problems associated with the method.
- Review literature on control land use and development control.
- Examine method adopted controlling.
- Examine the part term of development and land use in the study area.
- Identify problem militating against effective control of land use and development of Bwari.
- Suggest possible solution to the identified problem.
This project concerns the evaluation of land use and development control at Bwari, Abuja. The researcher consider it fit and efficient to narrow the study to only Bwari satellite town in the Federal Capital Territory Abuja to allow a defiled and through activities and provide for these activities would eventually be a higher room for the emergency of a city .
The city and its environs is expected to grow gradually to pa balanced community within the frame work of other world communities. To realize such dream there must be control and monitoring overall development and component part that are to take place.
To this end the expectation are Nigeria and indeed that of the world of capital city that will be developed to standards almost equal to those of development cities such as England, Japan, United State of America, Portland, Brasilia in Brazil, in other words Abuja as a new to has a lot of opportunities for planners, estate surveyor land space designer etc. I exhibit their require to lapse as to avoid over concentration of people and economic/social activities.
Constant control and monitoring of development is essential for the city the use of land can afford the public health, safety and welfare. The project word therefore does not cover other satellite town within the FCT areas TES not easy to gather the data use for reluctantly is always there when it comes to give vital information that will be useful to the research work. There was also inadequate and time factor.
These are obtained through administering of questionnaires. Formal and informal interview and discussion with some selected people who are not able to fill the questionnaire.
The question was designed to assist in the writing or project. The questions were asked to get individual contribution from the development control, land use control, engineering department operation (demolition) logistic (tiles) all in the development control and settlement division zone 6 Abuja among other surveyors, architect and builders in Bwari Area Council of Abuja tenants in the study area.
This involved oral interview with some staff of development control who refused to receive the questionnaire, estate surveyor and valuers, tenants and also the private and public developers within the Bwari council of Abuja on land development control in Bwari, their response was remarkable.
Data were collected through pamphlet, journals and past project relating to the information needed for this project these include published and unpublished books which are relevant to the topic to enhance a good presentation of the project.
One hundred questionnaire were printed consisting of the set. Sets contain 30 question directed to the building industry (Values 20 question to the Bwari area council, 30 were allocated to set c which to development control zone 6 Abuja under the umbrella of (FCDA) Abuja. For the purpose of analyzing data, table would be used to enhance better understanding of the collection also description method presenting and analyzing the data too.
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