This research aim at evaluating the basic property of calcined soldier ant mound on concrete as pozzolan. The SAMC was collected from a nearby farm in Gidan kwano campus F.U.T Minna Niger state, and it was finely grinded and sieved using 75µm sieve size. This research is purely a laboratory work which involved series of tests, such as sieve analysis, specific gravity, bulk density, moisture content, atterberg limit, consistency test, soundness test, absorption test, permeability test, abrasion test and compressive strength test. A total of Eighty-one (81) 100mm x 100mm x 100mm cubes sizes were cast with fifty-four (54) having cement replaced with soldier-Ant mound clay at 10% and 20%.The cubes were then cured and crushed at 28 and 42 days respectively. Water/cement ratio of 0.65 was adopted for the mix. Result indicates that the addition of SAMC in the mix increases the initial and final setting time of the paste. the result obtained from chemical analysis shows the combined percentage of Al203 + Fe203 + Si02 to be 87.42%.The density of SAMC concrete increases with an increased in hydration period, the average percentage water absorption increases with an increased in the hydration period. The result obtained for compressive strength of SAMC concrete indicate that, there was an increased with increase in hydration period which the average compressive strength of 42days hydration period is higher than that of 28days. Abrasion test result show that abrasion increases with increase in duration for both normal and SAMC concrete. For permeability, the values obtained are in agreement with those found in literature and there is no significant difference in value for that of normal and SAMC concrete.
The mainly accepted and utilized conventional material in the construction sector is concrete, because of its satisfying operation in strength demands and its capability to be formed into different kind of shapes and sizes. But the characteristic features of concrete which includes resistance to chemical attack that leads to change in volume, concrete cracking and the consequent deterioration of concrete are what to be concerned, Reddy and Marcelina (2006), defined Concrete durability as the ability of concrete to withstand deterioration from freezing and thawing, heating and cooling,
Cement is to be considered as the most common conventional material for most construction activities, therefore, if there is a little change in its cost, bring substantial effect on the overall cost of construction. To decrease over dependency on conventional building materials, particularly cement and also tackling the problem of seven percent carbon dioxide release to air (Rashid 2010), researches have been carried out on substitute materials that can be used in replacing cement wholly or partially for the purpose of construction. (Dashan and Kamang, 1999; Okoli and Zubairu, 2002; Adam and Agib, 2003); shown that an alternative could be found to replace cement wholly or partially for construction purposes. In cement industries, efforts are being made to reduce the price of cement, to reduce the using up of raw materials, to guard the environment, and to improve the value of cement. One way is to use some materials that are cheaper for partial replacement of cement clinker. Cheaper materials used are industrial and agricultural by products (wastes). Combination of Portland cement and the aforementioned by products are referred to as mixed cement or composite cement. Mixed cement can be defined as hydraulics binders that part of ordinary Portland cement is substituted with another hydraulic or non-hydraulic constituents.
Dwivedi, Das, Singh, & singh, (2006), stated that, the most common constituent for mixing with Portland cement are pozzolanic elements like pozzolanas: husk ash, condensed silica fume, fly ash, rice burnt clay or filler components like lime, stone and other waste product. But for the purpose of this research, Soldier Ant mound clay (SAMC) would be used as partial replacement of cement so as to assess its durability. Termites are recognized as insects of the order of Isoptera with almost three thousand known species, which seventy-five percent are categorized as soil-feeding termites. They are known as ecosystem engineers(Dangerfield et al.,1998), because they encourage soil transformations by disturbance procedures. Termite’s action increases the quantity of organic matter and alters the composition of clay mineral in soils that used for constructing their nests,(Awadzi T.Cobblah M.A 2004). Termites increase soil permeability with boring and poke the soil profile foam building construction. Termite mound are usually located in tropical regions especially Africa. The mounds height is more than a little meters. Termite mounds constitute of materials from implicit in soils. A reported has shown that African farmers gather termite mound material and use it in cropped field as it can be rich in existing nitrogen, overall phosphorus, and organic carbon than ordinary soil (Lopez Hernandez D. 2001).
The continual increase in the cost of cement as conventional building material leads to increase in the total cost of construction works which houses are not easily affordable to an average man. Therefore, an alternative material is to be used as partial replacement of cement. This brings the needs for termite mound Ant clay to solve this problem. Before cement/samc concrete can be efficiently use for structural uses in building construction at large, some basic design parameters relating its performance characteristics should be developed. These characteristics include those connected to strength, serviceability and durability and the likes. The aforementioned properties usually contribute positively to durability performances of structural components.
The significance of this study can be acceptable from several perspectives. It is significance to stakeholders like contractors, governing bodies, building and civil engineering activities, construction sectors and the general republic which they all involve in building tasks, and concrete is the most widely use constituent which this study aims at it characteristic performance by introducing SAMC as partial replacement of cement and however keeping good feature and durable. In a long run, cuts down the cost of overall building projects which makes it low-cost to afford.
The aim of this research is to evaluate the basic property of calcined soldier ant mound on concrete as pozzolan
The main objectives of this research are as follow:
- To determine the physical and chemical properties of soldier ant mound clay (SAMC).
- To determine the absorption and permeability of soldier-Ant mound concrete.
- To compare the abrasion of SAMC concrete with the normal concrete.
The methodology that will be adopted in this study work is fundamentally practical experiment which implies the research and testing of newly and harden concrete specimen. Sharp sand, granite, and soldier- Ant mound clay will be collected. The experiment will involve soldier-Ant mound clay used as partial replacement of cement at 10%, 20% respectively.
Practical prelim tests that was carried out on samplings to used in this study, such as sieve analysis, specific gravity, bulk density, moisture content, Atterberg limit (liquid limit, plastic limit, and plasticity index) consistency, setting time,(initial and final), soundness test slump test. After each specified period of curing, the following test will be carried out i.e. compressive strength test, absorption test, abrasion test and permeability test.
Table 1.5 Summary of laboratory test to be carry out on the materials
Aggregates | Cement | Soldier-Ant mound clay (SAMC) | Concrete | |
Fine | Course | |||
Sieve analysis | Sieve analysis | Consistency test, Setting time (initial and final) | Atterberg limit (liquid limit, plastic limit and plasticity index) | Slump test |
Specific gravity | Specific gravity | Soundness test | Moisture content | Compressive strength test |
Moisture content | – | – | Specific gravity | Permeability Test |
Bulk density | Bulk density | – | Bulk density | Absorption test |
This study would concentrate on investigating the compressive strength and durability of soldier ant mound clay (SAMC) concrete and plain concrete as a control mix. The plain concrete compose of cement, water and aggregates which would consider as a control mix without replacement with SAMC (SAMC-0%).A maximum of two (2) series of concrete mix design with SAMC as partial replacement of cement (10% and 20%) would be use. There was no beam or slab casting and a mould of 100mmx100mmx100mm was used for the concrete cubes in the lab not on the site.
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