According to Tima Amo (2006), employee who have not received adequate training before assigned responsibility usually lack adequate knowledge and skill to provide satisfactory customer service. This combination result to dissatisfied customers. The company will experience declining sales of dissatisfied customers choosing competitors who can provide quality product and appropriate service (i.e loss of customers).
Betts (1983), said if training as an important stage does not receive sufficient attention from supervisors, managers and the possibility of using individual full capacity become very remote. By implication, Betts is simply poor training will hinder the donation of employee full capacity towards work.
Poor training makes an individual to be unproductive. And” many organization especially those developing rapidly, just cannot afford to devote so much on their resources to pay the salaries of unproductive employees” Foluke (2007) an employee who is not adequately trained would therefore, have his job at risk (i.e no job security). Poor training can bring about many mistakes and great job dissatisfaction. Martins and Jackson cited in Foluke(2007) said “training help the organization to cope with organization social technological change whether, it is focused on orientation on the job, development of potential or retraining of employees” in essence, if an employee training is adequate and not poor, such employee will have fewer mistakes and greater job satisfaction. According to Obekpa (2004) the effect of poor training include the following:
- Poor Communication Skills: – A secretary is expected to have good communication skills without this, she will be unable to tolerate well with her boss, colleagues and customers. Inability to communicate well with those she comes in contact with makes the job difficult and tiring.
- Ineffective Handling of Office Equipment: – The employee is expected to have the knowledge of handling office equipment, such as telephone and other equipment relating to her job. This will enable her perform her task efficiently and effectively.
- Poor Organization and Inability to Delegate Duties: – An employee inadequate trained will find it difficult to plan the day’s work and also find it difficult to keep abreast with her functions, thus finding it difficult to organize herself and her boss appointment and also unable to delegate duties.
- Poor Imaginative Skills: – An employee should be proactive with a lot of imaginative skill. He/she should be able to point a good picture in his or her mind on the best way to handle a task.
- Inability to Manage Limited Resources: – An employee should be able to manage resources available to her. But an inadequate trained employee will find it difficult to manage limited resources available to her because of errors and mistakes that occur in the cause of her work.
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