This project titled “effect of infrastructural facilities on provision of housing in ‘Local Government”” effect of infrastructural facilities on provision of housing in ‘Local Government in the study area, to achieve this aim the following specific objectives shall be pursued: to assess of the state of infrastructural provision in the study area, to evaluate the housing condition of the town and to examine the relationship between infrastructural development and provision of housing provision in Jere government.The researcher adopted the use questionnaire to collect data from the research population which consists of tenants, landlords, property developers and real estate firms that resides inJere. The use of tables, percentages and descriptive statistical tools were used to analyze the data. The results of analysis indicates that the availability of infrastructure development positively affect the housing provision as this is shown clearly in the rental values of properties located in the local government where there are no infrastructures and those found in urban areas where infrastructures such as electricity, portable water, medical centers etc are found.
Infrastructure is an umbrella term for many activities referred to as “social overhead capital”, which include public utilities such as power, telecommunication,water supply, sanitation and sewerage; and public works such as roads, dams, and drainage (World Bank, 2014). Hirschman (2018) describes infrastructure as those services without which primary, secondary and tertiary economic activities cannot function. In its widest sense it includes all public services, ranging from law and order,through education and public health to transportation, communication, power and water supply as well as agricultural facilities such as irrigation and drainage systems.
The adequacy of infrastructure helps to determine the level of success that a country achieves in terms of coping with population growth,reducing poverty, or improving environmental conditions (World Bank, 2014). In a report on a related development,Khan and Haupt (2006) state that one of the benchmarks used in determining the wellbeing of the populace is to have the minimal infrastructural services. Evidence suggests that inadequate infrastructure is an impediment to the rate of growth and housing provision in Africa,which has resulted in some African countries trailing behind other developing countries(Foster and Briceno-Garmendia, 2010).
For developing countries, investments in infrastructure have benefits as well as costs associated with the benefits. Adequate transportation, communication, and power generation can boost productivity and growth. Conversely, where income and productivity are depressed by inadequate infrastructure, the financial resources needed may be huge and the challenges of obtaining finance may be serious and difficult to overcome. Lack of infrastructure limits investment and the lack of investment limits infrastructure, this may not be unconnected with the level of investments seen in developing countries (Eichengreen, 2015).
The development of social infrastructure is important in contemporary societies where provision of affordable housing are strategic factors for economic growth, social progress and the competitiveness of the country in global markets (Chulanova, 2017). Studies which confirmed the huge urban housing and infrastructure deficits in Jere Local government and Nigeria at large have often considered urban housing in isolation from its infrastructure (Abiodun, 1997; Aribigbola, 2000). This is notwithstanding the fact that basic modern infrastructure (roads, water and electricity)generally constitute up to 30 per cent of the cost of housing estates (Lawal, 1997). This study therefore examined the effects of infrastructure development on provision of housing in Local government with particular reference to Jere Local Government.
The problem of providing infrastructure service is inherently challenging. Many governments have attempted to improve performance of infrastructure but results have been largely unsuccessful. Practically all governments in developing and transition economies are seriously short of fiscal revenues. Budget allocations for infrastructure construction and maintenance rarely exceed 50 percent of requirements. Given these fiscal conditions, government cannot meet financing needs by allocation additional revenues from the consolidated fund. Most infrastructure in the Jere local government has failed due to the static concept of infrastructure, which fails to recognise that infrastructure is an on-going process of delivering essential services. This process entails funding of operations and maintenance, training and rewarding of staff to run facilities, – institutional policy reform and implementation of design. Many infrastructural services do not have good sustainability over the long term and are often adopted to please a particular section of the ruling class.Our mind-set towards infrastructure has been that it is our share of the national cake and must be wholely provided by the Government.
The Jere Local government have suffered years of neglect resulting in serious problems of environmental degradation, poverty and marginalisation.
Many of the few urban areas, lack any treated water supply. The water treatment plants installed by the Colonial masters have all collapsed and most cities do not have mains water supply. The drinking of untreated water has resulted in the preponderance of many water-borne diseases like cholera and typhoid fever.Electricity supply is erratic and unreliable. The few industrial establishments survive on private generating plants to operate. Telecommunications have virtually collapsed insome cities and in places where they exist, they’ are inadequate and procurement cost is prohibitive.There are inadequate and in appropriate health, educational, recreational and employment facilities.
Like other regions in the Country, there is generally, very poor infrastructural development. Most housing neighbourhoods are unplanned with no motorable roads. Some houses do not have toilet, bathroom and drainage’ system. Most inhabitants of even the urban areas live in shanties with very decrepitude structures that have long cried out for redevelopment. It is against this problems that this study examined the effect of infrastructure development on provision of housing in local government.
The aim of this study is to examine the effect of infrastructural development on provision of housing in local government(A case study of Jere LGA)
The specific objectives of this study include:
- To assess of the state of infrastructural provision in the study area
- To evaluate the housing condition of the town.
- To examine the relationship between infrastructural development and provision of housing provision in Jeregovernment
1.4 Significance of Study
This study encapsulates the need for infrastructures development in a residential neighbourhood in order to ensure the sustainability of the housing environment. It stressed the importance of infrastructure to human and economic development, with the objective of determining the sustainability of urban housing development in the context of neighbourhood infrastructure provision in the study area. It is a fact that a meaningful socio-economic development cannot take place without infrastructural provision. Infrastructure services are therefore regarded as critical components for improving the quality of life in a community.
In terms of infrastructural provision, Infrastructure is looked at from the point of view of facilities provided to make human living complete and comfortable. Examples of such infrastructure which deserve attention in order to creating an enabling environment for economic growth and enhance the quality of life of the residents include drainage, transportation, communication, security, education, health services, water supply, refuse disposal, recreation among others.
The scope of this study covers the infrastructure development on provision of housing in local government area. The study is limited to Jere Local Government Area.
Its major limitation was the problem of getting information from the institution under study. There is always the fear of giving out information to the public as such, vital information needed was not readily available.
Time equally would not be left out; getting permission to leave school and the issue of finance cannot be ignored as much was spent in procuring materials. However, with fact and judicial use of the limited resources, reasonable analyses have been carried out in this research work.
Some of the key words used in this work and their meaning as contain and used in the research are:
Infrastructure: This is seen as a wide range of economic and social facilities crucial to creating an enabling environment for economic growth and enhances the quality of life, Nubi (2002).
Property: Fraister (1993), stated that properly is the subject matter of ownership that anything which belongs to a person going to exclusive right to enjoy a thing. Example being land and building, real properties, denotes interest and right inherent in the owners of the physical real estate. This cluster of right which could be made the subject of a real activities “title” that signifies the lawful right of possession.
Value: Value is basically the worth of a thing which depend largely on the basis of assessment and unit of measurement.
Property Value: property value according too Millington (1981) is the money obtainable from a person willing and able to purchase property when it is offered for sale by a willing seller, allowing for reasonable time for negotiation and with the full knowledge of the nature and uses which the property is capable of being put.
Housing: Housing refers to houses or buildings collectively; accommodation of people; planning or provision of accommodation by an authority; and related meanings. The social issue is of ensuring that members of society have a home in which to live, whether this is a house, or some other kind of dwelling, lodging, or shelter.
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