This study examined gender and family types as factors influencing assertive behavior of workers. Specifically, the study examined the relationship between worker’s family type (monogamy and polygamy) and their behavior, determine the gender difference in the pattern of behavior of both family types and determine gender and family types as factors influencing assertive behavior among workers. The study adopted survey design and a representative sample of hundred thirty respondents were chosen and questionnaire were administered to respondents to fill and return. A random sampling approach was also employed in selecting with the specified units with the view of getting representative results. The data collection in this research was grouped in a frequency table. The percentage of each category of respondents was statistically worked out to prove a point. A total of one hundred and thirty (130) were administered and a total of one hundred and twenty five (125) which represent 95.15% were duely completed and returned by the respondents. The study revealed that gender and family types influence the assertive behavior of workers in an organization, this was supported by 37 representing 29.6 percent disagreeing that gender and family types influence the assertive behavior of workers while 88 presenting 70.4% agree. From the findings of this study and the long held notion that early experience in people’s life affects their behavior. Therefore respective family experiences presented to the respective individual shape their interpersonal behavior styles. Family interpersonal behavior style is very important in the upbringing of a properly adjusted individual because individual tend to model their parents, significant others and other siblings interpersonal behavior styles which at the long run affects their assertive behavior at work.
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