• Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025


 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
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: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284




1.1       Background Of The Study

That the mass media plays a vital role in the development process of a country is not again saying. The mass media generally regarded as a channel of communication that are capable of reaching heterogeneous audience simultaneously with uniform message. They regularly cover all sorts of issues such as health, music, fine art, crime, sport, entertainment, political events among others (Meyer, 2002, Soela 2004). The mass media transmits ideas and new information to target audience in the society. Tosanisunmi (2004) has observed that the mass media educate, inform and entertain beyond these functions as they also persuade and catalyze for social mobilization. In other words, the mass media can be regarded as powerful service of information because they have the capability to penetrate every segment of society. They have the ability to disseminate messages about issue, ideas and product.

In Nigeria, the mass media especially the television station have not only encouraged mass participation of the public  in  the  political/electoral  process, they have opposed and exposed anti- democratic  tendencies  at  different  times and equally play the role of watchdog with a view to promoting and safeguarding Nigeria’s fledgling democracy. No doubt, the Nigerian media were in the forefront of the struggle for enthronement and entrenchment of democracy, especially the transition from military rule to democratic rule which culminated in Nigeria’s Fourth Republic on 29th May, 1999; they had also since its commencement been actively involved in setting agenda for public discourse, providing perspectives and direction on political debates and framing the agenda for political decisions and mobilisation for mass participation in political activities, as well as contributing in no small measure to the sustainability and consolidation of the Nigeria’s democracy (Odubote, 2014).

The first time the media will be utilised as platform for propagating and expressing political opinions and manifestoes by candidates and political party during election in Nigeria was during the   1923   general   elections   with   the Nigerian Pioneer, the African Messenger, the Nigerian Spectator, the Lagos Daily News and the likes in place, although the ways,   manners   and   application   of   the media may vary. Since then it has been an avenue where the electorates keenly awaits the news and development on the electoral process in  the  country.

The  role  of  the television stations especially the Channels Television during the 2019 presidential election in Gombe state according to Bamidele (2020) have a three tier operational period namely pre-election period, election period and post-election period. However, the impact of the channels television and the mass media as whole since the commencement of Nigeria’s Fourth Republic particularly during the elections  (1999,  2003,  2007,  2011  and 2015 general elections) cannot be downplayed.

The 2019 presidential election was unique from the previous elections and the successes recorded in this election cannot be divorced from   the critical and visible roles played by the stakeholders including the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) officials, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), security officials, political parties / candidates, legislative, executive and judiciary, local / international observers, international donor agencies, the electorates and the mass media.

The role played by Channels Television in particular towards ensuring that the 2019 president elections were conducted in a realistic, violent-free and credible manner cannot be over- emphasised. During the election, the station served as watchdog institution, campaign platform, debate and discussion forum, public/voters educator, election observers, among others before, during and after the elections. However, in spite of the praises accorded to this institution   (media),  it appears that the level of media’s reportage of electoral process is still undermined by numerous challenges which require critical investigation. Thus, the major thrust of this paper is to assess the performance of channels television during the 2019 presidential election in Gombe state.

1.2       Statement Of The Problem

The role of media in every society is often to educate, inform and enlighten. It is assumed that, where those roles are adequately carried out, elections are bound to be free and fair. In an effort to nip this electoral malpractice in the bud, different media, particularly television, have been deployed as channel to forestall the continuity of this political malfeasance. The worry of this study therefore, is how far the television station especially the Channels Television has fared in ensuring free, fair and credible election in the 2019 presidential election in Gombe State.

1.3       Objectives Of The Study

The broad objective of this study is to assess the performance of Channels Television during the 2019 presidential election in Gombe State evaluate the television

The specific objectives include:

  1. To examine the role of the channel television during the 2019 presidential election in Gombe state.  
  2. To examine the effectiveness of channels television in carrying out enlightenment campaign against electoral misconduct
  3. Ascertain the challenges faced by Channels Television in its campaign against Electoral Malpractices and reportage.

1.4       Research Questions

  1. What are the role of the channel television during the 2019 presidential election in Gombe state?
  2. How effective is channels television in carrying out enlightenment campaign against electoral misconduct
  3. What are the challenges faced by Channels Television in its campaign against Electoral Malpractices and reportage.

1.5       Significance Of The Study

This study seeks to contribute to the body of existing knowledge, as it explores how television programs and messages can affect and increase the listener’s political participation. Information received through the media especially the Television stations creates awareness about political activities during elections; this information can be used to douse false rumours being carried about the credibility of the elections or make such information received verified and credible.

The role of the radio is more apparent in a developing nation, this role cannot be over looked as it stands as a tool to mobilize and sensitize its listeners on the activities of the electoral body, the candidates and parties represented and the role and useful information the electorate need in carry out their electoral duty and right during elections.

1.6       Scope And Limitations Of The Study

The scope of this research work will only cover the assessment of channels television during the 2019 presidential election in Gombe state.

The research work may be faced with time & fund constraints being an academic based research. The time allocated for this study is not enough as in combining the work on this study with daily academics routine. Also, the study will be limited to some areas due to the problems of funds, shortage of texts, journals and information relevant to the study.

1.8       Operational Definition Of Terms

Television broadcasting: This can be defined as the dissemination of information, idea, opinion, before, among others through the use of television medium.

Electioneering Campaign: This refers to the act or process of soliciting for support or votes for a given political party or candidate during election.

Election: Elections are one of the fundamental principles of democracy. So essential are elections to democracy that a society cannot be regarded as democratic if it does not conduct at least periodic elections. In fact, it is periodic elections that separate a democracy from a dictatorship. Also, one the major variables that separate old democracies from emerging democracies are periodic free, fair and credible elections.

 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284

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 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284