“DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF GAS LEAK DETECTION & MONITORING SYSTEM USING ARDUINO” is a project based on a wireless communication to enhance man and machine safety in a petrochemical industry. In today’s world petrochemical industry although being the largest process control industry it is also highly prone to major fire and gas disasters. A petrochemical industry has excessively high amount of crude oil stored within a confined area. Therefore presence of any external source which can cause heat or fire would lead to a major disaster. Even the gas that are present in petroleum refineries are hazardous.
The Bhopal gas tragedy, which claimed lives of nearly 3,787 people is one of the major accidents due to gas leakage. And another instance, the Vishakhapatnam, HPCL refinery tragedy claimed lives of 30 people. Though a gas and fire detection system was present which is connected to the sensors using large number of wires that run from the control room to various plant areas, during the fire the wire itself got damaged, so the information did not reach the control room.
So in order to avoid any hazard due fire and gas leakage in a petrochemical industry we will design an integrated system which will monitor timely gas leakage in any area around the plant using Arduino which is a wireless communication device. We will also proposed a new system which monitors human density within the plant area. Therefore Integrated plant safety monitor system based on arduino can realize workers attendance registration, Real-time precise positioning, Dynamic gas concentration monitoring, Real-time data transmission & Danger alarm. This project is focused on implementing the newly designed integrated system in CPCL, Manali, Chennai.
Pipeline systems deteriorate progressively over time. Corrosion accelerates progressively and long term deterioration increases the probability of failure (fatigue cracking). Limiting regular inspecting activities to the “scrap” part of the pipelines only, results ultimately into a pipeline system with questionable integrity. The confidence level in integrity will drop below acceptance levels. Inspection of presently uninspected sections of the pipeline system becomes a must. This project provides information on the “Gas leak detection”.
Pipelines are proven to be the safest way to transport and distribute Gases and Liquids. Regular inspection is required to maintain that reputation. The larger part of the pipelines system is accessible by In-Line Inspection Tools but this access is limited to the section in between the launching and receiving traps only. Unfortunately, corrosion does not have this limitation. The industry looks for means of inspecting these in-accessible pressure holding piping systems, preferably, without interrupting the operations. It is a fact that sufficiently reliable and accurate inspection results can only be obtained by direct pipe wall contact/access. If that is not feasible from the outside, we have to go inside. Since modifying pipeline systems for In-Line Inspection is mainly not practical,
A gas leak refers to a leak of natural gas or other gaseous product from a pipeline or other containment into any area where the gas should not be present. Because a small leak may gradually build up an explosive concentration of gas, leaks are very dangerous.In addition to causing fire and explosion hazards, leaks can kill vegetation, including large trees, and may release powerful greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.Robotics is one of the fastest growing engineering fields of today. Robots are designed to remove the human factor from labor intensive or dangerous work and also to act in inaccessible environment. The use of robots is more common today than ever before and it is no longer exclusively used by the heavy production industries. The inspection of pipes may be relevant for improving security and efficiency in industrial plants. These specific operations as inspection, maintenance, cleaning etc. are expensive, thus the application of the robots appears to be one of the most attractive solutions. Pipelines which are tools for transporting oils, gases and other fluids such as chemicals, have been employed as major utilities in a number of countries for long time. Recently, many troubles occur in pipelines, and most of them are caused by aging, corrosion, cracks, and mechanical damages from the third parties. So, continuous activities for inspection, maintenance and repair are strongly demanded.
The aim is to develop a gas leak detection and location system for the production safety in Petrochemical Industry.
To detect the leakage of gas and immediately sends the details of that location to the observer.
To improve the rescue quality and shorten the time for rescue.
To compensate for the weaknesses of existing systems
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