• Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025


 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
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1.1       Background to the Study

Education plays a very crucial role in the development and overall growth of any nation. In fact the attainment of high industrial growth and the general improvement of the living standard of citizens of a nation depend to a large extent on the quantity and quality of education. This is because, education increase people’s capacity to harness their environment for the betterment of their condition. Thus, nations the world over have continued to expend their resources toward the funding of education. Nigeria, like any other nation has not been left out in this quest.

It is in pursuit of this objective that the Federal Government decided to establish more tertiary institutions after the civil war in the early 70’s. Using oil revenue (oil boom), eight new universities were established in Benin, Maiduguri, Kano, Jos, Sokoto, Ilorin, Port Harcourt and Calabar. Before the war, there were only a few institutions which were regionally owned, these institutions were later taken over by the Federal Government. However, the take-over turned out to be a false sense of optimism because shortly after, the issue of the responsibility for funding education became a perennial question, especially tertiary education.

According to Professor Jibril Aminu (1988) “The funding of higher education became a subject of regular discussion since 1979 when the Federal Government decided that education, particularly tuition, should be free at all levels. Soon thereafter, it became obvious to all that the Federal Government alone could not cope and provide free education at all levels given the upsurge of demand each passing year. ”1 The struggle to cope with the number of student’s in-take against available facilities has over the years become more telling at the tertiary level of education. Facilities have been overstretched, equipment, where available, were obsolete, and there is lack of adequate and qualified lecturers. All these are attendant problems of inadequate funding. (Jibrin Aminu, 1988:8).

According to Professor Jibril Aminu, (1988) “One will only be begging the question if he says that the time has come for a serious search for alternative funding of tertiary education.”(Jibril A. Op cit :8) . One of the recommendations of the Abioye panel then was that tertiary institutions should look for alternative sources of funds to complement the efforts of the Federal Government. The panel recommended among other sources the creation of Consultancy Service Centers, Endowments such as establishing professional Chairs, establishment of active alumni associations etc. it was soon after the release of the government white paper on the findings and recommendations of the panel that witnessed the beginning of formal consultancy services in our tertiary institutions.

A few of these outfits are now registered as limited liability companied with broad objective such as:

(i) To serve as a complementary revenue source for institutions, and

(ii) To provide a legitimate avenue for the staff of such institutions to exploit their talents and expertise in providing the much needed support services to public and private organization.

It was in reaction to this that the Federal Polytechnic, Nasarawa decided to set up its own consultancy outfit on the 13th October, 1992 as a Consultancy Committee. Later the Committee was converted to a full-fledge Consultancy Unit by the Management Committee which was named Consultancy Services Unit (C. S. U.), the name was later changed to Naspoly Consult Limited, under the headship of a Coordinator. It is a unit under the office of the Rector and is overseen by the Rector. The consultancy services unit has been incorporated into the structure of the Polytechnic Administration. (Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa, op.cit)

1.2 Statement of the Problem

It was established at the background of this study that the genesis behind introduction of institutional consultancy services in the Nigerian tertiary Institutions was to augment the revenue sources in respective institutions and enable the staff to exploit their talents and expertise, thereby complementing the effort of funding provided by the Federal Government and development of staff in general.

Of course, this is crucial, especially when evidence proved by Professor J. Aminu (1988) and subsequently the rationale for setting up Abisoye Panel entails that the Federal Government of Nigeria alone can not sustained the over-increasing number of higher institutions of learning. It was on these bases, that the Nasarawa Polytechnic Consultancy Service (Naspoly Consult) was established in 1992 with simple structures, clearly specified objectives, human and material resources necessary in meeting up the bases of its establishment. yet the out puts yielded so far from this outfit is quite below expectation in most of these area of its objective, which includes provision of alternative sources of revenue to the Polytechnic, development of staff, provision of technical, professional and other expert services to individuals, public and private organizations. Is it the structural and operational guidelines of the outfit affect its service delivery or the composition of manpower across all levels? Is it the mode of relationship that exists between management and subordinate that constitutes the problem or lack of motivation and dynamism among the motivational factors? The data that will be generates shall place us on the truth of the whole.

1.3       Objectives of the Study

The main objectives of this study are to examine the operational structures of Nasarawa Polytechnic Consultancy Services (Naspoly Consult) and identify areas of difficulties with the aim of improving the situation. However, the specific objectives include:

  1. To examine the operational structure of Naspoly Consult
  2. To know the composition of manpower in the outfit.
  3. To ascertain the nature of relationship that exists between management and workers.
  4.  To identify the major problems which have hampered the effective functioning of the Naspoly and to recommend some ways of remedying the situation.

1.4       Research Hypotheses

This study hypothesized that “clearly spelt out and rationally designed operational guidelines will result in more efficient performance in the outfit”.

1.5       Scope And Limitations Of The Study

This study will cover the operational structures of consultancy services in Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa between 1988 to 2007. Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa was chosen for one, is a federal establishment worth of emulation by others state Polytechnic, two, its operation and structural composition differs with some Federal Polytechnic and the assurance the researchers has in-terms of accessibility to data ( both primary and secondary).

Other minor constraints, especially time will be considered as a factor that limited the scope of this study. However, it is expected that the outcome from this findings will tremendously help in addressing issues on operational structure of institutional consultancy services in Nigerian Polytechnics.

1.6       The Significance Of The Study

The study will attempt to provide a proper structure and defined functions of Consultancy outfits which will bring about greater performance and attainment of organizational objectives. Also this study will identify the various consultancy services rendered in Federal Polytechnics Nasarawa Consult and the procedure involve for this services. In addition, manpower composition across all consultancy units will be identify. All in an attempt to provide comprehensive analysis in regard to this research topic.

1.7       Definition of Terms.

The following concepts require necessary explanation. They include: Structure, Organization, Function, Consultancy, Institution, Services, Unit, Power, Autonomy, Coordination and Performance.

Structure: Refers to an arrangement in a definite pattern of an organization showing the inter relationship of posts within the organization.

Organizations: This involves the systematic arrangement of men and materials in the accomplishment of a common goal in order to achieve the desired objectives with the least friction and maximum satisfaction for all concerned.

Function It refers to the characteristics action of a person or thing performed on a regular basis which contributes to a larger action.

Consultancy: Consultancy is an activity, where consultants offer assistance by taking/facilitating some action to help Client resolve complex difficulties they face or anticipate to face in the near future. Therefore where this professional or expert advice is rendered on commercial basis, a certain financial payment is made to the consultant for the services rendered.

Institutional:  This is derived from institution which refers to an establishment or an established organization for example, University or Hospital. It becomes institutional when it has certain peculiar characteristics.

Services: This is derived from service which refers to work or duty performed for somebody. Services on the other hand, refer to a piece of useful work that does not produce a tangible commodity.

Unit: Relates to a single thing or a group, which is a constituent of a whole part of an establishment that has a special function to perform within a whole.

Power: This means having controlling influence or having authority over something. That is, having the authority to take decisions as they affect an organization.

Autonomy: It is a situation or condition in which an organization acts independent of another organization. That is, having powers to take decisions without requiring the opinion of another person or group.

Performance: This is to carry out a accomplishment of a task .In other words, the accomplishment of set objectives or goal of organization.

 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284

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 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284