This study investigated the phytochemical of unripe carica papaya and Musa paradisiaca peel, seed and flesh which are commonly discarded as food wastes. Using standard methods of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC), Mineral analysis of the samples were performed using Energy dispersive X – ray Fluorescence (EDXRF). The phytochemical screening was carried out using water, acetone and ethanol extracts of the peel, seed, and flesh was also carried out in accordance to standard methods of (AOAC). The results showed, the ethanol extract of unripe carica papaya flesh showed the presence of steroids, terpenoid, flavonoid, tannins, phlobatannins, cardiac glycosides, saponins, and alkaloid, while the seed and peel showed the presence of terpenoid, flavonoid, tannins, phlobatannins, alkaloid and steroid, terpenoid, phlobatannins, cardiac glycosides, alkaloid respectively. The ethanol extract of unripe Musa paradisiaca flesh and peel showed the presence of steroids, terpenoids, flavonoids, cardiac glycosides, saponins, alkaloid and terpenoids, flavonoids, cardiac glycosides, saponins, alkaloid respectively. The results showed, the acetone extract of unripe carica papaya flesh showed the presence of terpenoid, flavonoid, phlobatannins, and cardiac glycosides, while the seed and peel showed the presence of steroid and terpenoid, flavonoid, cardiac glycosides, alkaloid respectively. The ethanol extract of unripe Musa paradisiaca flesh and peel showed the presence of steroids, terpenoids, flavonoids, cardiac glycosides, saponins, alkaloid and steroids, terpenoids, flavonoids, cardiac glycosides, saponins, alkaloid respectively. The results showed, the water extract of unripe carica papaya flesh showed the presence of terpenoid, flavonoid, phlobatannins, cardiac glycosides, saponins, and alkaloid, while the seed and peel showed the presence of saponins and steroid, flavonoids, tannins, phlobatannins respectively. The ethanol extract of unripe Musa paradisiaca flesh and peel showed the presence of terpenoids, flavonoids, cardiac glycosides, alkaloid and terpenoids, flavonoids, cardiac glycosides, saponins, alkaloid respectively. The mineral analysis revealed the presence (Ca > Fe > Rb > Zn > K > Cu > Ti > Mn > Cr > Ni > Se) in seed, (Ca > Fe > K > Mn > Ti > Ni > Cu > Zn > Cr) and (Ca > Fe > K > Rb > Cu > Ni) in peel and flesh of carica papaya respectively. While the flesh and peel of musa paradisiaca revealed the following minerals (K > Ca > Fe > Ti > Cu > Ni > Mn > Se >Rb) and (Ca > Fe > K > Mn > Ti > Ni > Cu > Zn) respectively. Notably, few of the heavy metals (Ti, Cr, Rb, Ni) assayed was detected in few of the samples. This study concludes that unripe carica papaya and unripe Musa paradisiaca peels, flesh, and seeds could serve as promising sources of nutrients and bioactive compounds essential for the health of both livestock and humans.
Phytochemicals are compounds that occur naturally in plants. They contribute to the color, flavor and smell of plants. They form part of plants natural defense mechanism against diseases. Their presence in plant gives its medicinal value and produce physiological action in human body (Uzama et al., 2013). Some of the phytochemicals are water soluble while others are not (Adefagha and Oboh, 2011).
Some of these important groups of phytochemicals include phenolics of various types including flavonoids such as resversterol, catechins, anthocyanins and isoflavones as well as phenolic acids and lignin (Steinmet et al., 2000). Flavonoids are super antioxidants and free radical scavengers. They prevent oxidative cell damage caused by these free radicals. In this way they prevent chronic diseases such as cancer and tumours, and provide anti inflammatory actions (Okwu, 2001A and Okwu, 2001B), Saponins cause the haemolysis of cells, they prevent cancer by preventing DNA from damage. They are also antiviral and they can be cardio-protective through their ability to lower blood Cholesterol level (Coe and Anderson, 2001).
Alkaloids seems to be the most significantly and efficiently phytochemical in terms of therapeutic use. They form precursors for the synthesis of drugs when isolated in pure form. They show high physiological effect on animals and humans. (Okwu, 2001A).
Carica papaya Linnaeus, (pawpaw), belongs to the family of Caricaceae. Papaya is not a tree but an herbaceous succulent plants that posses rapid growth rate and self supporting stems. (Dick Gross, 2003). Papaya is a large perennial herb with a rapid growth rate. The plants are usually short-lived, and has complicated means of reproduction. The plants are male, hermaphrodite, or female (Bruce and Peter, 2008).The male plants are uncommon, but sometimes occur when homeowners collect their own seeds. These plants are self pollinated (Jari, 2009). The papaya fruit, as well as all other parts of the plant, contain a milky juice in which an active substance known as papain is present. The seed is used for intestinal worms when chewed. The unripe fruit is used as a remedy for ulcer and impotence. Chewing the seeds of ripe pawpaw fruit also helps to clear nasal congestion, (Elizabeth, 2018).
The fruits are big oval in shape and sometimes called pepo– like berries, since they resemble melon by having a central seed cavity (Fig. 1). Fruits are borne axillary on the main stem, usually singly but sometimes in small clusters. Fruits weigh from 226.796 up to 9071.85g, and are green unlike ripe, turning yellow or orange when ripe. The edible portion surrounds the large central seed cavity. Plants begin bearing fruits in 6-12 months (Vijay et al., 2014) depending on cultivation and temperature.
Musa paradisiacal (Plantain) is an herbaceous plant (up to 9 m long) with a robust tree like pseudostem, a crown of large elongated oval deep-green leaves (up to 365 cm in length and 61 cm in width) with a prominent midrib. Plantain fruits are oblong, fleshy, 5-7cm long in natural form and longer in the cultivated varieties. The ripe fruits are sweet and full of seeds and the peel is thicker than other banana. The fruit usually harvested at it’s mature but unripe stage, ripens within two to seven days, thus making plantain a highly perishable crop, particularly in the overripe stage (FAO, 2010). It is usually eaten as an energy yielding food. Its hypoglycemic actions in diabetic animals have been reported (Ojewole et al., 2003). An average plantain has about 220 calories and is a good source of potassium and dietary fiber. It is rich in carbohydrate, iron, vitamins and minerals. The nutritious food is ideal for diabetes, children and pregnant women. Its regular consumption helps to cure anemia and maintain a healthy heart (Ibeam et al., 2016).
The aim of this study is to determine the phytochemical and mineral composition of unripe Carica papaya (peel, seed and flesh) and Musa paradisiaca (peel and flesh)
The objectives which this research intends to achieve include the following;
- Sample Extraction using ethanol, acetone and water.
- To determine the photochemicals: tannin, steroids, saponins, flavanoids, cardiac glycosides, terperiods alkaloids and phlobatanns content of the unripe Carica papaya and Musa paradisiaca.
- To determine the minerals composition of the unripe Carica papaya and Musa paradisiaca.
- To statistically compare the phytochemical and mineral content of the unripe Carica papaya and Musa paradisiaca.
The use of unripe Carica papaya and Musa paradisiaca as food and medicine has not been given much attention; therefore, this research work tends to investigate the phytochemical and minerals potential of flesh, seeds, and peels of both plants.
The significance of this work is to identify new sources of therapeutical and industrial important compounds like alkaloids, flavonoids, phenolic compounds, saponins, steroids, tannins, terpenoids and the nutritional values of unripe Carica papaya and Musa paradisiacal to human health.
This research work is restricted to the phytochemical and mineral composition of unripe Carica papaya (peel, seed and flesh) and unripe Musa paradisiaca (peel and flesh)sold in Nasarawa Main Market, Nasarawa State. The limitation of this research work is due to inadequate power supply during the experimental stage and cost of carrying out the experiment.
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