• Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025


 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
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: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284





Local government is the third level of government deliberately created to bring government to the grass-roots population and gives the grass-roots population a sense of involvement in the political processes that control their daily lives. Democracy denotes a political system in which the eligible people participate actively not only in determining who governs them, but also in shaping the policy output of their government. The composition of a government is usually determined in free and fair elections supervised by an impartial body.

The existence of local government has always been defended on the basis that it is a crucial aspect of the process of democratization and intensification of mass participation in the decision-making process. No political system is considered complete and democratic if it does not have a system of local government. Local government serves a two-fold purpose. The first purpose is the administrative purpose of supplying goods and services; the other purpose is to represent and involve citizens in determining specific local public needs and how these local needs can be met.

Local representative government is a process that spans and connects representation and administration at local levels within local government structures. In order to understand the function and structure of local government, it is important to define local government and understand the meaning of local government democracy and values.

With these aspects of local government in mind, attention will be directed towards the typical structure of local government as the administrative structure of local government forms the basic framework where in local public policy is determined and implemented. Therefore attention will be directed to the composition of councils and their activities.

Democracy is a form of government in which all eligible are meant to participate equally either directly or through elected representatives, indirectly in the proposal development and establishment of the laws by which their society is run. In most modern democracies, the whole body of eligible citizens remain the sovereign power but political power is exercised indirectly through elected representative.

The local government system has been a major feature of Nigeria government and politics since colonial rule over the years, there have been changes in name structure and composition, while the system was operated differently all over the country (Agagu, 2004). The effective implementation of democratic values requires councillors and officials with integrity, which in turn demands fairness, reasonableness and honesty. Social equity may also demand that local government development should take place in such a manner that the rule of law will prevail (Cloete, 1993: 24 – 25). In view of the above therefore, this study examine the role of local government in the development of Democracy in FCT Abuja.


The effectiveness of democracy and local government are meant to bring about grassroots development, but are still hampered by some constraints which do not allow the manifestation of the purpose of their establishment. This includes poor representation, election malpractices, corruption and mismanagement of funds, Unskilled workers, shortage of personnel among others. This study is focused on the constraints facing the proper democratic functioning of the establishment of local government to attract the lives of people at the grass root level. Proper representation, equitable distribution of wealth among citizens, social and economic development etc. which form part of the hall mark of adopting democracy are not realized. Also, grass root development, provision of social service in the local government are being affected.


The general objective of this study is examine the role of local government in the development of democracy in FCT Abuja; particularly Gwagwalada Area Council.

The specific objectives of the study include:

  1. To look at the level of development in Gwagwalada Area Council
  2. To look into the level at which democracy has brought development in Gwagwalada Area Council
  3. To look into the militating factors against the development of Gwagwalada Area Council
  4. To offer a pragmatic solution to the problems of development in Gwagwalada Area Council.


As the means of carrying out the research, the role of local government in the development of democracy in FCT, Abuja, Gwagwalada Area Council.

These research questions will serve as guide to the researcher in the course of this project work.

  1. Does democracy as the system of government promote political participation at the grassroot level?
  2. What are the benefit in participating in political activities at the grassroot level?
  3. Does democracy brings about political equality among the poor masses?
  4. What are the planning and arrangement to involve in participating in the development of democracy at the grassroot level?
  5. Does local government has any role of democracy development at the grass root in FCT Abuja?


The study will help a lot of people to understand the importance of democracy and local government as a role of democracy development at the grassroot level. It will also form part of the data bank in this area for future research work and when ever is successfully completed.

1.6     Scope Of The Study

The research work is particularly concerned with the role of local government in the development of democracy in Nigeria. It covers the entire participation of Gwagwalada Area Council in democracy development at the grass root. Equally, most of the reference were selected from the year (1999 to 2020). This is to enable the researchers have up to date frame work of the topic treated.

The research work has however faced the problems of inadequate research data in these oral interview (respondents were afraid of the likely implication of their minds as much as they should.

Also, apart from the limited time of the research and the large scope of the research which covers the entire Gwagwalada Area Council, the amount voted was exhausted and the researcher had to supplement to enhance the research work to be complete.


The organization of the research work is based on the table of contents.

Chapter one deals with introduction/background of the study, statement of the problems, objectives of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitations of the study, research questions, organization of the work and definition of terms.

Chapter two is on literature review, introduction, history, growth and development of local government in Nigeria, concept of local government, concept of grass root democracy, role of local government in democracy development, objectives of local government in democracy development and democratic development in Gwagwalada Area Council.

Chapter three deals with the population of the study, sample size, sources of data collection, method of data collection and method of data analysis. Chapter four deals with data presentation and analysis and finally, Chapter five deals with summary, conclusion and recommendations.


In order to fully grasp the subject matters of this project, certain key terms which would be regularly used need to be defined.

Democracy: Democracy is ‘’government by leaders whose authority is based on a limited mandate from a universal electorate that selects among genuine alternatives and has some rights to political participation and opposition. (Danliger 1998, 159).

Local Government: Local government is a form of public administration which in a majority of contexts, exist as the lowest tier of administration within a given state. The term is used to contrast with offices at state leve, which are referred to as the central government, national government, or (where appropriate) federal government and also to super national government which deals with governing institutions between states. Local government generally act within powers delegated to them by legislation or directives of the higher level of government.

In federal, state, local government generally comprises the third tier of government, were as in unitary states, local government usually occupies the second or third tier of the government, often with greater powers than higher level administrative divisions.


In the economic study of the public sector, economic and social development is the process by which the economic well-being and quality of life of a nation, region, local community, or an individual are improved according to targeted goals and objectives.

The term has been used frequently in the 20th and 21st centuries, but the concept has existed in the West for far longer. “Modernization“, “Westernization“, and especially “industrialization” are other terms often used while discussing economic development.

Whereas economic development is a policy intervention aiming to improve the well-being of people, economic growth is a phenomenon of market productivity and increases in GDP; economist Amartya Sen describes economic growth as but “one aspect of the process of economic development”. Economists primarily focus on the growth aspect and the economy at large, whereas researchers of community economic development concern themselves with socioeconomic development as well.


Grass is defined as people at a local or low level rather than at the center or upper levels of an organization or movement. A grassroots movement is one that uses the people in a given district, region or community as the basis for a political or economic movement. Grassroots movements and organizations use collective action from the local level to effect change at the local, regional, national or international level.

 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284

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 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284