SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N2500| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Whatsapp us on: 08055730284
The research work is focus on the statistical analysis of the reported cases of child abuse in Fct Abuja from 2009-2019. The method used in collecting data for this project is secondary method (documentary). The data was collected from the National Agency for Prohibition of Trafficking in persons and other related matters (NAPTIP). The statistical tools the researcher used for the analysis are Time series (Least square method) and Correlation (Karl Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient). To determine the relationship and trend between the reported cases and rescued cases of child abuse. From the result we can conclude there is significant relationship between the reported cases and rescued cases of child abuse also the trend analysis shows that there is an increase in the reported cases of child abuse. It is therefore recommended that the agency deploy trained personnel who have acquired reasonable and adequate knowledge in the field to investigate and look into the report.
Child abuse has for a long time been recorded in literature, art and science in many parts of the world. Reports of infanticide, mutilation, abandonment and other forms of violence against children date back to ancient civilizations. The historical record is also filled with reports of unkempt, weak and malnourished children cast out by families to fend for themselves and children who have been sexually abused. For a long time also there have existed charitable groups and other concerned with children’s wellbeing who have advocated the protection of children. Nevertheless, the issue did not receive widespread attention by the medical profession or the general public until 1962, with the publication of seminal work, the battered child syndrome, by Kempe CH et la 1962 the battered child syndrome. The term “battered child syndrome” was coined to characterize the clinical manifestations of serious physical abuse in young children [Kempe CH et la 1962]. Now, four decades later, there is clear evidence that child abuse is a global problem. It occurs in variety of forms and is deeply rooted in cultural, economic and social practices. Solving this global problem, however, requires a much better understanding of its occurrence in the range of settings as well as of its causes and consequences in these settings.
Child sexual abuse is defined in various ways, making it challenging to generalize about its prevalence in a society and its effect on children, teens and families. Many professional defines sexual abuse broadly to include both direct genital contact and indirect interactions such as ‘exposure’ or internet –based activity (for example, the sending of electronic sexual images to minors). It has been suggested that many victims continue to perceive sexual abuse as a private matter and most do not disclose their victimization to any formal source. Given that only a small proportion of sexual offences are formally documented, the prevalence of sexual abuse has been difficult to quantify.
According to the American sexual abuse report in 2004, more than half of sexual abuse incidents occurred in a commercial or institutional establishment, followed by a residence or surrounding location, a street or other public place, or in another location. The location of the incident varied with the specific offence type. More than half (56%) of sexual abuse occurred in and around a residence; whereas, over half (57%) of incidents of unwanted sexual touching occurred in commercial establishment. Police –reported data indicated that 68% of aggravated sexual abuse occurred in or around a residence, compared to 65% of the less serious offence level of sexual assaults, females and youth were at particular risk.
In 1986 it was reported that children of elementary schools (aged 6-12 years) and adolescent girls (13-19 years) in Benin-city were the major victims of sexual abuse, with 48.2% of reported cases over a 3 year period occurring in children below 13 years old.
And also reported some baseline findings from community based projects on the incidence of child sexual abuse in two Nigerian urban centers. About 38% and 28% of female and male respondents respectively reported being initiated to sex before the age of 18 years old. These findings, among others things, point to frightening dimensions child sexual abuse may be assuming in Nigeria. Evaluation of prevalence and pattern of sexual abuse among children is a very vital issue often under reported in pediatrics and its importance cannot be downplayed especially its impact on health which include post-truamatic symptoms, precocious sexualization , depression, anxiety, stigmatization, guilt, fear, sexual dysfunction, dissociative symptoms, eating disorders, substance abuse, prostitution, regression behaviors such as a return to thumb-sucking or bed-wetting, and academic and behavioral problems.
Adolescence is defined as the age group of 10-19 years and characterized by rapid changes in the physical, biological, and hormonal characters of the individual resulting into his/her psychological, behavioral and sexual maturation [UNPF 2013].
In the year 2009, there were 1.2 billion adolescents in the world and a vast majority of these, around 88%, lives in the developing nations. India accounts for the largest national population of adolescents, 243 million, in the world [UNDESA, 2008].
In 1999, the World Health Organization Consultation on Child Abuse Prevention defined child abuse maltreatment as ‘all forms of physical and /or emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect or negligent treatment or commercial or other exploitation, resulting in actual or potential harm to the child’s health, survival, development or dignity in the context of a relationship of responsibility, trust or power’ [RCCAP, 1999].
Child abuse is a violation of basic human rights. According to WHO, in the year 2000, there were an estimated 57000 deaths attributed to homicide among children aged less than 15. But ironically, a large number of child’s death are not routinely investigated and hence the real figures about numbers of fatalities due to child abuse and neglect are also questionable with regards to completeness and usefulness come in wake of the fact that many countries, there are no legal record, search for and eventually respond to child maltreatment [Bross DC, 2000].
In addition, there is profoundly diverse cultural understanding and equally variable legal definition of child abuse and neglect between countries [Theodore AD, Runyan DK. A medical research agenda for child maltreatment: negotiating the next steps.
All forms of abuse and neglects have a harmful effect on children and young people. Below is an outline of some of the most common effects;
Emotional scars: Children who suffer abuse or neglects feel most of the pain on them inside. Many children suffer low self-esteem and feelings of guilt, often blaming themselves for the abuse. Children often have feelings of hopelessness, hate, despair, misery, and rage, sometimes talking about feeling suicidal or self-harm.
What could be the trend of cases of child abuse in FCT Abuja?
What could be the relationship between the reported cases and rescued cases of child abuse FCT Abuja?
To carry out statistical analysis on reported cases of child abuse in FCT Abuja from 2009-2019
The specific objectives of this research are;
- To determine the trend movement of the cases of child abuse
- To predict i.e forecast for the future occurrence of child abuse in FCT Abuja
- To determine the level of relationship between reported cases and rescued case of child abuse.
This research work is relevant in several ways to individuals, government and health personnel also it will propel measures for preventing child abuse. This study will enlighten people on the risk of child abuse. It is also worth of note to mention that this research work will be of great help to medical practitioners and the government at various levels.
This research covers all the reported cases of child abuse in Nigeria (National Agency for the Prohibition of Traffic in Persons and other Related Matters NAPTIP).
It is not easy to undertake a research work in a field of human endeavor, mine is not an exception, the limitation of the study is mostly the difficulty encounter during the process of data collection. The data used is transcription from figure (secondary data) and as much an error might have been committed.
To achieve the target, aim and objectives of this research work, the research formulated the hypothesis as stated below;
H0: there is no significant relationship between the reported cases and rescued cases of child abuse from 2009-2019
HI: there is significant relationship between the reported cases and rescued cases of child abuse from 2009-2019
Adolescence: is defined as the age group of 10- 19 years and is characterized by rapid changes in the physical, biological, and hormonal characters of the individuals resulting into his/her psychological, behavioral and sexual maturation.
Epidemic Disease: refer to the acute break of disease that display a sudden increase, within a given geographical area or community.
Prevalence: the ratio of the number of occurrences of a disease or event to the number of units at risk in the population.
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