• Sat. Jan 18th, 2025


 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
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1.1       Background Of The Study

Teenage pregnancy is becoming prevalent in our society. Spencer (2011) defines teenage pregnancy as pregnancy occurring in a young girl between the age of 13 and 19, whereas Macleod(2011) defines it as a social problem in which adult practices and functions (sexual intercourse, reproduction, mothering) are displayed by a person who, owing to her age and developmental status, is not-yet-adult, that is, adult, but not child. One major contemporary social problem confronting most countries in the world is Teenage pregnancy. From the first world countries such as the United states to the third world countries, this problem has been a source of worry for policy makers, social workers and other human service providers due to its negative repercussions on the girl-child (Grunseit, 2007).

Teenage is a stage in life in which the individual (male or female) begins to develop sexual characteristics. It is usually between the ages of 13-19 years. At this stage in life, sexual desires are often at their peak. Pregnancies are a result of sexual activities either voluntary or not in the case of rape and also because they lack adequate knowledge about the consequences and the responsibilities that comes with pregnancy. One of the most traumatic and devastating effects of teenage pregnancy is making it difficult for the girl-child to continue with her education. Pregnancy at whatever stage in life can be a life changing experience that cuts across boundaries of race, educational attainment and socio-economic status (Kostet al., 2010). Motherhood places demands on one’s life which were hitherto non-existent prior to the birth of the baby. When a girl that should be in school becomes pregnant, her entire life could be completely altered as her hopes and aspirations could be shattered.

Teenage pregnancy ratio in Nigeria is one of the highest in the world and the prevalence among female adolescent in Nigeria of sexually transmitted infection including HIV is climbing rapidly(WHO 2017). According to Julia Bodeeb (2005), teenage pregnancy is a serious issue that may seriously impact the future of a young woman. Any teenager typically lack skills needed to handle a pregnancy and motherhood. Patience, maturity, and ability to handle stress are required by pregnant mothers of all ages. Teen’s pregnancy may impact the baby, the U.S Centers for Decease control and prevention notes that babies born to teens may have weaker intellectual development and lower sets course at kindergarten. They may also have on going medical issues and behavioral issues. Donellet’al(2007).

Sexual knowledge is higher among young people because of some factors that is associated with increase in the issue of teenage pregnancy. First is social media, through media teenagers get more knowledge about sex, and also peer pressure and family problems. Sexual experience while in school prompts students to acquire sexual knowledge which leads to school drop out because of stigmatization.The existence of teenage pregnancy significantly affects the development of the girl-child, this is attributable to the girls’ absence of any consistent means of support to care for the children and themselves when they should have been in school. It is alleged that teenage pregnancy and its associated motherhood are characterized with shame, disgrace, school dropout and sometimes end of the individual’s dream of achieving higher pursuits. Teenagers face daily pressure from peers, they are exposed to influence of TV movies, the music industry and internet etc.Unfortunately, young ones are too inexperienced to handle the consequences of pregnancy. According to Yampolskaya, Brown, and Greenbaum (2012),” approximately 60% of adolescent mothers live in poverty at the time of the birth of their babies, and approximately 73% go on welfare within 5 years of giving birth.”

Dysfunction families have set the stage for pregnancy. Many parents feel that their young ones will be taught sex education in school while the schools have failed to meet that demand. So no good foundation of sex education both in school and at home, there is also the powerful influence of the media because teenagers usually spend time likely to practice these behaviours in real life and have multiple sexual partners. In our computer age, children do not need to have computer in their homes before using one, the use of computer have increased in many country including Nigeria and sexual materials of all kinds are easily accessible through the internet. Unsupervised internet use may expose teenagers to pornographic and sex chart room, some teenagers are willing to accept sex if they are paid and some adult encourage teenage sex by deliberately taking advantages of their being poor because a child whose parents are unable to provide a three- square meal in a day is likely to fall victim of early pregnancy as a result of hunger, cloths etc. Most parents fail as a result of their work to understand their children and do not have a close relationship with their children as a result, find it difficult to confide matters to their parents. It is against this background that this study seek to examine teenage pregnancy and how it affects the educational development of our teenage girls in Lapai Local government area of Niger State.

1.2       Statement Of The Problems

Teenage motherhood is a global phenomenon affecting both developed and developing countries, and constraints girls and young women from participating in education. Both teenage pregnancy and parenting are the leading reasons girls give for dropping out of school. Early motherhood and child bearing is especially disruptive to the educational process of girls and, as a consequence, many teenage mothers leave school and never return. The girls who remain in school longer are less likely to become pregnant, because education prepares girls for jobs and livelihoods, raise their self-esteem and their status in their households and communities. Nigeria policy strategies on the girl child education to improve the education of the girl child. However, this study sought to investigate teenage pregnancy and how it affects the educational development of teenage girls in Lapai Local Government Area of Niger State.

1.3       Purpose Of The Study

The main aim of this research therefore is to find out the teenage pregnancy and how it affects the educational development of teenage girls in Lapai Local Government Area of Niger State.

The study specifically aimed to: 

  1. To determine the causes of teenage pregnancy in Lapai Local Government Area of Niger state.
  2. To Compare the academic performance of teenage mothers before and after teenage pregnancy.
  3. To determine the effects of teenage pregnancy on the educational development of teenage girls in Lapai Local Government Area of Niger state

1.4       Research Questions

The study is aimed at providing answers to the following questions below:

  1. What are the causes of teenage pregnancy in Lapai Local Government Area of Niger state?
  2. What is the deference between the academic performance of teenage mothers before and after teenage pregnancy?
  3. What is the effects of teenage pregnancy on the educational development of teenage girls in Lapai Local Government Area of Niger state?

1.6       Significance Of The Study

The study is significant as it will highlight the causes of teenage pregnancy, its impact in school, home and society, with a particular interest in its influence on Girl-Child academic performance.

The findings of the study will direct the educational sectors on how to handle adolescents without contributing to their frustration. It will also enable educational planners to incorporate sex education into the school curriculum to achieve solutions to social problems. The findings will expose parents not to see sex as a taboo that must never discuss with children. It will also encourage parents to observe some developmental changes in the body of their children to avoid being misled by peers. The findings of the study will motivate the school administrators to organise moral instruction on weekly bases to inculcate morality on the students.

Its findings of the study will further be beneficial to the teenagers on their part to control their sexuality and thereby adjust to positive way towards their educational attainments. To the infected teenagers, it will expose them on dangers of abortion and equally instill in them the determination and courage to continue their academic pursuit even at the point of pregnancy despite the shame and social stigma involved.

Students – To whom this study is addressed. They can gain valuable insight on the what, why, and how teenage pregnancy will be avoided and also way to go about when the girl-child is sexually harassed.

Researchers – They will broaden their knowledge about the experiences of student mother in a high school and also help in making recommendations to policy makers on issues relating to rape.

Parents – this study will serve as a guide to understand their children deeply and to guide their children in a right path.

Teachers – This study will serve as a lesson to teach their students regarding to sex education, to follow the Do’s and Don’ts actions and also understand the girl-child more, this will help teachers to know if children are emotional disturb.

Future Researchers – this study will serve as a guide if they are going to a research proposal that is similar to this study.

1.7       Scope And Delimitation Of The Study

The purpose of undertaking this research work is to enable the researcher identify the effect of teenage pregnancy on the educational development of teenage girls in Lapai Local government area of Niger State. The researcher limit the scope of this study to choose secondary schools female students of the age of 14-18 years because they are most likely to fall victims of teenage pregnancy in the study area.

1.8       Operational Definition Of Terms

Adolescent: A young person age 10-14 years.

Pregnancy: The condition of being pregnant or the period of time when a woman is pregnant.

Peer Pressure: A strong pressure imposes by peer group.

Peer: Some one of the same age group, social class etc.

Sex Education: Education in school about the physical processes and emotions involved in sex.

Teenage motherhood: Someone who give birth between the age of 13 and 19 or a girl who give birth at her teenage age someone who is between 13 and 19 years old.

 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284

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