• Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025


 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
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This study examined the impact of poor maintenance culture on the optimization of educational properties using Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa as a case study. The specific objectives of the study were to identify the various educational facilities available at the Federal Polytechnic, ascertain the condition of the available educational facilities; examine the maintenance strategy adopted in the management of the facilities; investigate the problems associated with effective management of the facilities and  examine the impact of poor maintenance culture on the optimization of the polytechnic facilities.  The research method used was survey design. A total of one hundred fifty (150) questionnaires were administered while130 were returned and used for further analysis.  Statistical tools such as tables and percentage were used to analyzed the data. The study revealed that the common defects found in the institution properties are damp penetration, crack walls, roof leakage while preventive and corrective maintenance strategies are adopted in the maintenance of educational properties in the institution. Finally the study revealed that the major impact of poor maintenance culture on the optimization of educational properties is that it poses risk to life and properties and the high cost of maintenance when the property eventually fails. The study therefore recommends that the institution should adopt adequate preventive maintenance strategies rather than corrective or repairs methods so as ensure that the educational facilities are in a good and sound condition.



  1. Background Of The Study

Maintenance according to British Standard Glossary of terms (3811:1993) is the construction of all technical and associated administrative actions intended to retain an item in or restore it to a state in which it can perform its required function. Oladimeji (2016) also described maintenance as the combination of any actions carried out to retain an item in or restore it to an acceptable condition. Therefore maintenance majorly consist of the process of regularly and consistently keeping a building, machine, facilities, equipment, infrastructures etc in good and working condition.

The importance of maintenance in sustaining the fabric of a property cannot be over-emphasized. However, the neglect of maintenance has accumulated consequences in rapid increase in the deterioration of the fabric and finishes of a building, accompanied by a harmful effect on the contents occupants (Seeley, 2017). Therefore inadequate maintenance culture is a peculiar feature of almost every building in Nigeria with educational properties not left out in this regards. Rotimi and Mtallib (2015) noted that maintenance problems is partly due to poor maintenance culture on one hand and the absence of an appropriate benchmark on the other hand.

Gurjit (1990) asserted that lack of proper maintenance culture bring the life of a building last before reaching the total obsolescence state. The declining maintenance culture in Nigeria and its effect on buildings has become a major problem to both the public and private sectors.

Without any doubt, maintenance culture which encompasses provision for adequate care of the hard earned infrastructure have not gained ground in the consciousness of resource managers in the country over the years, and consequently, it is now a common scene to see government buildings at the verge of collapsing; abandoned factory plants and machinery, dilapidated school buildings, pot-holes and chasms on the constructed highway roads, deserted vehicles with minor problems, moribund industries and a host of other property belonging to the government (Rotimi and Mtallib, 2015).

In most public educational institutions, different infrastructures are provided for the use of both students and staff. However, the effective management of such facilities such as classes, lecturer halls, laboratories amongst others remains a mirage as most properties are left obsolete and abandoned without adequate care and management.

These actions in myriad ways have resulted to a colossal waste of scarce resources and it is one of the major problems, hitherto ravaging and undermining developing countries, especially Nigeria. Based on the foregoing, the research tends to examine the impact of poor maintenance culture on the optimization of educational properties with a focus on the federal polytechnic Nasarawa.

  1. Statement Of Problem

It must be stated without any doubt that erecting infrastructure without a functional maintenance plan or policy for it poses a great danger for the occupant and leads to serious economic loss. Among other problems such as fund are under-used and not effectively utilized. According to previous studies such as Rotimi and Mtallib (2015); Gurjit (1990) and Seeley, (2017) on infrastructural maintenance, many infrastructural facilities in public institutions in Nigeria are inadequately maintained. The few that are maintained are allowed to dilapidate completely without any sustainable maintenance plan. Consequent upon this, many infrastructures in public institutions are fast losing their economic value and at the same time putting the life of the occupants in danger.

In most Nigeria tertiary institutions, infrastructural maintenance plan is not in place; also the existing public infrastructural buildings have been dilapidating at a rather fast rate. Such that if no infrastructural maintenance scheme or plan is developed and implemented the educational properties will soon suffer a huge disastrous infrastructural damage. Take for instance in Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa, new infrastructures are being developed at every areas of the school raging from administrative structures to lecturer theater and even public conveniences, as this is a welcome development there is no clear stipulated maintenance policy in place. The new structures are being used without any regular maintenance as cracks, leaking roofs, faded painting and other visible faults resulting from lack of regular maintenance are clearly visible.  

While considerable research have been carried out on maintenance of these public institution in Nigeria but only scanty attention has been given to the key parameters of the impact of poor maintenance culture on the optimization of educational property. There is therefore a need to establish and evaluate the impact of poor maintenance culture on the optimization of educational property with a particular interest in Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa.

1.3       Research Questions

  1. What are the various educational facilities available at the Federal Polytechnic?
  2. What is the condition of the available educational facilities in the study area?
  3. What maintenance strategy is adopted in the management of the facilities in the study area?
  4. What are the problems associated with effective management of the facilities?
  5. What is the impact of poor maintenance culture on the optimization of the polytechnic facilities?

1.3       Aim And Objectives Of The Study

The aim of this research is to examine the impact of poor maintenance culture on the optimization of educational property in Federal polytechnic Nasarawa.

To achieve the stated aim of the study, the following objectives shall be pursue:

  1. To identify the various educational facilities available at the Federal Polytechnic
  2. To Ascertain the condition of the available educational facilities in the study area
  3. To examine the maintenance strategy is adopted in the management of the facilities in the study area
  4. To investigate the problems associated with effective management of the facilities
  5. To examine the impact of poor maintenance culture on the optimization of the polytechnic facilities

1.6       Significance Of The Study

This research work would be of great significance and relevance to a wide array of stakeholders including government agencies, polytechnics administrator etc, it will also a source of information which will guide the private public property developers, student of estate management, building technology, property managers, polytechnic administrators as well as the Government and its relevant agencies in dealing with management / maintenance of educational institution. It will also serve as a reference materials for researchers alike and a contribution to the existing knowledge on maintenance of education faults.

1.7       Scope and Limitations

The scope of this project is limited to the impact of poor maintenance culture on the full optimization of educational property. Considering the time and available resources,  the scope of the study is limited to Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa where the research can easily conducted . The Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa was selected as a result of its location, educational body and the availability of a larger number of educational facilities.

1.8       Definition Of Operational Terms

Property: Dictionary.com defines property as that which a person owns; the possession or possessions of a particular owner.

Maintenance: According to business dictionary maintenance defined as activities required or undertaken to conserve as nearly, and as long, as possible the original condition of an asset or resource while compensating for normal wear and tear.

Culture: According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary,  the beliefs, customs, arts, etc., of a particular society, group, place, or time — culture in a sentence.

The Cambridge English Dictionary states that culture is “the way of life, especially the general customs and beliefs, of a particular group of people at a particular time.”

Poor: English oxford living dictionary define poor as lacking sufficient money to live at a standard considered comfortable or normal in a society.

Education: English oxford living dictionary define education he process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university.

Utilization: Utilization is the action of making practical and effective use of something.

1.9       Historical Background Of The Study Area

The Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa was established in 1983 by the Federal Government of Nigeria. The intention of the Federal government to establish the polytechnic was predicted by the governments desire to revolutionize the society technologically. This is spelt out in the objective Decree No. 28 of 1987. Amongst the important objectives is:

To train people to acquire technical and vocational skills which are needed for the economic and social development of Nigeria especially in the field of agriculture, industry and commerce.

At the Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa academic work commenced in January 1984 at the Central Primary School dubbed temporary site with an initial intake of 220 students enrolled in two schools: School of environmental and business studies. A department of liberal studies course and administration of pre-national diploma programmes. An important land mark in the development of the polytechnic was initial accreditation of all the programmes in 1985 and commencement of HND programmes in 1986 in business administration and management, accountancy, secretarial studies, town and regional planning.

The rapid academic development continued in 1992 / 1993 session with commencement of ND programmes in Electrical Electronic Engineering Technology, Science Laboratory Technology and Statistics. These programmes had associated with them requisite laboratories and workshops fully equipped to meet the requirements or accreditation. Indeed with this development, the polytechnic can now be said to be a full-fledged technical institution offering programme in core engineering, Applied Science, environmental and business studies.

Now, the polytechnic has a student population of over 7,000 in regular student’s programmes spread over 21 academic departments in four schools.

An additional school of basic and remedial studies is responsible for IJMB programme and weekend courses.

 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284

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 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284