This study aim to assess and report on the management of recreational facilities and to proffer solutions that will enhance it. There have been several researches on management of recreational facilities worldwide but none have been carried out in Abubakar Tafawa Balewa university Bauchi state, Nigeria .The research instrument employed in this research is questionnaire, using likert scale while the research technique is simple random sampling basically for the management unit and users of the recreational facilities. The research question contains varied questions on the management strategy adopted in managing the recreational facilities, the hindrances to managing it and the benefit of these recreational facilities on student academic performance. It was found that no management strategy is adopted while caring for the recreational facilities, inadequacy of fund is a great setback while managing the recreational facilities, it was also discovered that the manner which the users use this recreational facilities is a great barrier, furthermore, it was discovered that the availability of recreational facilities in the school does not have a negative influence on the student academic performance. The research recommend that the management unit should adopt management strategy such as preventive, predictive and corrective strategy in managing recreational facilities in the school, it also recommend that professional such as estate managers who are well trained and who possess the required skill should be drafted into the management unit and ample provision of fund should be made available in other to ensure smooth operation of the recreational facilities and finally it recommend the addition of recreational facilities in the school.
This chapter covers the introductory element of this research; subtopics presented are statement of the problem, aim, objectives, limitation of the Research, scope of the Research, significance of the Research definition of terms and organization of the Research
Recreation as defined by (Thomas, 1970), is as an act of experience selected by the individual during his leisure to meet a personal want or desire, primarily for his own satisfaction. Recreation is referred to as leisure-time activities. Recreation is the major reason why people engage in touristic movement.
Recreation is an essential part of human life and finds many different forms which are shaped naturally by individual interests but also by the surrounding social construction. Recreational activities can be communal or solitary, active or passive, outdoors or indoors, healthy or harmful, and useful for society or detrimental. A list of typical activities could be almost endless including most human activities, a few examples being reading, playing or listening to music, watching movies or TV, gardening, hunting, hobbies, sports, studies, and travel. Some recreational activities – such as gambling, recreational drug use, or delinquent activities – may violate societal norms and laws. Even also Public space such as parks and beaches are essential venues for many recreational activities (Thomas, 1970).Outdoor recreation or outdoor activity is leisure pursuits engaged in the outdoors, often in natural or semi-natural settings out of town. Examples include adventureracing, backpacking, cycling, camping, canoeing, canyoning, caving,discgolf, fishing, hiking, horsebackriding, hunting, kayaking, mountaineering, photography, adventurepark, climbing,running, sailing, skiing, surfing and sports. Outdoor recreation may also refer to a team sport game or practice held in an outdoor setting. When the recreation involves excitement, physical challenge, or risk, such as in rafting or climbing, it is sometimes referred to as adventure recreation. (Rencher, 2010)This basic understanding helps facility managers ensure the continuity (joseph f. gustin, 2003).
Several schools of thought have defined Management in different ways but no single definition is accepted as superior and final. According to (Officha, Onuemesi, & . Akanwa, 2012) In their work the problem and prospect of open space management in Nigeria view Management as concerned with efficiency in the conversion of opportunity and resources into wealth. It is a vital aspect of realization of set of goals and objectives of any organization, institution or government especially in the case of those in charge of development of open spaces and it is the motive of the park planning process for the effectiveness of the recreational area.
Akpala (1992) in (Officha, Onuemesi, & . Akanwa, 2012), Confirms that management refers to people and also the process by which people do things. However, it is observed that inadequate recreational opportunity could be made productive with good administration, but that the best result could not be achieved without it.Allsopp (1979) in (Officha, Onuemesi, & . Akanwa, 2012), define management as the selection of goals and the planning, procurement, organization, coordination and control of the necessary resources for achievement. It is concerned with the dynamite of circumstance and activity as it is generally motivated by the need to economize in the use of resource and the time in activating predetermined objectives.
(Ngene, 1990), in his study state that good management demands that the needs, aspiration and the interest of people to be served should be taken into consideration.
Planning is for people and recreation must be built around the desires and interest of people for effective participation on the park users.
(Butler t. , 1940), opined that management should extend to the relationship between employers and the employees in, order; to accomplish their set purpose. They must be one in mind and purpose. Poor relationship result in lack of enthusiasm on work, indifference in a half heated effort and labor unrest. These result in failure to understand the motives that makes man work, such as their hopes, ambitions and prejudices. Furthermore, design and management are related.(Hussain, 2009) Defines facility management as the process by which an organization ensures that its building system and services support core operation and processes as well as contribute to achieving its strategic objectives in changing condition.
The widen view of facility management has become increasingly important with today’s changes in organizational structures, corporate styles, technological development, environmental issues and employment pattern.
Thus facility management is far beyond looking after building and its facilities. (Olufem,i. D. durodola; Caleb, A. Ayedun; and Akinjare, O. Adedoyin, 2012) in their work the beneficial application of facility management in hotel organizations in south-western Nigeria their major findings are from customers’ perspective, national stock of hotels worthy of presentation ranked first, followed by improved patronage of hotels, the quality services while neat environment ranked seventeenth. There is perfect correlation between the views of organizations and facilities managers but no correlation between the views of either the organizations or facilities managers and the customers using Spearman’s Correlation Coefficient analysis. It is also noteworthy to state that this independence of opinion reflects the general tendency of egoistic predilection in Nigeria. However, none of these benefits can be disregarded as they are directly or indirectly supported by literature such as Aakers (1984), Bevan (1991), Ahmad (1998), Barrett (2000), Brackertz & Kenly (2002) and Alexander (2003).
(Hussain, 2009) Defines facility management as the process by which an organization ensures that its building system and services support core operation and processes as well as contribute to achieving its strategic objectives in changing condition.
Bauchi state is one of the few towns that have the best recreational facilities in Nigeria because Bauchi has over the years gain reputation of being a recreation attraction state, as a result of the development of the following recreational center such as yankari Game Reserve and multi-purpose indoor sports hall.
One of the most common problems of maintenance is the aspect of time from which it has been as defined probability that an item will be restored to specified conditions within a given period of time when maintenance action is performed in accordance with prescribed procedure and resources (victor, 2004).
Facility which despite adequate maintenance, become obsolete as a result of changing needs demands, standard of living or technology. It is obvious that a greater part of our building and other physical facility are in danger of deteriorating below the point of economic repairs as a result of lack of management. Proper management whether recreational or otherwise is center around some key objective. The proper management of these facilities will surely fulfill the purpose of these facilities. Facilities management (FM) is based on the premises that the efficiency of any organization is linked to the physical environment in which it operates and that the environment can be improved to increase efficiency (Grimshaw and Keeffe, 1993).
Furthermore the lack of a clear maintenance policy as to what maintenance needs or priorities are and also lack of funds as the root cause of maintenance works; Nicky M Nzioki (2002).
Difficulty of defining standard of maintenance to be reached in relation to dynamic changes in the society, difficulty in implementing maintenance due to lack of pressure and inadequate information for effective formal planning.
Although they may have been properly designed and well-built originally, the recreational facilities worn out from use .in some cases, decay may have been hastened because of lack of maintenance or neglect as such the primary aim and objectives have not been achieved because of poor maintenance by the owner(s) right from the initial stage of these facilities and as a result of these, the impact of recreational activities on the people have been drastically low(Ihenacho, Ikpeme, & Saba, 2003).
World literature emphasize that there were number of research done by scholars on this scenario in different point of views. But there is a huge research gap in Abubakar Tafawa Balewa university no research regarding management of recreational facilities has been carried out in Abubakar Tafawa Balewa university therefore, a research gaps worthy of research has emerged, providing some potential study areas.
The focus of this study and the questions it seeks to find answers to are:
- What are the management strategies being employed by the Facilities Management Unit for its operation in the University.
- What are the beneficial impacts of the recreational facilities on students’ academic performance?
- What are the constraints or hindrances to its operations, in realizing the core objectives‟ of the University?
The aim of the study is to determine how recreational facilities are being managed in Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, with the motive of determining whether recreational facilities are being managed in Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Bauchi.
The objectives of the study are as follows:
- To assess the management strategies being adopted by the r recreational facilities unit for its operation in the university.
- To determine the impacts of recreational facilities on students’ academic performance
- To investigate the constraint or hindrances to its operations in realizing the core objective of the university.
It’s generally accepted that next to food is shelter, shelter is the most important requirement of man, it can however, be argue along this line that recreation is next to shelter. It’s luxury to recreate; it’s indeed a social necessity because good recreation improves healthy living.
The justification of this project is that it will bring about way to curtail the problem associated in the process of maintenance of recreational facilities of the study area which has seriously affected the users of these facilities from achieving the purpose for which these recreational facilities were developed.
Therefore, it is rational to embark upon this study in an economic sense. It’s hoped that this work would contribute to the world of knowledge; it will be helpful to the management, the government when they want to embark on capital project of such nature, the institution in managing the recreational facilities in their domain and as well users of these facilities.
It will also serve as a reference to future researchers and also this research intend to bridge a gap left by previous researchers.
The scope of this study is limited to only Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Bauchi state. The main concern will embrace the problem associated with the management these recreational facilities.
The problems encountered are:
- Problem from respondents: many respondents tend to be suspicious; some will be suspicious with the purpose of the research.
- Locating the respondents: finding respondents for interview or distribution of questionnaire was also a major problem encountered.
- Confidentiality: This is a major problem faced by this study and much information was not acquired because of confidentiality.
- Some respondents give ambiguous or wrong answer.
- Some questionnaires were not returned after distribution to the respondents.
- However, none of these problems in any ways affects the authenticity/quality of this study because enough information is gathered on this study.
Facilities management (FM) is a multidisciplinary or Trans disciplinary profession drawing on theories and principles of engineering, architecture, design, accounting, finance, management, and behavioral science. These disciplines each have a rich history of theory, research, and practice (Teichoz, 2004).
Facilities management, as a new discipline, builds on this foundation to create a new set of theories and practice many facility managers may not be directly involved in real estate transactions, as agents of building/ property owners, it is important for facility managers to have a basic understanding of what companies and building owners look for in terms of their investment. This basic understanding helps facility managers ensure the continuity[i] (joseph f. gustin, 2003)
Recreation defers from each and every person because the interests of a person relatively seem to be different from other. So, there is a diversification in recreational activities that people are engaging in different recreational deeds. Also there was a steady growth in leisure and outdoor recreation over three decades (Stankey & Wood, 1982). Lots of recreation theorists prefer to explain recreation comprehensive as much as possible. For this reason, a path for describing recreation is all the activities that are the acquisitions of the participant and except for working (kelly, 1990)). By containing needs and interests of the people from each section, recreation programs are required to include the fields in which the people can easily apply them and show their abilities. With this sense, recreation activity areas are musical activities (instrumented, orchestral, solo, chorus, etc.), sport activities (team, individual, nature, struggle and mind sports), games (educative games for all ages), dance (folk dances, modern and rhythmic dances, etc.), the activities requiring art and crafts (plastic, leather, ceramics, metal, photography, art, wood, etc.) outdoor activities (camping, having a picnic, environmentalism, etc.), scientific discussion meetings, etc.).
Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University (ATBU) is a federal university of technology located in Bauchi, a northern Nigeria. The university is named after the first Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa. The motto of the university is DOCTRINA MATER ARTIUM, which literally means “Education is the mother of the practical arts”. The university is known for having one of the best Engineering programme in Nigeria.
The Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University was established in 1980 as Federal University of Technology, Bauchi, Nigeria. The institution’s first set of students were admitted in October 1981 for pre-degree and remedial programme while the degree courses of the School of Science and Science Education began in October 1982. On 1 October 1984, the University was merged with Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Nigeria with a subsequent change of its name to Abubakar Tafawa Balewa College, Ahmadu Bello University, and Bauchi Campus. The University regained its autonomous status in 1988 following a general demerger of such institutions. This was followed by a subsequent change of its name to Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi.
The Academic pattern of the University was formulated in 1980 after consultation with invited subject experts from Nigeria, United Kingdom and the United States of America. The solid foundation upon which the curriculum of the former Federal University of Technology was built was responsible for its sustenance all through the years of its existence and in particular after the merger. The curriculum adopted was purely applied in nature, for a technologically based institution and it is this theme that is being maintained in all the units of the University.
Over two decades in existence, the University has come a long way in addressing some of the engineering, agricultural, scientific, environmental and technological challenges common to third world nations like Nigeria having been adjudged the fifth best University with one of the best engineering programme in Nigeria.
The University offers degrees through six schools: the School of Engineering, Science, Environmental Technology, Agriculture, Management Technology and the School of Technology Education. The University offers entry level bachelor’s degrees as well as both Masters and Doctorate degrees. Each school is headed by a Dean who reports directly to the Vice Chancellor. The Vice Chancellor is the executive head of the University. The Vice Chancellor is appointed by the Federal Government of Nigeria on recommendation by the Governing Council of the University.
Chapter one of this thesis presents introduction to the research, background of the problem, aim of the Research , objective of the Research, significance of the Research, justification, the scope of the Research, limitation of the Research, definition of terms and organization Research.
Chapter two consist of six parts, and they are the introduction,management of recreational facilities,concept of recreation, the concept and theories of management, factors affecting recreation development, related literature on management of recreational facilities, conceptual and theoretical framework.
Chapter three focused on research design, scope of the research, characteristic of the population size, sampling technique and procedure, instrument used for data collection, source of data collection, sampling frame, sample size, method of data analysis, decision rule and summary and link.
Chapter four presents an analysis of the data collected from questionnaire administered to the management unit and users of the recreational facilities in Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University. This chapter has several parts which are; analysis of the questionnaire administered to the respondents, analysis of questions based on research question one, analysis of questions based on research question number two, analysis of questions based on research question number three and then summary and link.
Chapter five seeks to summarize the work, conclusion on the inferences drawn and give suitable recommendation based on conclusions and suggestion for further research.
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