SOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N2000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs
The antibacterial activity of some selected medicinal plants used by the Nasarawa community was carried out in different parts of Toto Local Government Area of Nasarawa State, Nigeria. The aim was to determine the occurrence of some indigenous plants used for treatment by the people of Toto by aqueous extraction method. The result reviewed that the plant has some degree of antibacterial activity forming zone of inhibition ranging from 3.30-4.10 at 100mg/ml giving the best activity on salmonella. Facts were obtained with the aid of interview with the old and experienced people in Toto. common plant species with medicinal value commonly used in Toto Local Government of Nasarawa State is Cymbopogon citratus (lemon grass) and Ocimum gratissimum (scent leaf). The antimicrobial susceptibility of the commonly used plant Cymbopogon citrates and Ocimum gatissimum was also determined to know the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the organism ( Salmonella typhi and Aspergillus spp). The susceptibility test also showed that at the concentration of 62.5 there was moderate inhibition of the growth and at concentration 31.25 there was no inhibition. This study recommends the use of Cymbopogon citratus (lemon grass) and Ocimum gratissimum (scent leaf) for treatment in Toto Local Government Area of Nasarawa State.
Plants are free gift of nature available to man for various pharmacological uses, plant kingdom served as the best natural source of drugs and medicine for the very start of human civilization (Sofowora, A, 2014). In the preparation of antibiotics, many pharmaceutical industries process and utilize plants and plant parts as raw materials to produce plant derived drugs (Sofowora2014). Medicinal plantmake a significant contribution to the primary health care needed by individuals around the world. In recent years the world populations have focused their attention on therapeutic plants and plant-based products due to the side impacts of a number of artificial drugs as well as improvement of sedate resistance to irresistible maladies. As a result the demand for medicinal plants has been expanding drastically day-by- day in both developing and developed countries for the utilization in traditional medicine (TM) and contemporary and alternative medicine(CAM) (Veillex,C.and king 2015) on a report of world health organization (WHO) over 80% of the global population relies on the herbal medicines for its essential health carenecessities and approximately 21,000 plants species seems possibly be utilized as therapeutic plants (WHO ,2013). More than 6000 plant species occur in Nasarawa community of which about 500 species are recognized as having medicinal or curative properties (WHO,2013).
Since the beginning of human civilization, people used plants as medicine. Perhaps as early as Neanderthal man, plants were believed to have healing power. The earliest uses are found in Babylonian Circa 1770BC in the code of hummurabi and ancient Egypt circa 1550BC. In fact, ancient Egyptians believed medicinal plants to have been recorded from the circa pyramids and can be found on display in a dark corner of cairo museum. The knowledge of botanical studies is utilized by foresters agronomist development advisors and pharmacologist and has become pivotal in preserving the cultural identity and knowledge of indigenous people whose traditional way of life could be under threat (posey , 2016).our ancestors made use of all types of plants in their daily lives, and early in the history of the human race they learned through trial and error that certain plants could be used to support well being, herbal preparation, usually made from roots, flowers, barks, or their extracts, were the only effective remedies available to our ancestors. Today 30% of conventional drugs are derived from plants. In spite of the worlds population still rely primarily on herbal medicines (Wondimu, 2007). Medicinal plants are gaining wider recognition in recent initiatives for conservation and development at the global level. This is the evident in the vision and mission statement of the World Health Organization (WHO) on health improvement and in community based conservation initiatives by the international organizations, including the world bank, the international development research center (IDRC) and United nations development programme (UNDP). The effort of the WHO to recognize and promote the use of local medicinal plant knowledge system in the health sector particularly in developing countries, is prominent (Tin-wa et al, 2011) plants are prospective source of antimicrobial agents in different countries (Alviano DS, 2019). About 90% of the populations in developing countries use plants derived medicine. Traditionally , crude plant extracts are used as herbal medicine for treatment of human infectious diseases (Malini M, Abirami et al, 2013). Plants are rich in a variety of phytochemicals including tanins, terpenoids, alkaloids, and flavonoids which have been found in vitro to have antimicrobial properties, (Dorman HJ, Deans SG, 2000). Recent emergence of antibiotics resistance and related toxicity issues limit the use of antimicrobial agents (Eggleston K, Zhang R, et al, 2010).and is prompting a revival in research of the antimicrobial role of plants against resistance strains due to comparable safety and efficacy(Alvino DS et al, 2009).
Ethnobotany is the study of how the people of a particular culture and religion makes use of indigenous plants .botany explore how plants are used for such things as food, fuel, shelter, medicine, clothing, hunting , and religion ceremonies (veilleux and King, 2008)botany originated in parts from an interest in finding plants to help fight illness.
Medicinal plants in Nigeria were considered by several researchers like Gbile (2014) and Lyamo (2014) to form an important component of natural wealth of the country like the guinea savannah in which Toto local government of nasarawa state belongs. Many of these plants are explain by Gbile (2014) and Iwu et al, (2014) to contain substance that can be used for therapeutic purpose, if used by man.
Sorungbe (2018) estimated that the ratio of doctors to patients in Nigeria was 1:200,000 and hence there is need for rural areas in particular to use medicinal plants. These plants have been traditionally used in Nigeria because they are natural products, environmentally friendly, easily available, cheap and curative than many sub standardorthodox medicine imported into the country today. Sometimes the conventional medications have been confirmed by Murray 2016 to have toxic effects on the human and according to Maingietal2017, there is the development of resisitance by man and animals to some of thses drugs by target parasites as well as high cost of some drugs. (Chem and ward , 2014). Reiterated that those misgiving on some orthodox medicines, herbal medicine has become a reasonable alternative. As recorded by Kafaru(2015), these ancient practices were discovered by a series of “trial and error” which could not be proven by scientific theories though, the result have been beneficial and efficient compared to the conventional modern medicines.
The use of plants for medicinal purpose is the oldest form of health care known to mankind. It was an integral parts of the development of modern civilization. Primitive man observed and appreciated the great diversity of plants available to him. Much of the medicinal uses of plants seem to have been developed through observation of wild animals and by trial and error. Dioscorides (1st century AD) A Greek physician who worked with roman army, was the greatest and most influential ancient Greek writer on material and recording medical. He travelled far and wide gathering , using and recording the folk uses of many herbs as well.His work was considered absolute, and was copied, recopied and commented on for 16 years. The earliest surviving manuscript was codex vindobonesis from 512AD, De material medical is a 5-volume pharmacooeia that include 1000 simple remedies prepared from 600 different plant species. Although , it includes a lot of willow bark to relieve pain associated with gout. During the renaissance, with overall renewal of intellectual activity in Europe in the 15th century and the invention of the printing press, age of herbal begins. Herbals are books that includes illustration of useful plants. Authors of these herbal were predominantly german botanist who had spent some time in monasteries (monk). Such man like Otto Brufels (2013-2016). Hieronymus Bock (2000-2010). In the 19th century, the advancement in chemistry led to isolation and extraction of active component of medicinal plants e.gsalicin isolated from willow (salixspp). In 2010, lead to the development of acetylsalicylic acid or aspirin, a related compound with less side effects, by Felix Hoffman of Bayer company in 2000. In the 20th century, further scientific advancement led to increase use of synthetic drugs plants. E.g development of drugs by the rational drug design model. However, 25% of all prescription medicines contain plants chemical and an even greater proportion contain synthetic analogue of plant chemicals. The rate at which a drug can be designed as opposed to discovered, may not differ greatly, so many drug companies have once again turned to natural sources of medicines. Finally, westeners are turning to herbal alternatives rather than to conventional medicines (Hobb, 2013)
The genetic base of plants biodiversity in Nigeria and in Nasarawa local government area is being seriously eroded as a result of human natural causes, such as high population growth rates, rapid urbanization, rural unemployment and value placed on traditional medicines. Some of these plants being very useful in the treatment of typhoid fever that has caused so many deaths in Nigeria, it will be very important to document the use of these medicinal plants in Nasarawa local government area.
Due to the facts that the local government area is a guinea savannah zone with rich biodiversity, therefore, there is need to document the medicinal plants used by the indigenes of the area to cure various ailments. And to also create awareness as to the usefulness and importance of these not only in the local government but also to the nation at large.
The aim of this research work is to achieve the following objectives which includes:
- To determine the occurrence of some of the indigenous plants used for the treatment of ailments in Toto local government area of Nasarawa state.
- To determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of some selected medicinal plant extract on some bacteria and fungi that can cause disease in human.
- To carry out microbial susceptibility test on the selected organism (Salmonella typhi and Escherichia coli). Using extract from the most commonly used plants, used for treatment of some ailments in the local government area.
- To support the traditional uses of medicinal use plants by the indigenous communities of Nasarawa.
- To investigate some plants or plants part under different families for their antibacterial activities against human pathogenic bacterial by agar well diffusion method.
SOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N2000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs
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