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Mar 5, 2019

 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284



This project is aimed at examining the impact of collective bargaining in organizational peace and production in Nigeria with particular reference to Kogi State Polytechnic. The specific objectives of the study include: To determine if there is relationship between collective bargaining and industrial peace in Nigeria; To examine and prevent disruptions in industrial peace and collective bargaining in Nigeria; To discuss fair wages and conditions of service in industrial peace and collective bargaining in Nigeria; To find the need for peace, stability and progress in industrial peace and collective bargaining in Nigeria. The research design adopted is the survey method in which questionnaire were administered on the respondents which includes sample drawn from staff of Kogi State Polytechnic, Lokoja. Based on the information gathered from the research work carried out on collective bargaining as an instrument of securing industrial peace in Nigeria, with the case study of Kogi State Polytechnic, Lokoja, Nigeria the following findings were made; It was find out that government encourages policies that deals with wages determination which take away the basic duties of labour and management in the area of dispute settlement which usually does not achieve peace in the organization rather than encouraging antagonism and name calling.


1.0 Background to the Study

Collective Bargaining is a method of establishing wages, working conditions and other aspects of employment by means of negotiation between employers and the representatives of employees organized collectively (Abercrombie et al 2017). It is assumed to be a mechanism for workers participation in industries, extension of the rights of citizenship into the economic sphere and the resolution of conflict in industries.

According to Bendersky (2013), “Bargaining power refers to another person’s inducement to agree on your terms. Or, to put it in another way, your bargaining power is my cost of disagreeing on your terms. This ratio measures the extent of my inducement to accept what you propose. Similarly, my bargaining power is your cost of disagreeing on my terms relative to your cost of agreeing on my terms.” This presupposes that Collective Bargaining is a process of decision making with an overriding purpose, the negotiation of an agreed set of rules to govern both the substantive and procedural terms of the employment relationship between the bargaining parties (management and union) themselves.

In an organization, both private and public, the terms and conditions of employment are usually spelt out by the law guiding employment in the state. Consequently, there will be need for both employers and employees to come together and agree on the terms and conditions of services, this brings about collective bargaining process and collective government and the state that regulates wages, salaries and other conditions of services. Collective bargaining has become one of the major instrument in securing industrial peace in Nigeria, before bargaining can commence agreement must be reached about what group of employees will be in a bargaining unit. Parties to collective bargaining are expected to come together to the negotiation table with open mind to listen to the suggestion and argument of the other parties.

Adewole  (2013) stated that collective bargaining is a phrase which stands for or represent the totality of relationship among and between all the actors in industry, has the relationship among and between all the actors in industry, has the relationship arises and how rules, regulations and convention are developed to govern the conduct of all parties.  The nature and significance of collective bargaining are determined primarily by the goals of the planting process rather than the outcome of bargaining between autonomous bodies in the environment of a market which continuously adjust the supply price of labour to be demand.

Industrial relations is one of the key elements in the system of labour administration (Godfrey, 2007), hence an essential predictor of organization success. Akume (2013), observes that sound industrial relations is one in which relationships between management and employees on the one hand, and between them and the State on the other, are more harmonious and cooperative than conflictual. Silva, further maintains that a good industrial relation is one that creates an environment conducive to economic efficiency and the motivation, productivity and development of the employee, and generates employee loyalty and mutual trust. Thus, collective bargaining is central to any industrial relations system since it is a tool through which regulated flexibility is achieved (Godfrey et al., 2017).

Adewole et al. (2010) asserted that frequent eruption of industrial conflicts between employers and employees in general can be effectively managed through collective negotiation and consultation with the workers’ representatives. Collective bargaining has been noted to help promote cooperation and mutual understanding between workers and management by providing a framework for dealing with industrial relations issues without resort to strike and lockouts. Therefore, fair and legal process will result in successful collective bargaining, hence maintenance of industrial discipline and peace and vice-versa (Appah,  2012).

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The need for a conducive work environment, cordial relationship between the three actors in industrial relations (labour, management and the government) and how best to promote and maintain employee job satisfaction and productivity has engaged the attention of the management of both public and pirate organizations. This is because; it is a fact that these variables are very crucial to the survival of every organizational peace. A close look at these variables suggests that Labour – management relations is a crucial factor that may determine or influence the other variables. One basic feature of the components of an organization is varying interests. Every stakeholder in an organization has his/her interest which normally may differ from other stakeholder’s interests. The extent to which these interests are harmonized and satisfied determines the extent to which the organizational climate/environment is conducive for team work and maximum production. These interests are often realized through collective bargaining – an instrument in labour/management relations which allows both management and workers to discuss issues and take joint decisions that will ensure the survival of the organization. It is against this background that the researcher seek to examine the impact of collective bargaining on organizational peace and productivity.

1.3 Research Questions

In the bid to achieving objectives of this study, the researcher seeks to find answers to the following research questions.

  1. Is there any relationship between collective bargaining and industrial peace in Nigeria?
  2. How can one prevent disruptions in industrial peace and collective bargaining in Nigeria?
  3. How can one achieve fair wages and conditions of service in industrial peace and collective bargaining in Nigeria?
  4. Is there need for peace, stability and progress in industrial peace and collective bargaining in Nigeria?

1.4 Objectives of the study

The general objective of this study is to examine the impact of collective bargaining on organizational peace and productivity                

The following are the specific objectives of the study:  

  1. To determine if there is relationship between collective bargaining and industrial peace in Nigeria.
  2. To examine and prevent disruptions in industrial peace and collective bargaining in Nigeria
  3. To discuss fair wages and conditions of service in industrial peace and collective bargaining in Nigeria
  4. To find the need for peace, stability and progress in industrial peace and collective bargaining in Nigeria.
  1. Statement of Hypotheses       

Research hypothesis is the tentative statement about the relationship between one or more variable. It is an intelligent or educated guess work concerning some variables. Hypothesis is a specific testable prediction about what is expected to happen. It comprise of null-non directional (Ho) and alternative directional hypothesis (Hi).


Ho:    There is no relationship between collective bargaining and industrial peace in Nigeria.

Hi:     There is relationship between industrial peace and collective bargaining in Nigeria industries.


Ho:    There is no prevent disruptions in industrial peace and collective bargaining in Nigeria industries

Hi:     There is prevents disruptions in industrial peace and collective bargaining in Nigeria industries.


Ho:    There is no fair wage and condition of service in industrial peace and collective bargaining in Nigeria industries

Hi:     There is fair wage and condition of service in industrial peace and collective bargaining in Nigeria industries.


Ho:    There is no need for peace, stability and progress in industrial peace and collective bargaining in Nigeria.

Hi:     There is need for stability and progress in industrial peace and collective bargaining in Nigeria industries.

  1. Significance of the Study

The importance of collective bargaining as an instrument of securing industrial peace in Nigeria cannot be over emphasized, this is because in every country, there is an organized labour union who fight hard for each power it has to gained, at every point there have been attempt to exclude unions from public sector, yet union have greats powers that affects all aspects of government administration and not just personal administration.

Involvement in wage determination has constituted one area for conflict, the argument has been that wages in the public sector should be non negotiable in that they have direct bearing on the total expenditure and ultimately tax rate.

The tension between managers and their subordinates have always existed and union have been able to capitalized on these problems. Labour union have provided a strong voice for employees for their perspective of line managers few discretionary powers may seem to remain at the same time collective bargaining may be helpful to managers in the agreement spelt out what right and obligations are assigned to each side.

Collective bargaining is seen in it full nature of securing peace in the organization where there is industrial conflict. Collective bargaining teaches general public about the important of academic freedom in this process, collective bargaining enables people working in an organization both private and public to know their right, duties, obligations and it responsibility and also enables them to know the conditions of their work place and their terms of agreement.

  1. Scope of the study

The scope of this research seeks to look at how collective bargaining can be used to secure industrial peace in Nigeria with particular emphasis on Kogi State Polytechnic, Lokoja.

  1. Limitations of the Study

The writing of this project was faced with certain challenges which try to limit the scope of this research work a failure. Any study is not possible without some limitations; some of the limitations are;

One of the major limitations is limited time available in writing this study, though as extensive as possible would have been much broader and there have been more time even though that they did not stop the most relevant areas to be examined.

Another limitation is financial constraints availability of data, complete data delay in collective data from the library when it is under construction, time has also draw completion backward.

  1. Definition of Terms

The following listed below and defined words are technical word that shall be used in the course of this project work.

TRADE UNION: The trade union decree of 1973 defined trade union as any combination of workers or employees whether temporary or permanent with the purpose of which is to regulate the terms and conditions of employment of its members whether the combination in question would or would not apart from this decree be an unlawful combination by reason of every of its purpose be unrestraint of trade and whether its purpose did not include the provision of benefits of its members.

JOINT CONSULTATION: It is the formation of workers participation, where worker and employers come together to discuss issues such as health, welfare, safety efficiency and other matters lying outside general condition of services and rate to pay.

STRIKE: This is where organization withdraw from labour work as a result of disagreement between labour and management. This is one of the powerful weapons used by labour against management.

NEGOTIATION: This is the process of reaching agreement between labour and management by the use of argument, persuasion, compromise to resolved difference in mutually acceptable solution.

MEDIATION: In the event of a failure to reach an agreement with the use of existing voluntary machineries of it non exist in the endeavour to meet together under the presidency of mediator under agreed upon or appointed by them within 7 days of the occurrences of the dispute with a view to finding amicable settlement, it must be noted that the mediator should be versatile in Nigeria labour etc.

INDUSTRIAL COURT: The national industrial court is the highest authority in dispute settlement machinery. It examines. It examines and interprets the decision of the lower machineries and interprets collective agreement.

CONCILIATION: The minister in exercising of his power may appoint a fit person as a conciliator to enquiries into the course and circumstance of the parties and by negotiating with the parties involved endeavour to bring about a settlement, if a settlement is not reached within 14 days. The conciliator should report the fact with a memorandum to the minister.

ARBITRATION: Within 14 days of the receipt by the minister of the conciliator’s report of his ability to settle the dispute, the minister will referred the dispute to the industrial contribution panel (IAP) for arbitration.

LOCK OUT: This is the closing down of a factory temporarily or the refusal  of the employers to continue to employ any number of a person employed by him in consequences of a dispute done with a view to compelling the person or to aid another employer compelling person employed by him to accept terms of employment and physical conditions of work.

OVERTIME BEN: This is a situation where by worker refused to work overtime. This has the tendency to reduce the output and the profit of the organization. It has the tendency to increase the overhead cost of production. However, it is important to note that employee to have something to loose, they lose their overtime pay.


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 SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and
Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY
: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @ https://wa.me/2348055730284

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