Real Estate Marketing
The real estate brokerage business is a strong traditional service agency that conveys market information for facilitating trading of the product (namely, real estate developments) within a highly inefficient market and mechanism (Li and Wang, 2006). Various scholars have examined the subject of real estate marketing (agency) from different perspectives. Pheng and Hoe (1994) examined the important attributes for real estate marketing. The study which was questionnaire-based identified twenty two (22) attributes. It was found in the study that ability to provide good service, good track record, dedication and total commitment, ability to achieve defined results and professionalism in dealings are the top most driving attributes of the agency firms for real estate consultancy. Qualified and experience team, big client base, ability to achieve desired results, dedication and total commitment are rated high as the attributes that influence the developers’ choice of appointing an agent. The study further concluded that consistent with the marketing mix concept for the marketing of services, the developer rates ‘people factor’ as a very important attribute which real estate agency firms should possess. The “people factor” includes the marketing team’s dedication and total commitment, their ability to achieve desired results, their experience and qualifications as well as their professionalism in handling deals.
Jud and Roulac (2001) in their study revealed the features of unethical practices in agency in the forms of multiple listing, disrespect of agency regulation, rise of fee for service pricing. The study revealed that the elements of no-service quality may be because of little or no entry barrier. The proliferation of various marketing strategy can also be attributed to the advent of the internet as posited by Nissen (1995), and Li and Wang (2006), that the roles of a service agent on the internet is classified as that of a watcher agent, learning agent, shopping agent, information retrieval agent and helper agent. However, the aspect of online real estate marketing is a ripe area to explore in Nigeria to identity the challenges confronting the practicing ESVs. Xu et al (2010) put forward a novel approach to describe the changing situations of the Chinese real estate market by means of Chinese Real Estate Confidence Index called CRE index, which is synthetically calculated based on its three sub-indices to reflect the three different aspects. The study served as a generic indicator to reflect changes in the Chinese real estate market, the CRE index provides all stakeholders with a quantitative method to verify history and detect tendency with regard to the progressive development of the market which is influenced by dynamic social and national conditions.
Iroham et al (2011) posit that in real estate agency practice, where the market is fraught with dearth of information, the role of the estate agent cannot be overemphasized particularly in bringing together parties of divergent interest in attaining specific goals. The authors surveyed 159 estate surveying firms and 91 property development companies in the commercial nerve centre of Lagos and indicated that multiple agency is mostly adopted in Nigeria real estate practice. The study consequently advocated for the modification of agency practice to eradicate all inefficiencies by safeguarding the interest of all parties. Munneke and Yayas, (2001) confirmed that the differences among brokerage firms and/or their agents suggest the possibility that some homes sell at premium prices and over a shorter time horizon than is the case with other broker-assisted transactions handled by less skilled or motivated agents. In the research conducted by Ke et al (2008), the performance of an estate agent is attributed to market environment volatility such as market uncertainty, housing market liquidity and house price changes. The study hence concluded that the size of a firm does not determine business performance and that there is need for enhancing, through training, the skills of estate agents in Nigeria per effective service delivery.
Considering the strategies in real estate marketing, it is important to state that marketing is the skill of matching the needs of a buyer with the product of a seller, for a profit. It is true to say that development property used to be a soft-sell product. In the light of this, it is ethical in Nigeria to erect bill board and place an advertisement. Nowadays, however, those marketing property developments are faced increasingly with a highly competitive and discerning market and one that demands better information. The days of certain markets, easy lettings and malleable tenants have gone, and for the foreseeable future they unlikely to retain property as a product has become more difficult to sell and those responsible for selling it require bringing a higher degree of professionalism to the market. (Araloyin and Ojo, 2011). This implies that property service is tasking if an agent is to claim any achievement. In accordance with the codes of conduct of NIESV (2005), the following approaches are allowed in real estate marketing: site or bill boards, direct marketing, press marketing, brochure/bulletin and personal contact ethically.
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